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10 Causes of Asthma and Trigger Factors, Recognize as Early as Possible!

10 Causes of Asthma and Trigger Factors, Recognize as Early as Possible! Causes of asthma (credit: - Asthma is a respiratory disease that easily flares up in certain situations and conditions. The cause of asthma can occur due to various factors, including triggering factors that many people are not aware of. Symptoms of asthma can be easily recognized, such as chest pain, coughing, and shortness of breath or wheezing.

A person can suffer from asthma when there is narrowing and inflammation of the respiratory tract, causing difficulty in breathing. This condition can be experienced by anyone regardless of age. Asthma is prone to flare up in certain situations, causing the sufferer to experience main symptoms such as shortness of breath or wheezing.

This condition is triggered by a narrowing or swelling of the respiratory tract, resulting in excessive mucus production. This is what causes a person with asthma to experience shortness of breath. Asthma can occur at any time, ranging from mild to severe.

When asthma attacks, this condition can disrupt daily activities due to accompanying symptoms. That is why it is important to understand the causes of asthma and its triggering factors in order to prevent this respiratory disease.

So what are the causes of asthma and its triggering factors?

The causes of asthma and its triggering factors are summarized in the following points. Here are the causes of asthma and its triggering factors that you can recognize as early as possible, compiled from various sources.


1. Asthma Causes Can Be Triggered by Food

The first cause of asthma and its trigger factors can occur due to food. As is known, certain foods are vulnerable to several diseases, one of which is asthma. This condition can be said to be an allergic reaction to food that can cause certain reactions. Especially if you have a food allergy and have a history of asthma, this condition may cause quite serious symptoms.

Some common types of foods that commonly cause allergies are eggs, milk, nuts, wheat, soy, fish, shrimp, and so on. In addition, some food preservatives can also trigger asthma, especially sulfite additives, sodium bisulfite, or potassium bisulfite, as reported by


2. Experiencing Allergies

The next cause of asthma can occur due to allergic factors. Previously, allergies could be experienced by some people due to food, and allergies related to asthma can also come from certain substances. Among the allergies that can trigger asthma are pollen, tree pollen, grass, mushrooms, star fur, dust, and cockroach droppings.

According to, cockroach droppings are known to be the main cause of asthma in childhood. Consultation and further examination are important to treat recurring asthma. In addition, avoiding certain types of objects or things that cause asthma due to allergies can be done to prevent asthma.


3. Heavy Exercise

The cause of asthma can occur due to heavy exercise. As we know, although physical activity such as exercise is very important for the body, in certain situations, exercise can actually trigger asthma. Yes, for asthma sufferers, it is usually recommended not to engage in heavy physical activities that can cause asthma to recur.

Because when doing heavy exercise, the airways can narrow, causing asthma to easily recur. As a result, symptoms such as shortness of breath and coughing can be felt. These symptoms will disappear in about 1 hour. Although most people with a history of asthma can experience a relapse within 6 to 10 hours.


4. Problems with the Stomach

The causes of asthma and triggering factors can also be experienced by some people due to stomach disorders. In this case, asthma is related to gastric disease or GERD that causes several symptoms. This condition can occur because when stomach acid increases, the acid will reach the airway, irritate and cause inflammation, triggering asthma as reported by


5. Smoking Activity

Smoking activity can also be a cause of easily recurring asthma in some people. Asthma is more likely to occur in those who frequently engage in smoking habits. Some symptoms that can arise due to smoking and asthma include coughing and serious shortness of breath.

In addition, the harmful effects of smoking can also affect the lung function of a baby in the mother during pregnancy. Babies whose mothers are classified as smokers are potentially susceptible to lung problems as reported by


6. Respiratory Tract Infection

The cause of asthma can also be due to an infection in the respiratory tract. One of them is experiencing sinusitis which is related to inflammation in the sinus walls. Especially if there is a history of asthma, this condition can also trigger asthma attacks and affect the airways associated with asthma. Further consultation and examination are needed to overcome asthma caused by respiratory tract infection or sinusitis.


7. Experiencing Flu

Some infections can also cause asthma attacks, such as the flu. This infection is caused by bacteria or viruses that attack the body and cause asthma. This condition is usually more susceptible to children who may experience upper respiratory tract infections that lead to asthma. In adults, the cause of asthma due to viral and bacterial infections is in the range of 20 percent to 70 percent, as reported by


8. Side Effects of Certain Medications

The cause of asthma can also be due to the side effects of certain medications. Certain types of drugs are known to trigger asthma attacks, especially in those who have a history of asthma. Some of these medications include ibuprofen, naproxen, and beta blockers. Consultation with a doctor is necessary before taking these medications, especially if you have a history of asthma.


9. Cold Air

The cause of asthma and asthma triggers can also be experienced by some people due to air conditions. One of them is cold and humid air. Such air conditions can trigger asthma attacks, especially in people with a history of asthma. Therefore, make sure to prepare various measures to keep the body warm and avoid being in locations with cold air and humid rooms.


10. Emotional Factors

Asthma is also associated with a person's emotional state. Where the cause of asthma can be caused by a body condition experiencing stress. Some emotions related to asthma include feelings of fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, and even depression can make someone susceptible to asthma attacks.

Well, those are the 10 causes of asthma and their triggering factors, recognize them as early as possible. Some of the causes of asthma mentioned above can be avoided to prevent asthma attacks. Consultation and examination with a healthcare professional are needed to get appropriate treatment for asthma.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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