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7 Types of Lipstick According to Needs, Know the Advantages and Disadvantages

7 Types of Lipstick According to Needs, Know the Advantages and Disadvantages (credit: freepik) - Women certainly want to look perfect, one of which is by applying makeup. That's why makeup tools are essential items that must be carried wherever and whenever. One makeup tool that is always available for women is lipstick. Lipstick itself is a makeup tool that can make the face look fresher and more radiant. Not only that, lipstick also has other benefits such as concealing lip imperfections, which can boost self-confidence.

The high demand for lipstick has led to various beauty brands releasing a wide variety of lipstick types. This often confuses you when choosing the right one. This is because you want the best and most suitable result for your lips, right? Therefore, it is important to know the types of lipstick that suit your lips. Not only the color, but you should also understand the texture of the lipstick to ensure comfort when using it. To perfect your appearance, here are a series of lipstick types and their functions that you need to know. Let's take a look at the review.



1. Satin Lipstick

The first type of lipstick is satin lipstick. The texture of this type of lipstick is moist and does not provide full coverage. The characteristic of satin lipstick is usually associated with intense colors. However, when applied to the lips, it will appear soft, thin, and give a little shine. Despite that, this type of lipstick has a disadvantage, which is not long-lasting. Usually, the function of satin lipstick is suitable for those who like to apply Korean-style makeup, because of its soft and thin color.



2. Sheer / Gloss Lipstick

The next type of lipstick is sheer lipstick. This type of lipstick is commonly used to perfect everyday appearance. This type of lipstick tends to have transparent colors, making the face look fresher.

In addition, this lipstick tends to have higher oil content than other types and does not dry out the lips. That's what makes sheer lipstick not long-lasting and you have to apply it more frequently. Usually, sheer lipstick is suitable for any occasion because it has a touch of color with a charming shine.



3. Matte Lipstick

Matte lipstick has become the favorite choice for women to use on a daily basis. When you use matte lipstick, it will give your lips a non-shiny and solid appearance. Generally, women with thick lips are suitable to use this type of lipstick. This is because matte lipstick can conceal thick and wide lips.

This type of lipstick tends to have transparent colors, making the face look fresher. However, the downside of matte lipstick is that it can make your lips dry and cracked.



4. Liquid Lip Cream

Lip cream is highly sought after by women because it is long-lasting. Not only that, lip cream is very comfortable to use. It is easy to differentiate it from other types of lipstick, as lip cream has a liquid form. In addition, lip cream is known to have a high oil content. This is why many people choose this type of lipstick as it can help moisturize the lips, especially for those with dry lips.



5. Lip Liner

Lip liner is one type of lipstick that is in pencil form and widely used by women. The advantage of this type of lipstick is that it can provide a neat and long-lasting lipstick application. Lip pencil, which functions as a lip frame, can make the lips look more beautiful and can give the desired effect. In addition, lip liner can also apply a shade one level above your natural lip color.



6. Frosty Lipstick

Next, the type of lipstick you should know is frosty lipstick. Generally, frosty lipstick has a creamy texture, so when applied to the lips, it will give a frosty nuance. Therefore, this type of lipstick may not always be suitable for everyone. When using this lipstick, it is suitable to be applied during a costume party or apply lip gloss afterwards to make the effect more modern.



7. Creamy Lipstick

Creamy lipstick types are equally adored and chosen by women. It can be said that this creamy lipstick has a perfect texture. This lipstick provides a creamy, smooth, and slightly glossy finish. Creamy lipsticks usually have a high wax content, which can help moisturize the lips. Creamy lipstick is very suitable for you to use when going to the office.

Those are a series of lipstick types based on their functions. Which lipstick type is your favorite?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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