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Effective, 6 Ways to Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Effective, 6 Ways to Protect Your Skin from the Sun Ways to protect your skin from the sun (credit: Freepik) - During the summer, the sun becomes a major concern for many Indonesian women. Finding ways to protect your skin from the sun is indeed important to prevent skin discoloration.

Of course, there are several effective ways to protect your skin from the sun, so that your skin does not become discolored or dark overall. What are these ways? Here are 6 ways to protect your skin from the sun as reported from various sources. Let's check it out.



1. Sunscreen

The first way to protect the skin is by wearing sunscreen. Yup! If you have to go out during the day, sunscreen is a must. This is because sunscreen can protect the skin from sun exposure.

During the day, sunlight is not good for the skin, so protecting the skin from sunlight using sunscreen is important. You must wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30.

It is recommended to use sunscreen from 10 am to 4 pm. And use this sunscreen 20 minutes before engaging in outdoor activities.

2. Beauty Products with SPF

In addition to sunscreen, you must also wear beauty products with SPF. Currently, there are many beauty products that have a high SPF content.

At home, you can look for beauty products such as BB cream, foundation, moisturizer, primer that have SPF content. However, even though there is SPF content, you still need to wear separate sun protection for optimal protection.

3. Wear a Hat

In addition to wearing sun protection products, you must also wear something that can protect yourself from the sun, one of which is a hat. Yup! a hat is indeed one of the things that must be worn when you are outdoors.

You can wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face from the sun's reflection. In addition, hats are also very good for directly protecting the head so that the hair does not easily get damaged due to the sun's reflection.

4. Avoid Wearing Revealing Clothes

In addition to hats, you also need to pay attention to the clothes you wear, KLovers. Wearing revealing clothes will make the skin more exposed to UV radiation.

So wearing slightly covered clothing, such as a jacket, is a good solution to prevent direct exposure of the skin to the sun's reflection. But even if you are covered with clothing, wearing sunscreen is still mandatory, KLovers.

5. Clothes with UPF

Don't wear just any clothes, it turns out you can wear certain clothes to protect yourself from the sun's rays. And this is certainly one of the effective ways to protect yourself from the sun.

Clothes with UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) are very good to wear when you do outdoor activities. You can wear clothes like a white T-shirt with UPF 5, while special quality spandex designed for outdoor use has a UPF rating of 50 or more.

You can avoid clothes made of materials like wool and denim. This is because these materials are able to filter out more UV rays than thin materials like linen.

6. Reduce Processed Food Consumption

It turns out that processed foods can be one of the influential factors in protecting the skin from UV rays. Yup! Processed foods are known to affect skin quality.

So reducing foods that contain unhealthy fats, sugar, corn oil, soy oil, and fried foods can protect the skin from sunburn. In addition, these foods can also improve the appearance of the skin and reduce the risk of cancer.

Those are 5 ways to protect the skin from sun exposure during the summer. If you don't have any important needs, it's a good idea to avoid traveling when the sun is very harmful to skin health.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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