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80 Funny Sundanese Words That Are Hilarious and Make You Laugh, Simple Entertainment to Relieve Stress

80 Funny Sundanese Words That Are Hilarious and Make You Laugh, Simple Entertainment to Relieve Stress Collection of Sundanese words (credit: - Funny words can indeed be the simplest alternative for entertainment during breaks. These words are also suitable as stress relievers, boredom relievers, or when you feel fed up. In addition to calming stressed minds, a number of extremely funny Sundanese words can be used as interesting captions for social media statuses.

There are many references to funny words that are spread across various digital media platforms. One of them is funny Sundanese words that contain funny, hilarious, and silly messages to bring out your sense of humor. These funny words are suitable as references to relieve fatigue and boredom.

Although they are just words, do not doubt their effect in making you burst into laughter when reading references to funny Sundanese sentences. Moreover, funny Sundanese words can also be uploaded through social media to entertain your status.

Therefore, here are some references to extremely funny Sundanese words for entertainment and stress relief. Let's directly take a look at the review of funny Sundanese words below, which has been summarized by from various sources.



1. Funny Sundanese Words That Make You Laugh

The following funny Sundanese words can arouse your sense of humor when you are bored. Because these funny words can make you laugh with silly and entertaining messages. Therefore, you can consider these funny Sundanese words as the simplest entertainment option.

1. "I'm sorry I can't reply to your inbox, I'm sleeping."

2. "I was about to take a bath, but when I looked in the mirror, I still looked sweet, so I just washed my face."

3. "If someone is looking for me, tell them to search for me on Google."

4. "A friend is someone who likes to borrow money but never wants to pay it back."

5. "Don't be arrogant if you can't even ride a motorcycle while holding the handlebar."

6. "Remember, life cannot be instant. If you want everything instant, just make instant noodles."

7. "Your love is fake, it's just like a super high-quality replica."

8. "From now on, I want to eat cement to become strong."

9. "Difficulties should not be brought to bed."

10. "True love is like a new silk fabric soaked for seven days and seven nights. Even though it may look dirty, what matters is that it is clean and pleasant to look at."

11. "My love for you will never fade, even though you are married again."

12. "Be patient, fortune always follows, but sometimes difficulties like to overtake from the left."

13. "Don't prolong the problem, it's not the vehicle registration."

14. "I am a quiet person, even when I'm alone, I rarely talk."





2. Very Funny Sundanese Words That Are Hilarious

A number of very funny Sundanese words below can boost your spirits and mood.These words can also be a choice to fill your free time with friends amidst daily activities.Let's check out the references about very funny and hilarious Sundanese words below.

15. "Nowadays, don't believe in profile pictures on social media, there are many lies.Only the ID card photo is the most honest so far."

16. "Ah, today I don't update my Facebook status because there will be many comments."

17. "Those who haven't updated their status about heavy rain, hurry up before it stops."

18. "Still smiling even though the heart is sad is a characteristic of a great person, strong and has many pimples."

19. "Life shouldn't be too demanding, especially if you still ask your parents."

20. "I am patient because I have a heart. Try being patient if you have a stone. Once the stone is thrown, it will hit you."

(Note: The translation is provided while preserving the HTML tags.) Try if I have a stone. I will hit the stone on your face)

21. "Nyaahna aa ka neg teh jiga tukang bank keur nagih hutang (hayoh mumuntil)."

(My love for you is like a debt collector from a bank, always following)

22. "Bobogohan jeung sia mah kalah matak rujad dompet."

(Being in a relationship with you is like damaging my wallet)

23. "Kuring jomblo lain pedah teu payu, tapi keur golput.Sabab can aya piliheun nu pas."

(I'm single not because I'm not wanted, but I'm still undecided. Because there is no suitable choice)

24. "Wanita lebih memilih laki-laki goreng patut daripada laki-laki goreng milik."

(Women prefer men with ugly faces rather than men with bad fortune)

25. "Bro, ari sia ngomong teh baleg, bisi ditamasan ku coca-cola geura ku aing."

(Bro, if you speak the truth, I will wash your face with coca-cola)

26. "Tong nanya iraha kawin, engkeh gek apal lamun abdi ngulem."

(Don't ask when I will get married, you'll know when I invite you)

27. "Ceuk Umi kudu loba sabar, ulah loba salto."

(Umi said you should be patient, don't do too many somersaults)





3. Very Funny Sundanese Words for Social Media Captions

Funny words can be a choice for updating unique and interesting status on social media. Especially if you use funny Sundanese words to entertain other users on social media. Here are some references for funny Sundanese words for captions on social media.

28. "Hampura pulsa maneh teu mahi keur ningali foto uing."

(Sorry, your credit is not enough to see my photo)

29. "Ulah ngarasa nalangsa kusabab ngarasa sorangan.Tingali bulan, anjeunna oge sorangan nanging anggeur katémbong masihan cahyana."

(Don't feel sad because you feel alone. Look at the moon, it is also alone but still gives its light)

30. "Hirup mah ulah loda gaya tapi kudu loba duit."

(Life is not about showing off but must have a lot of money)

31. "Bobot pangayun timbang taraju."

(What we are going to do must be considered first)

32. "Nu ngarana hirup mah loba cobaan.Mun loba saweran eta ngarana dangdutan."

(Life is full of trials. If there are a lot of donations, it's called dangdutan)

33. "Aya kahayang bari jeung dibarengan ku usaha mah sarua jeungg ngabodor."

(Having a desire without effort is the same as joking)

34. "Tong sok ngaulinkeun hate aing atuh euy da lain cocooan atuh."

(Don't play with my heart, my heart is not a toy)

35. "Lamun ngobrol sing ngareunaheun atuh lah bisi di tamasak ku oli gera."

(If you want to have a good conversation, I'll wash your face with oil later)

36. "Ulah patah semangat usaha teh, inget cicileun masih panyang."

(Don't lose spirit in your efforts, remember the installments are still long)

37. "Hatiku bukanlah sangu sesa yang bisa kau remehkan."

(My heart is not leftover rice that you can underestimate)

38. "CLBK = Coba Lamun Boga Kabogoh."

(CLBK = Try if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend)

39. "Urang tanpamu bagaikan sangu koneng leungit karetna, ambyar."

(Me without you is like yellow rice without its turmeric, ruined)





4. Very Funny Sundanese Words to Relieve Fatigue and Stress

The following funny Sundanese words can help you eliminate fatigue and stress. These words can also be sent to your loved ones as interesting entertainment. Let's take a look at the review of these funny Sundanese words that can relieve fatigue and stress.

40. "Ek sakumaha wae beuratna pagawean, bakalan hampang lamun henteu dipigawean."

(No matter how heavy the work is, it will feel light if it's not done)

41. "Semoga kamu cepet putus sama kabogoh kamu yang mukanya ledug kaya keresek gehu yang sararoek itu."

(Hopefully you will break up soon with your girlfriend who has a face like a torn plastic bag)

42. "Mending lila ngajomblo tuluy kawing.Daripada lila bobogahan, tapi dikawin batur."

(It's better to stay single and get married. Rather than being in a long relationship, but getting married to someone else)

43. "Hirup itu harus loba seuri, iar kalihatannya teh bagja alias senang.Meskipun mah hate keur notog titajong boleksek."

(Life should be filled with laughter to appear happy. Even though the heart is in turmoil)

44. "Lamun hirup ulah lempeng-lempeng teuing meni jiga jidar."

(Don't live too rigidly like a ruler)

.45 "Hese ari bogoh kanu teu bogoh mah. Siga meuli rokok sabatang ka Indomaret, moal di waro."

(It's difficult when you like someone who doesn't like you. It's like buying a cigarette from Indomaret, but it's ignored)

46. "Ngopi heula atuh lur ngameh ngaburicak matana."

(Have coffee first, so your eyes will be awake)

47. "Mun aya nanaon di Bandung, bejakeun weh minantuna Kang Bahar, kituh."

(If there's anything in Bandung, just say that you're Kang Bahar's in-law, like that)

48. "Ari maneh jelema atawa kalkulator?Meni henteu menang salah."

(Are you a person or a calculator? Don't make mistakes)

49. "Nginjem kabogoh lah sapoe we atuh, hayang malam mingguan."

(Borrow a boyfriend for a day, want to have a weekend night)

50. "Tetap menawan senajan ulin kaditu, ulin kadieu tanpa pasangan."

(Stay charming even if you go here and there without a partner)

51. "Ngahaja teu mandi, biar terlihat cantik alami."

(Intentionally not taking a shower, to look naturally beautiful)

52. "Hidup ini simpel, jangan dibuat pagujudmuringkel jiga bulu kelek."

(Life is simple, don't make it complicated and curly like armpit hair)





5. Very Funny Sundanese Words for Entertainment

Not only relieve stress, these funny Sundanese words can also be your entertainment. Suitable to read when you're bored. Entertaining yourself by laughing can make your day more meaningful.

53. "Bisa teh karena biasa, urang moal bisa ngangeuskeun masalah lamun teu biasa keuna masalah."

(We can solve problems because we are used to it, we won't be able to solve problems if we are not used to it.)

54. "Jadi pamuda ulah sok meok samemeh di pacok."

(So young people, don't give up before fighting.)

55. "Ulah sok ngomongkeun lamun teu bisa nyieun nu leuwih alus mah."

(Don't talk a lot if you can't make something better.)

56. "Terkadang pami cinta geus melekat, ati ucing oge karasa nikmat siga coklat."

(Sometimes when love is attached, even cat's poop feels like delicious chocolate.)

57. "Kenangan endah keur babarengan jeung anjeun ek tuluy diinget-inget nepi ka poho."

(Beautiful memories when together with you will always be remembered until forgotten.)

58. "Teu kengking diganggu, nuju teu damang.Nyuhunkeun doanya saja sing enggal damang sareng hoyong di tenggok sabari dicecepan artos."

(Don't disturb, I'm sick. Just ask for prayers to get well soon and want to be visited while being given money.)

59. "Lamun indit sakola kabeurangan terus ditanya ku guru 'kunaon ai maneh kabeurangan?' Bejakeun weh: 'lalakon mah datangna pandeuri.'"

(If you go to school late and the teacher asks: 'why are you late?' Just answer: 'heroes always come late everywhere.')

60. "Mun boga kabogoh babari ambek, tangkeup tuluy ceulina harewosan: Ari sia turunan Angry Birds."

(If you have a quick-tempered girlfriend, just hug her and whisper in her ear: 'You are a descendant of Angry Birds.')

61. "Ayeuna uing keur teu hayang ngomong jeung api-api poho ingetan."

(Now I don't want to talk and pretend to have amnesia.)

62. "Maneh mah sedih mun maca buku novel tragedi, kuring mah sedih mun maca buku tabungan."

(You feel sad when reading a tragic novel, while I feel sad when reading a savings book.)

63. "Moal ceurik ku cinta, kalem weh da kuring mah incu Betmen."

(I won't cry because of love, don't worry because I'm Batman's grandson.)

64. "Sakumaha berat na pagawean, bakal lewih hampang lamun teu di gawean."

(No matter how heavy the work is, it will feel lighter if it's not done.)

65. "Sateuacan masihan nasehat dina cariosan salira, pasihan maranehanana nasehat ku sikep salira."

(Before giving advice with your words, give them advice through your actions.)

66. "Saban masalah anu dongkap ayeuna, sanes kanggo ngalabuhkeun, nanging kanggo nguji sabaraha kuat salira tiasa nahana."

(Every problem that comes now, is not to bring you down, but to test how strong you can endure it.)

67. "Hirupmah heuheuy jeung deudeuh, lamun teu heuheuy nya deudeuh."

(Life is between happiness and sadness, if not happy then sad.)

68. "Entong sakali-kali nyerah lamun salira rumaos masih keneh aya rasa sanggup!"

(Never give up if you still feel capable!)

69. "Urang miskin lain sabot teu ngagaduhan harta, nanging sabot urang atos kaleungitan mikacinta tina keluargi."

(Poor people are not those who don't have wealth, but those who have lost love from their family.)

70. "Mun teu ngopek moal nyapek, mun teu ngakal moal ngakeul, mun teu ngarah moal ngarih."

(To become capable, we must keep searching and learning about it.)

71. "Kudu silih asih, silih asah jeung silih asuh."

(We must love, advise, and nurture each other.)

72. "Terkadang pami cinta geus melekat, tai ucing oge karasa nikmat siga cokelat."

(Sometimes when love is attached, cat's poop also feels like delicious chocolate.)

73. "Gagalna mangrupikeun konci pikeun kasuksésan sareng unggal kasalahanna ngajarkeun urang pangaweruh."

(Failure is the key to success. Every mistake teaches us something.)

74. "Gusti bakal nyayogikeun jalan pikeun anu hoyong nuturkeun jalurna."

(God will provide a path for those who want to follow His path.)

75. "Se'acan urang ngeluh kana ka-emaman anu bade ku urang tuang, cobi pikirkeun ka marenehana, jalmi-jalmi anu henteu pernah boga kadaharan pikeun di tuang."

(Before we complain about what we eat, let's take a moment to imagine people who don't have any food at all.)

76. "Sagala masalah nu dongkap ayeuna, sanes kanggo ngalabuhkeun anjen, nanging eta kanggo nguji sabaraha kuat anjen tiasa nahana."

(All problems that come today, are not to bring you down, but to test how strong you can endure them.)

77. "Ulah ngarasa nalangsa kusabab ngarasa sorangan.Tingali bulan, anjeunna ogé sorangan nanging anggeur katembong masihan cahyana."

(Don't feel sad because you feel alone. Look at the moon, it's also alone but still shines its light.) See the moon, it is also alone but still gives its light.)

78. "Cai karacak ninggang batu laun laun jadi dekok."

(Must have determination and unwavering spirit.)

79. "Ai maneh, ngapload foto sakitu lobana tapi beungeutna kitu-kitu keneh.Biar apa?"

(You, uploading so many photos but your face looks the same. What's the point?)

80. "Sadayana gaduh kaendahan, tapi teu sadaya jelema tiasa ningali."

(Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it.)

That's funny Sundanese words that make you laugh, simple entertainment to relieve stress. The funny Sundanese words above can be an option for you to eliminate boredom during your free time.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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