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9 Delicious and Practical Homemade Green Bean Recipes

9 Delicious and Practical Homemade Green Bean Recipes Illustration (credit: - There are various processed green beans that can be practiced at home, starting from stir-frying, soup, and even frying. The way to process it is considered very easy and not complicated. It's no wonder that green beans are often the mainstay of housewives' cooking.

Green beans are one of the types of food ingredients that are quite easy to process in various ways, from stir-frying, soup, and frying. In addition to the easy processing, green beans are also suitable to be combined with various ingredients such as meat, seafood, or tofu and tempeh. It's no wonder that almost all food stalls or restaurants include green beans in their menu list.

In addition, green beans are generally cooked for a short time to maintain their nutrition and crisp texture. Not only as a main course, green beans can also be a side dish, one of which is steak.

That is why you can make various processed green beans as a suitable choice to enjoy with your family at home. The delicious and practical recipes for homemade green beans can be found in the following review. Here are the recipes for processed green beans that have been summarized by from various sources.


1. Stir-fried Baby Green Beans with Jambal

Stir-frying is a common way to cook green beans. You can also make stir-fried green beans using the recipe below. Here is the recipe for jambal green beans.


- 200 grams of baby green beans.

- 50 grams of salted jambal fish, soaked in hot water for 10 minutes.

- Salt, sugar, and pepper to taste.

- 1 tsp of soy sauce.


- 5 shallots.

- 3 garlic cloves.

- 7 curly red chilies.

- 1 large red chili.


- First, wash the baby green beans thoroughly and soak them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then lift and drain.

- Then, wash the jambal fish and dice it, fry until cooked, then lift and drain.

- Stir-fry the roughly crushed seasoning until fragrant, then add the baby green beans and fried jambal fish.

- Add salt, pepper, sugar, mix well, and adjust the taste.

- Lift and the stir-fried baby green beans are ready to be served.


2. Crispy Green Bean Dish

Not only can it be cooked with stir-fry or soup, but green beans can also be fried as in the recipe below. The way to make it is very easy and practical. Just follow the recipe for crispy green bean dish.

The ingredients:

- 250 grams of green beans, cut into 2 or 3 pieces.

- 4 tablespoons of flour.

- 2 tablespoons of rice flour.

- 1 tablespoon of cornstarch.

- 1 clove of garlic, mashed.

- 1/4 teaspoon of coriander powder.

- 1/4 teaspoon of pepper powder.

- 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

The way to make it:

- First, mix and stir all the ingredients except the green beans.

- Add enough water, then dip the green beans into the batter.

- Then fry the green beans that have been coated with flour batter until cooked.

- Lift and drain.

- Crispy green beans are ready to be served.


3. Stir-Fried Green Beans with Meatballs

The following green bean dish can be combined with meatballs to make it even more delicious. You can add fish meatballs, beef meatballs, or chicken meatballs. The recipe for the green bean dish is as follows.

The ingredients:

- 250 grams of green beans, diagonally sliced.

- 5 beef meatballs, thinly sliced.

- 3 fish meatballs, thinly sliced.

- 5 shallots, sliced.

- 3 garlic cloves, sliced.

- 5 red chili peppers, diagonally sliced.

- 2 curly red chili peppers, diagonally sliced.

- Salt, sugar, and seasoning to taste.

The instructions:

- First, sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant, then add the red chili peppers and curly red chili peppers.

- Add the fish and beef meatballs, then add a little water.

- Add the green beans, then add salt, sugar, and seasoning. Adjust the taste.

- Remove from heat, and the stir-fried green beans with meatballs are ready to be served.


4. Sour Bean Vegetable

The next dish made from beans is sour bean vegetable that you can combine with various ingredients such as tofu or meat. The ingredients for sour bean vegetable are as follows.

The ingredients:

- 250 grams of beans, cut into 2 cm pieces.

- 1 box of tofu, diced and fried.

- 5 starfruits, sliced.

- A little tamarind.

- 2 bay leaves.

- 1 lemongrass.

- 1 thumb-sized galangal, crushed.

- 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce.

- 4-5 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce, according to taste.

- Sufficient amount of water.

- Salt and sugar to taste.

The sliced seasoning ingredients:

- 10 shallots.

- 5 cloves of garlic.

- 6 large red chilies.

- 3 large green chilies.

How to make it:

- First sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant, then add the red chilies, green chilies, bay leaves, lemongrass, and galangal.

- Add oyster sauce and a little water.

- Add tofu, sweet soy sauce, salt, sugar, starfruits, tamarind, and adjust the taste.

- Cook until the seasoning is absorbed by the tofu.

- Then add the beans, cook until tender, and adjust the taste.

- Remove from heat and the sour bean vegetable is ready to be served.


5. Green Chili String Bean Curry

One string bean dish that you can try with a tantalizing recipe is green chili string bean curry. The recipe for green chili string bean curry can be found in the review below.


- Sufficient amount of string beans, cut in half lengthwise.

- Green chili, cut in half lengthwise.

- Curry seasoning.

- Thick coconut milk.

- Sufficient amount of sugar and salt.


- First, sauté the seasoning until fragrant.

- Then add a little water, put in the string beans and green chili.

- Add sugar, salt, and mix well.

- Cook until the water starts to reduce.

- Add sufficient amount of coconut milk, stir briefly.

- Remove from heat and the green chili string bean curry is ready to be served.


6. Tempeh String Beans

Combining tempeh with string beans is often added to every string bean dish. One of them is the recipe for tempeh string beans below, which is so tantalizing and practical. The recipe for tempeh string beans can be found in the following review.


- 150 grams of string beans, diagonally sliced.

- 1 block of tempeh, cut into pieces and fried.

- 4 cloves of shallots, sliced.

- 2 cloves of garlic, sliced.

- 2 red chilies, sliced.

- Sufficient amount of water.

- Oil for sautéing.

Seasoning ingredients:

- Sweet soy sauce.

- Chicken broth powder.

- Mushroom broth powder.

- A pinch of salt.


- First, sauté the shallots, garlic, and chilies until wilted.

- Then add the string beans and mix well.

- Add the tempeh and mix again until well combined.

- Pour in sufficient amount of water, then add the seasonings according to taste.

- Adjust the taste, sauté until cooked.

- Remove from heat and the tempeh string beans are ready to be served.


7. Pancake Buncis

Who would have thought that green beans could also be processed into pancake recipes like the review below. The green bean dish below can be tried at home with a dish that is not boring and appetizing.

The ingredients:

- 5 pieces of green beans, thinly sliced diagonally.

- 3 eggs.

- 3 pieces of red chili, thinly sliced.

- 3 cloves of shallots, thinly sliced.

- 1 clove of garlic, thinly sliced.

- Salt, pepper, English soy sauce powder to taste.

- Oil for frying.

How to make it:

- First, sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant, then add the red chili and sauté briefly.

- Add the green beans, sauté again until half cooked.

- Add salt, pepper, soy sauce powder, English soy sauce, taste correction.

- Beat the eggs, then add them to the sautéed green beans, stir well.

- Fry the eggs one by one until cooked and form a pancake.

- Remove and the green bean pancake is ready to be served.


8. Green Beans with Garlic Sauce

Combined only with garlic sauce, the following processed green beans are so appetizing. The recipe for garlic sauce processed green beans can be found in the review below.

The ingredients:

- 15 young green bean stalks.

- 2 large cloves of garlic, finely chopped.

- 2 red bird's eye chilies, finely sliced.

- Salt, sugar, and pepper to taste.

- 1 teaspoon oyster sauce.

- 1 tablespoon oil.

- 30 ml water.

How to make it:

- First, boil water and add salt and sugar.

- Then add the green beans, cook briefly until wilted.

- Then arrange on a serving plate.

- Sauté the garlic until fragrant, then add the chilies, add water, sugar, salt, pepper, and oyster sauce, cook until boiling.

- Then pour the garlic sauce over the green beans.

- Green beans with garlic sauce are ready to be served.


9. Scrambled Eggs with Green Beans

One of the dishes made from green beans that is often served as a home-cooked menu is scrambled eggs with green beans. The recipe is quite easy and practical as described below. Just take a look at the following references regarding processed green beans.

The ingredients:

- 150 grams of green beans.

- 1 small-sized carrot.

- 1 egg.

- 50 ml of water.

- Enough cooking oil for sautéing.

- 3 cloves of shallots, finely sliced.

- 1 clove of garlic, crushed and finely chopped.

- 1 bay leaf, torn into two pieces.

- 1 tsp of oyster sauce.

- Enough salt, granulated sugar, and powdered broth.

The steps to make it:

- First, wash the green beans and carrot thoroughly, then cut them according to your preference.

- Scramble the egg, set aside.

- Sauté the shallots and garlic, then add the bay leaf, sauté until fragrant.

- Then add the carrot and green beans, add water and cook until half cooked.

- Add salt, granulated sugar, powdered broth, and oyster sauce, stir well.

- Add the scrambled eggs, stir well.

- Cook until done, adjust the taste.

- Remove from heat and the scrambled eggs with green beans are ready to be served.

Those are 9 delicious home-cooked recipes using green beans. You can try the recipe above as a mouth-watering dish. In addition, the method of making it is guaranteed to be the most practical.




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