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9 Most Popular Apple Varieties that are Easy to Find, Have You Tried Them?

9 Most Popular Apple Varieties that are Easy to Find, Have You Tried Them? (credit: freepik) - Apples are one of the most popular fruits in Indonesia. Its crispy, juicy, and refreshing texture is very enjoyable when consumed. In addition, apples are also fruits that contain many nutrients and are easily found in the market at an affordable price. Generally, apples have a red color on their skin when ripe and white flesh. Besides red, apple skin can also be green and yellow. The flesh of the apple tastes sweet and there are several seeds inside.

Although, at first glance, apple trees have a similar shape. However, the fruits produced certainly have differences. Not only from their physical shape, but the taste and texture of each type of apple are also different. Well, to increase your knowledge about apples, it doesn't hurt to know the types of apples along with their taste and characteristics. Curious? Check out the following review.



1. Manalagi Apple

Have you tasted the freshness of Manalagi apples? This type of apple has a greenish-yellow color even when ripe. The shape of the Manalagi apple is elongated, with indented base and tip. This type of apple has distinct, smooth, and loose skin pores. The taste of this apple is refreshing and has a strong aroma. This plant originates from the Caucasus Mountains in Western Asia and Eastern Europe. However, the Manalagi apple comes from the village of Gandon, Batu District, Malang, which is the center of apple production in Indonesia.



2. Cherry Apple

As the name suggests, cherry apples are known to be the smallest among other apple varieties. It's no wonder that this type of apple is called cherry apple. The taste of this fruit can range from sweet to sour, depending on the variety. The characteristic of cherry apples is their crispy texture when eaten directly. It is the freshness of cherry apples that makes them sought after by many enthusiasts.



3. Fuji Apple

For some people, they must have tasted this type of apple before. Yes, Fuji apple is quite popular and easy to find in the market. It is known that this type of apple is grown by Japanese farmers and then sold in the United States market. Fuji apple has a sweet and slightly sour taste with a crisp and hard texture. Fuji apple also has dense flesh, making it long-lasting.



4. Anna Apple

Next, the type of apple you need to know is the Anna apple. This apple is one of the favorite apples from Batu, Malang. Its shape and color are similar to imported apples. The skin color of Anna apple is dark red when it is ripe and can be evenly distributed. While it is still young, it is green and then turns greenish-yellow with a hint of red as it ages. This skin color is one of the attractions of Anna apple.



5. Gala Apple

Next, the type of apple you need to know is the Gala apple. It is known that this apple originated from New Zealand and is a cross between the kids apple and the golden delicious apple. The distinctive feature of this apple is its round shape and reddish-orange color with a hint of yellow. When eaten, the Gala apple has a firm texture and juicy fruit. In addition, the taste of this apple is sweet and sharp in aroma.



6. Granny Smith Apple

Next type of apple is the Granny Smith apple. It is known that this apple originated from Australia. This apple has the characteristic of yellow skin, slightly firm and juicy flesh, and the size of the Granny Smith apple is quite large with a conical shape. The taste of this fruit is slightly sour and very refreshing.



7. Golden Delicious Apple

Golden Delicious apple is a type of apple that originates from America and is widely grown in the world. This apple has a fairly large size with greenish-yellow skin. Meanwhile, the seeds of this apple are somewhat round and blunt. The characteristic of this type of apple is that it has a fragrant aroma and a sweet-tart taste. This apple is delicious to eat when fresh, made into pies, and apple sauce.



8. McIntosh Apple

McIntosh apple is also a popular type of apple that is easy to find. This apple, which originates from Canada, John McIntosh, can be found and grown well in Indonesia. The characteristic of this fruit is that it has a dark red color but there are uneven green spots on this type of apple. In addition, McIntosh apple also has a sweet, crispy texture with a high water content.



9. Cameo Apple

The cameo apple is known to originate from the state of Washington. Nevertheless, this apple is already very popular worldwide. The characteristic of the cameo apple is that it has a crispy and juicy texture, with a sweet taste combined with a slightly sour taste. The cameo apple has red and yellow skin color. This variety is very delicious when eaten directly without being processed.

Those are a series of the most popular and easily found apple varieties. Which apple variety have you not tried yet?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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