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Features and Tempting Benefits, What Can This Mobile Banking Be Used For?

Features and Tempting Benefits, What Can This Mobile Banking Be Used For? Credit via - Who wouldn't be tempted to use just one application for various needs? In fact, in this technological era, it is not impossible to achieve such a thing. Take, for example, mobile banking applications. In the past, its function might be limited to daily transactions, saving, investing, or just checking balances when payday arrives.

Because of that, some people ended up having to use multiple mobile banking applications. Because there are several features that happen to be needed, such as scanning QRIS which is currently popular because it is more practical and cashless. However, because the mobile banking used does not have this feature, they eventually have to add another mobile banking application.

If you think about it, it's really inconvenient, right? How practical it would be if all the necessary features are accommodated in just one mobile banking application. The good news is, you can get all these conveniences through the D-Bank PRO by Danamon application, which comes with features and various tempting benefits.

Not just an ordinary mobile banking application, because this mobile banking from Danamon can also be accessed via the application or website. So, what are the excellent features offered in D-Bank PRO by Danamon? Find out more below!

1. Can Be Used for Payment via Scan QRIS

The D-Bank PRO by Danamon application can now be used for non-cash or cashless payments via scan QRIS. Payment via scan QRIS using D-Bank PRO by Danamon can already be done at various favorite merchants.

What's even cooler is that the more transactions you make using scan QRIS in the D-Bank PRO by Danamon application, the greater the chance of getting cashback. Moreover, the cashback is not insignificant, as it can reach millions of rupiah per month. You can enjoy this cashback program until January 31, 2024.

In addition, the D-Bank PRO by Danamon application can also be used for other daily transactions, such as transfers and e-wallet top-ups. Interestingly, you can enjoy free transfer fees and e-wallet top-ups if you use Danamon Save savings in the D-Bank PRO by Danamon application.

2. Exchange Foreign Currency Anytime

For those of you who love traveling abroad, you must have often exchanged foreign currency. With the D-Bank PRO by Danamon application, now you don't need to bother going to a money changer before traveling abroad.

Because, the D-Bank PRO by Danamon application has an FX or foreign currency feature with exchange rates that are brave enough to compete with other money changers. You can even exchange Rupiah for foreign currency starting from Rp10,000. Moreover, you can do it digitally, without having to go out of the house.

3. Turn Credit Card Transactions into Easier Installments

Until now, converting credit card transactions into installments still had to be done by phone. However, with the D-Bank PRO by Danamon application, you don't have to do that. Because, this mobile banking application has a My Own Installment feature.

Through this feature, you can convert credit card transactions into installments simply through the application. Managing credit card cash flow according to your wishes becomes more practical and certainly can be done safely.

4. Reliable for Buying Vehicle and Health Insurance

No one knows when bad things happen, so to anticipate unexpected things, it is necessary to have insurance. For users of the D-Bank PRO by Danamon application, buying insurance is not difficult because only here can you buy health insurance and vehicle insurance that suits your needs. Even if you suddenly need it, you can still rely on this mobile banking application to directly purchase the insurance products you want.

So, are you not tempted? D-Bank PRO by Danamon can always provide various temptations with its complete features from transactions, investments to insurance. Not to mention the various offers, such as cashback or rewards received. Regardless of what you have, D-Bank PRO by Danamon #AlwaysTempting. Hurry up and download D-Bank PRO by Danamon now. You can check more information at


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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