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Disturbances to Health and Appearance, Here are 7 Natural Ways to Overcome Goiter

Disturbances to Health and Appearance, Here are 7 Natural Ways to Overcome Goiter Ways to overcome goiter (credit: freepik) - Goiter disease can affect anyone. When suffering from this disease, the neck area will swell as if experiencing swelling. So, not only disturbing health, goiter also disturbs appearance. But you don't need to worry, with the right treatment, goiter can heal faster. One way to overcome goiter can be done naturally.

Goiter can indeed happen to anyone. However, it turns out that children are more susceptible to goiter. This is because their immune system tends to be less stable. Goiter must be treated immediately, because if not, it can interfere with eating and speaking activities. In addition, goiter caused by a virus can also be transmitted through saliva droplets.

Summarized from various sources, here are some natural ways to overcome goiter.


1. Saltwater

In addition to viruses, a lack of iodine intake can also increase the risk of goiter. This is because iodine plays an important role in thyroid hormone production. When thyroid hormone production is disrupted, the thyroid gland enlarges and goiter occurs.

As we know, salt is a food ingredient that is rich in iodine content. This means that sufficient consumption of salt is believed to help the body recover from this disease. Treating goiter with saltwater is very easy. You simply dissolve salt in a glass of water. Then, use it to gargle three times a day.

2. Water

In addition to saltwater, plain water can also be effective in healing goiter. When experiencing goiter, a person will lose appetite and have difficulty swallowing food or drink. Indirectly, this will increase the risk of dehydration. That's why it is important to consume enough water during goiter to prevent dehydration.

In addition, drinking water will also maintain the body's immune system. During goiter, it is also advisable to avoid consuming flavored drinks such as juice or syrup. Because, in addition to causing pain, sweet drinks also stimulate excessive saliva production. Thus, increasing the risk of transmission.

3. Garlic

In addition to being used as a cooking spice, garlic is also often used as a traditional medicine. It turns out that garlic can also be used as one of the ways to overcome goiter.

This is because garlic contains allicin compounds that are believed to increase the body's immune system. When the immune system increases, the body can recover from goiter more quickly. In addition, consuming garlic is also believed to help the thyroid gland function.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can be one of the most popular herbal plants. In addition to being easily found, aloe vera also has many benefits. It is commonly used for skin and hair care, who would have thought that aloe vera can also be used to overcome goiter.

Aloe vera is believed to effectively reduce the pain caused by goiter. The way to do it is very easy, you just need to take the gel-like part of it. Then apply it like a compress on the goiter area of the neck. Do it two or three times a day for maximum results.

5. Ginger

In addition to aloe vera and garlic, ginger is another natural ingredient believed to be able to treat goiter. Ginger is often consumed as herbal medicine or traditional medicine. Ginger is believed to be effective in boosting the immune system. Furthermore, ginger also contains essential oils that are believed to reduce inflammation effects during goiter.

6. Consumption of Vegetables

During goiter, it is highly recommended to consume vegetables. Especially types of vegetables that contain a sufficient amount of iodine such as watercress, potatoes, peas, and so on. On the other hand, avoid certain types of vegetables that are suspected to disrupt the thyroid gland function, such as cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, and so on.

7. Sufficient Rest

Sufficient rest turns out to play a very important role in the healing process of mumps. Having fulfilled rest needs will have a positive impact on increasing the body's resistance. By resting, it will indirectly also have a good impact on the swollen glands. In addition, resting will also minimize the risk of spreading mumps to others.

Those are some natural ways to overcome mumps. If the above methods still do not work, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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