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7 Ways to Create Folders on Android and iPhone, Making Storage More Organized

7 Ways to Create Folders on Android and iPhone, Making Storage More Organized How to Create Folders on Android and iPhone (credit: unsplash) - Currently, the role of a mobile phone (HP) is not only limited to communication tools. Many people use their phones as a storage container for various files and data, ranging from photos to documents. To facilitate searching and accessing stored data, knowing how to create folders on a phone is very important.

A folder itself is a storage container that can organize various files and data into specific groups. The usefulness of this folder is very significant, considering the increasing number and variety of files. By creating folders, users can easily search, sort, and manage various information without having to search among thousands of scattered files.

How interested are you in creating folders on your phone to make storage more organized but still confused about how to do it? It should be noted that each type of phone may have different ways to create storage folders. Well, to find out more clearly, just read the following review:

1. How to Create a Folder on Samsung Phones

The process of creating a storage folder on Samsung phones is very easy. Here is a guide on how to create a folder on Samsung phones:

- First, open the "My Files" application, which is usually found on the home screen or in the app drawer of your Samsung phone.

- Next, choose the storage location such as "Internal Storage" or "SD Card", depending on where you want to create a new folder.

- At the bottom of the screen, look for and tap the "Add" or "Create" option, usually represented by a "+" icon.

- In the additional options, select "Folder" to create a new folder in the chosen storage location.

- After creating the folder, you will be prompted to give it a name. Type a name that is appropriate for the folder's content or leave it blank if you want to use the default name.

- Press the "Done" or "Create" button to complete the folder creation.

- Your new folder will now appear in the selected storage location.

2. How to Create a Folder on Oppo Phones

Not inferior to Samsung, creating a folder on Oppo phones is also a very simple process. Here's how to create a folder on Oppo phones:

- First, open the "File Manager" application on your Oppo phone's home screen. If it's not available, try searching in the app drawer or download it from the Play Store.

- After opening "File Manager", choose the storage location you want to use, such as "Internal Storage" or "SD Card".

- Look for the "Add" or "Create" button usually located at the bottom of the screen. Press that button to continue.

- Select "Folder" to create a new folder in the chosen storage location.

- Type a name for your new folder that will help identify its contents.

- Press the "Finish" or "Create" button to complete the process.

- Your new folder will now appear in the selected storage location.

3. How to Create a Folder on Vivo Phones

Vivo phone users don't need to worry, you can also create a storage folder on your phone very easily. Here's how to create a folder on Vivo phones:

- First, open the "File Manager" application that is already installed on your Vivo phone.

- After opening the "File Manager", select the storage location you want to use, whether it's "Internal Storage" or "SD Card".

- Click the "Add" or "Create" button. Touch this button to continue the process.

- Select the "Folder" option to create a new folder in the selected storage location.

- Type the desired name for your new folder. This name helps identify the contents of the folder.

- After naming it, tap the "Done" or "Create" button to complete the process.

- Your new folder will now appear in the selected storage location.

4. How to Create a Folder on Realme Phones

It doesn't take long to create a storage folder on Realme phones. Here is a guide on how to create a folder on Realme phones:

- First, open the "File Manager" application that is already installed on your Realme phone.

- Next, select the storage location you want to use, such as "Internal Storage" or "SD Card".

- On the "File Manager" screen, find and tap the "Add" or "Create" option to proceed.

- Then, select the "Folder" option to create a new folder in the selected storage location.

- Choose a desired name for your new folder. This name will help identify the contents of the folder.

- After naming it, tap the "Finish" or "Create" button to complete the process.

5. How to Create a Folder on Xiaomi Phones

To create a new storage folder on Xiaomi phones, the process is also very easy and practical. Here's how to create a folder on Xiaomi phones:

- First, open the "File Manager" application, which is usually already on the home screen or can be found in the app drawer.

- After opening the "File Manager", select the appropriate storage location, such as "Internal Storage" or "SD Card".

- Then, find and click on "Add" or "Create" to continue the process.

- Next, select the "Folder" option to create a new folder in the selected storage location.

- Type the desired name for your new folder. This name helps identify the contents of the folder.

- Click "Finish" or "Create": After giving a name, tap the "Finish" or "Create" button to complete the process.

6. How to Create a Folder on Huawei Phones

Not to be outdone by other Android phone brands, Huawei also provides a feature to create easily accessible storage folders. Here's how to create a folder on Huawei phones:

- First, find and open the "File" or "File Manager" app, which is usually located in the app drawer or home screen.

- After opening the "File" app, select the appropriate storage location, such as "Internal Storage" or "SD Card".

- Find and click the "Add" or "Create" option and tap to continue.

- Select the "Folder" option to create a new folder in the chosen storage location.

- Next, give the new folder a desired name. This name helps identify the contents of the folder.

- After naming it, tap the "Done" or "Create" button to complete the process.

7. How to Create a Folder on iPhone

For iPhone users, it turns out that creating storage folders on iPhones is slightly different from on Android phones. Here's how to create a folder on an iPhone:

- On your iPhone's home screen, find the "Files" app, which usually has a blue folder icon with three documents inside. Open this app.

- Select a storage location such as "iCloud Drive" or "On My iPhone", according to your needs.

- At the top right of the screen, find and tap the "Select" option to choose the file or folder you want to put into the new folder.

- After selecting the file or folder, find and tap the "New Folder" option, which is usually located at the bottom of the screen.

- Give the new folder a desired name. This name helps identify the contents of the folder.

- Click "Done" or "Finish" to complete the process. Your new folder will appear in the selected storage location.

Those are some ways to create folders on Android and iPhone devices. Hopefully, they are useful and good luck trying it out!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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