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Tempo is an Important Element in Music, Understand the Types and How to Calculate It

Tempo is an Important Element in Music, Understand the Types and How to Calculate It Illustration (credit: freepik) - Music that sounds beautiful and melodious actually has several elements in it. One of the most important elements in music is tempo. Tempo is generally the count of beats or the indication of the fast and slow of a song. Therefore, the presence of tempo will greatly affect the beauty of a song.

Tempo is closely related to the speed measurement of the rhythm of a song. This means that the larger the tempo, the faster a song is played. For those who are involved in the field of music, the term tempo is certainly not unfamiliar.

However, it is certainly different for laypeople who are merely music enthusiasts. Not many people know that tempo is an element in music that actually has many types. What are they? Summarized from various sources, here is a review of tempo, which is one of the important elements in music.


1. The Definition of Tempo

Tempo is one of the most important aspects in music. Tempo determines how fast or slow a song is sung or played. The speed of a song can be measured using a tool called a metronome maelzel (M.M). Meanwhile, the measurement of tempo is called beat or rhythm. Generally, tempo in a song is divided into three categories: fast, medium, and slow.

The tempo of a song also greatly influences the mood conveyed by the song. For example, a fast tempo song is sung with joy and enthusiasm. On the other hand, a medium tempo song gives a more majestic impression. Conversely, a slow tempo song is used to sing sad, melancholic, and romantic songs.


2. Types of Tempo

Tempo is an element in music that determines the speed at which a song or music is played or sung. As mentioned earlier, tempo is divided into three. In each division, it is further divided into several levels. To better understand, pay attention to the following explanation:

1. Slow Tempo
Slow tempo is divided into four levels, including:

1) Grave tempo is very slow and solemn (40-44 M.M).

2) Largo tempo is slow and dignified (46-50 M.M).

3) Adagio tempo is slightly faster than largo tempo (52-54 M.M).

4) Lento tempo is very slow (56-58 M.M).

2. Moderate Tempo
Moderate tempo is divided into four levels, including:

1) Adante is a tempo as fast as walking, which is 72 to 76 M.M.

2) Andantino is a tempo that is faster than adante, which is 80 to 84 M.M.

3) Maestoso is a grand and noble tempo, which is between 88 and 92 M.M.

4) Moderato is a moderate tempo, which is between 96 and 104 M.M.

3. Fast Tempo
Fast tempo is divided into four levels, as follows:

1) Allegretto is a slightly fast and cheerful tempo (108 to 116 M.M).

2) Allegro is a fast, lively, and cheerful tempo (132 to 138 M.M).

3) Vivace is a lively and cheerful tempo (160 to 176 M.M).

4) Presto is a fast tempo (184 to 200 M.M).


3. Calculating Tempo or Beats per Minute (BPM)

Among musicians, tempo is often referred to using the unit of beats per minute (BPM). BPM tempo is a calculation that will facilitate the song recording process. This BPM will also facilitate the movement and rhythm of each instrument played. This BPM unit will then indicate how fast or slow a song is played.

For example, when a song is played with a tempo of 60 BPM. It means that there will be 60 beats in one minute. Meanwhile, for example, a song with a tempo of 120 BPM, the number of beats will be doubled.


4. Tempo Terms

Determining tempo is one of the most important stages in creating a song or piece of music. The terms used in tempo are mostly in Italian. Here are some of those terms.

1. Larghissimo - very very slow (24 bpm)

2. Adagissimo - very slow

3. Grave - very slow (25-45 bpm)

4. Largo - 40-60 bpm

5. Lento - 65-60 bpm

6. Larghetto - 60-66 bpm

7. Adagio - slow and expressive (66-76 bpm)

8. Adagietto - slower than andante (72-76 bpm) or slightly faster than adagio (70-80 bpm)

9. Andante - at a walking pace (76-108 bpm)

10. Andantino - slightly faster than andante (80-108 bpm)

11. Marcia moderato - with a tempo like marching[2][3] (83-85 bpm)

12. Andante moderato - between andante and moderato (92-112 bpm)

13. Moderato - 108-120 bpm

14. Allegreto - 112-120 bpm

15. Allegro moderato - almost, but not fully allegro (116-120 bpm)

16. Allegro - 120-156 bpm

17. Vivace - 156-176 bpm

18. Vivacissimo - fast and lively (172-176 bpm)

19. Allegrissimo or Allegro Vivace - very fast (172-176 bpm)

20.Presto - very, very fast (168-200 bpm)

21.Prestissimo - faster than presto (over 200 bpm)

Those are some reviews about tempo, which is an important element in music and songs. Hopefully, it is useful and can increase your knowledge about the art of music.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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