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9 Ways to Naturally Remove Calluses on Feet and Hands, Without Fear of Irritation

9 Ways to Naturally Remove Calluses on Feet and Hands, Without Fear of Irritation Illustration (credit: freepik) - Calluses are conditions in which the skin becomes hardened and thickened. Usually, calluses appear on the palms, fingertips, feet, elbows, or knees. The cause of calluses is excessive pressure or friction. Although they do not cause pain, calluses are considered to be disturbing to one's appearance.

If the area with calluses is touched, it will feel thick and make the skin color pale. So, how to deal with calluses? One way you can do is by scraping the thickened skin surface.

Now, basically, removing calluses is not complicated. Calluses can also disappear on their own when the skin is no longer subjected to excessive friction or pressure. No need to worry, because calluses can be removed using natural and easy methods. Instead of being curious, check out the following review.

1. Pineapple

Who would have thought that pineapple has benefits as a way to remove calluses. This fruit with a sweet and sour taste contains enzymes that can lift dead skin cells. These enzymes are also believed to be able to treat calluses, especially those found in young pineapples.

The usage is quite easy. You just need to rub young pineapple on the calloused skin. Do it evenly and repeatedly. Once done, you can rinse with cold water. To get maximum results, it is recommended to do this method regularly until the calluses completely disappear.



2. Baking Soda

There is no doubt about the benefits of baking soda for skin care, one of which is as a way to remove calluses. This is because baking soda is an alternative to peeling cream.

To get the benefits, mix 2 tablespoons of water with enough baking soda, stir the two ingredients until it becomes a paste. Then, add a few drops of lime juice. After that, apply the paste to the calloused skin area, and cover it with socks, gloves, or gauze bandages. Do it every night regularly until the calluses on your feet or hands disappear.



3. Soaking in Warm Water

The easy way to get rid of calluses is by soaking the calloused skin in warm water. You can try soaking your feet or hands that have calluses in warm water for approximately 10 minutes. Soaking your feet in warm water can soften the calloused skin. Therefore, you will find it easier to scrub or remove the hard skin.



4. Pumice Stone

Pumice stone is not unfamiliar as one of the tools used to remove dirt from the skin. Not only that, pumice stone can also be used to get rid of calluses. The method is to soak the calloused skin in warm water for 5-10 minutes.

Afterwards, you can use the pumice stone to remove dead skin cells. Rub the pumice stone in sideways or circular motions. To completely remove the calluses, you can try this method for several days.



5. Garlic and Vinegar

Garlic and apple cider vinegar are a powerful combination for removing calluses. To do this, crush the garlic and mix it with vinegar. Stir the two ingredients and place them on the affected area exposed to sunlight. Then, before going to bed, apply this liquid to your callused skin. This will soften and gradually remove the calluses.



6. Castor Oil

Castor oil contains natural moisturizing properties that can help treat calluses. The method for removing calluses using castor oil is to prepare warm water. Then, add five tablespoons of castor oil. Soak the callused skin in this mixture for 20 minutes. Once the skin has softened, carefully peel off the calluses.



7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar does indeed have extraordinary benefits for the skin, including as a natural way to remove calluses. Apple cider vinegar is also known as a cleaning agent, just like baking soda and salt. Not only can it eliminate acne, it turns out that apple cider vinegar can also remove calluses.

Apple cider vinegar is also believed to smooth rough and hard skin caused by calluses. The way to do it is quite easy. Take a cotton ball and wet it with apple cider vinegar. Then compress it on the callused skin. Leave it overnight and rinse it off the next day.



8. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt can also effectively remove calluses. This product, also known as magnesium sulfate, is formed from chemical compounds that contain magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen.

The way to use it to treat calluses is by dissolving 2-3 tablespoons of Epsom salt in warm water. After that, you can directly use it to soak the callused skin.



9. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil or commonly known as tea tree oil can also treat calluses. In addition, tea tree oil contains natural antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal ingredients.

The way to treat calluses using tea tree oil is by mixing a few drops of tea tree oil into a container filled with warm water. You can do this for 15 minutes. Tea tree oil is quite strong and can damage the skin if used directly for a long time. With that, the calluses will gradually disappear.

Those are some natural ways to remove calluses that you can directly practice. Good luck and hope it's useful.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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