Kapanlagi.com - The creativity of young people nowadays can be seen in their daily lives. One of them is through the use of their everyday slang language. With their creativity, young people often come up with new and unique vocabulary that attracts attention. For example, the meaning of 'gabut' which is now very commonly used, not only by young people.
Yes, the vocabulary in slang language created by young people is indeed very popular. However, people often still do not understand the meaning of 'gabut' and other slang words commonly used by young people. In fact, 'gabut' has become a term that is frequently used lately. Therefore, it is important to know the true meaning of 'gabut' so as not to cause misunderstanding.
In addition to the meaning of 'gabut', it is also important to know the meaning of other slang words words. Because, besides the word 'gabut', there are still many slang words that are developing nowadays. What are they?
Summarized from various sources, here are the meanings of 'gabut' and some other slang words.
1. Meaning of 'Gabut'

(credit: freepik)
The term 'gabut' is created from the combination of two words, 'gaji buta' (blind salary). The meaning of 'gabut' is when someone who should be working, but instead does not do their tasks. Despite that, the person still receives a salary. However, in daily life, 'gabut' is now not only used for those who neglect their work but still receive a salary. 'Gabut' is also often used to describe a person's state of not doing any activities or being confused about what to do.
2. Meaning of Slang Language Combination of Two Words

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Besides the meaning of 'gabut', it turns out there are many slang words nowadays that are also formed from the combination of two words. These terms in slang language are also unique and interesting. Here are some slang words that come from the combination of two words.
1. Gercep: It is an abbreviation of 'gerakan cepat' which means quick movement. This abbreviation is a suggestion to do something faster than usual.
2. Japri: This slang abbreviation is commonly heard. Japri itself can be interpreted as personal line or personal network.
3. Lazy: Lazy is a slang abbreviation for the phrase lazy movement. This word is more often used to express laziness.
4.Mantul: This word is a slang abbreviation for the phrase really solid. This word is often used as an appreciation, like a compliment.
5.Pansos: Pansos is a slang abbreviation and a shortening of social climbing. As the name suggests, pansos is used to refer to people who like to seek attention from many people, especially on social media.
6.Gaje: Gaje is an abbreviation of unclear or not clear. This word is used when someone does not understand or cannot grasp the meaning of others.
7.Komuk: Is a slang abbreviation referring to the condition of one's face.
8.Bucin: Bucin is a shortening of the term love slave. This slang abbreviation is used to refer to men or women who are crazy in love, where they are willing to do anything for the person they love.
3. Meaning of Slang Language in the Form of Abbreviated Words

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In addition, besides the combination of two words, there are also slang words that come from words with abbreviated pronunciation or spelling. What are some of these words? Here are some of them.
1. Cans: Cantik (beautiful)
2. Gils: Gila (crazy)
3. Goks: Gokil (crazy)
4. Gans: Ganteng (handsome)
5. Halu: This word is an abbreviation of hallucination, which describes someone with high imagination.
6. Ntaps: Mantap (awesome)
7. Leh uga: Boleh juga (can also)
4. Meaning of Slang Language in the Form of Reversed Words

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Slang words can also be created by reversing the writing or pronunciation of a word. This makes the new word sound strange and unique. Here are some examples.
1. Sabi: Bisa (can)
2. Takis: Sikat (brush)
3. Ngab: Bang (bro)
4. Kuy: Yuk. It is an invitation word read backward from 'yuk'.
5. Meaning of Slang Words in English

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Not only from Indonesian language, slang language also exists that is created from English language. Some of them are abbreviations that are commonly used and heard every day. Like some of these words, for example.
1.Anw: abbreviation of Anyway, which means by the way.
2.AKA: abbreviation of As Known As, which means also known as or alias.
3.BTW: It is a slang abbreviation that is often used. BTW stands for By The Way. The slang term BTW also means the same as the term 'by the way'.
4.COD: It is a slang abbreviation that is widely used among young people nowadays. This word stands for Cash On Delivery, which means 'pay on the spot' in Indonesian.
5.CMIIW: is a slang abbreviation in English that is often used on social media platforms. The full form of this word is Correct Me If I'm Wrong, which when translated into Indonesian can mean 'correct me if I'm wrong'.
6.FYI: is a slang abbreviation in English with the full form For Your Information. This word is commonly used on social media to provide additional information.
7. Kepo: Acronym for Knowing Every Particular Object, which means or refers to someone who is curious about everything.
8.OOTD: Abbreviation for Outfit of The Day. This word is commonly used in social media captions for full-body photos explaining the outfit combination used today.
9.OTW: This word is a slang abbreviation for On The Way, which means currently on the road or journey.
10.PAP: PAP is a slang abbreviation for Post a Picture.
11.TFL: Abbreviation in English for Thanks For Like. This expression shows gratitude for receiving a 'like' in a post or social media content.
12. VC: abbreviation for Video Call. This word is mostly used by users of the WhatsApp application.
13.LOL: acronym in English for Laugh Out Loud, which means laughing out loud.
14.XOXO: abbreviation for Hugs and Kisses, meaning hugs and kisses.
15.TGIF: abbreviation for Thanks God it's Friday, meaning looking forward to the weekend.
Those are some meanings of 'gabut' and some other slang words. Hopefully, they are useful and can enhance your daily vocabulary.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.