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8 Causes of Low Hemoglobin in the Body Becoming Low Blood Factor - Anemia

8 Causes of Low Hemoglobin in the Body Becoming Low Blood Factor - Anemia Causes of low HB (credit: - Low hemoglobin or HB often causes various specific health problems such as anemia. This condition can occur in anyone with HB levels below the normal limit. Causes of low HB can be experienced due to various triggering factors including medical conditions.

Hemoglobin or HB is a part of red blood cells that is important for overall health. Therefore, the amount of hemoglobin must be maintained within the normal range to prevent various health problems. The amount of HB is further categorized based on age and gender.

In this case, the normal HB level in adult women is usually between 12-15 g/dL. While in adult men, it ranges from 13-17 g/dL. If the HB level is below the normal range, it can trigger specific health problems such as anemia.

However, the causes of low HB are not only due to anemia but also other triggering factors. To understand the causes of low HB in the body, read the following reviews compiled by from various sources.

1. Body Iron Deficiency

The cause of low hemoglobin in the body can be caused by a lack of iron. Iron plays an important role in the process of forming red blood cells or hemoglobin in the body. So when the body lacks iron, it can disrupt the formation of red blood cells or hemoglobin.

In addition, iron deficiency is often associated with health problems such as anemia with various symptoms. Besides playing a vital role in the formation of hemoglobin, iron also functions in the brain's work system to improve concentration and memory.

2. Folate or Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Folate and vitamin B12 are among the essential nutrients needed by the body. Vitamin B12 is known to play an important role in the formation of red blood cells or hemoglobin (HB). Vitamin B12 deficiency is closely related to anemia, which can occur in anyone.

Vitamin B12 can be obtained from various types of food, one of which is found in beef, goat meat, tuna fish, or dairy products. Therefore, meeting the needs of vitamins and essential nutrients should be done as early as possible to prevent certain health disorders such as low hemoglobin.

3. Anemia

The main and most common cause of low HB is usually associated with anemia. Anemia is a health disorder that occurs in the body due to a low number of red blood cells. As a result, the body experiences several symptoms such as headaches, shortness of breath, easy fatigue, or pale skin.

There are various types of anemia that can affect anyone regardless of age. In relation to low HB, one of the types of anemia associated with this condition is sickle cell anemia as reported by This type of anemia causes a person to have abnormal sickle-shaped red blood cells that carry less HB.

4. Excessive Blood Loss

The cause of low HB in the body can also be caused by excessive blood loss. There are various causes for someone to experience excessive blood loss such as injuries, wounds, or surgical factors. In certain conditions, problems with injuries or surgeries can trigger a person to be prone to excessive blood loss. This is what causes low hemoglobin (HB) due to excessive blood loss experienced.

5. Bleeding in the Body

In addition to losing a lot of blood, medical conditions such as bleeding in the body can also trigger someone to have low HB levels. Bleeding in the body can also be referred to as internal bleeding that occurs in several parts of the body such as the stomach, abdomen, or intestines.

According to healthline, internal bleeding can occur due to several health conditions such as stomach ulcers, stomach cancer, colon cancer, and having internal wounds. Consultation and examination can be considered to address the bleeding problem as early as possible.

6. Disorders in the Bone Marrow

Another cause of low HB levels can be triggered by disorders in the bone marrow. As is known, disorders in the bone marrow are often associated with leukemia. Leukemia itself is a type of cancer that attacks blood cells. This condition occurs when the number of these cells develops abnormally. In this case, white blood cell cancer or leukemia can occur when the cells in the bone marrow cannot develop properly. According to, disorders in the bone marrow cause the body to not produce enough red blood cells. As a result, there is a low HB level in the body.

7. Kidney Disease

According to, low hemoglobin or HB levels can be caused by chronic kidney disease. This is because the kidneys, which function as organs to filter toxins and waste in the body, can experience disruptions in certain conditions, which can affect health. In this case, kidney disorders can contribute to low hemoglobin levels. According to, this condition occurs because poorly functioning kidneys cause a deficiency in erythropoietin hormone, which stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

8. Thyroid Disorders

Another cause of low HB levels can be triggered by thyroid gland disorders. This can be felt because the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones, also known as hypothyroidism. Some symptoms that can be experienced when experiencing this disorder include fatigue, dry skin, constipation, weight gain, and brittle nails. Hypothyroidism sufferers are also at risk of developing anemia, which is a cause of low hemoglobin levels.

Those are the 8 causes of low HB levels in the body, which contribute to low blood pressure and anemia. Consultation with a doctor can be considered to obtain appropriate treatment for low hemoglobin or red blood cells.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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