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Understanding and Types of Riba in Islam, Muslims Must Know

Understanding and Types of Riba in Islam, Muslims Must Know Illustration (credit: freepik) - Riba is something that needs to be avoided in the teachings of Islam. Riba is an additional value given in an economic transaction, for example, in buying and selling or debt. When conducting banking transactions, such as saving or borrowing, riba also appears in the form of interest. However, do you know what types of riba are there?

In bank loans, riba often appears in percentage calculations. Therefore, the borrower must repay the loan in full plus the agreed-upon interest. That is why riba is prohibited in Islam, because this transaction can be very burdensome. In addition, there are still many things that Muslims need to know about riba. What are they?

Summarized from various sources, here is a review of the types of riba and other explanations surrounding it.


1. Understanding Riba

As mentioned earlier, riba or interest is an increase in value in a transaction, both in buying and selling and borrowing. This is in accordance with the meaning of riba as viewed from the meaning of the word which is iyadah (addition) or nama' (growth).

Meanwhile, as quoted from, Sheikh Abu Yahya Al-Anshary defines riba as follows:

"Riba is a contract of exchange of certain goods whose equivalent is unknown according to the syara' measurement that occurs during the contract or as a result of a delay in the delivery of goods, either for both goods exchanged or one of them" (Sheikh Abu Yahya Zakaria Al-Anshary, Fathul Wahab bi Syarhi Manhaji al-Thullab).

This burdensome riba is prohibited and is considered haram in Islam. This means that transactions that can lead to riba must be completely avoided. Therefore, it is important to know the various types of riba.


2. Various Types of Riba in Buying and Selling

Riba can appear in various economic transactions, including in buying and selling transactions. In fact, in buying and selling transactions, riba is still classified into two types, namely Riba Fadhl and Riba Nasi'ah. Here is an explanation of both types of riba.

1. Riba Fadhl

Riba Fadhl is riba that is generated from the exchange of similar goods, with different measures or quantities. In this case, the exchanged goods are included in the category of 'ribawi goods'.

2. Riba Nasi'ah
Riba Nasi'ah is riba that is generated from the deferment or acceptance of one type of ribawi goods with another type of ribawi goods.


3. Various Types of Riba in Debt and Credit

In addition to buying and selling, riba or interest can also arise in debt and credit transactions. Similar to buying and selling, debt and credit transactions are also divided into two types, including the following.

1. Riba Qard

Riba Qard is a certain benefit or excess level that becomes a requirement when someone is going to borrow.

2. Riba Jahiliyah

Riba Jahiliyah is a debt that is paid in excess of the principal debt amount. This is usually due to borrowers who are unable to repay their debts on time.


4. Verses of the Quran about Riba

In Islam, riba is prohibited. Every Muslim is required to avoid riba. This is conveyed in the following verses of the Quran.

1. Command to Avoid Riba

The command to avoid riba comes directly from Allah SWT. Clearly and firmly, Allah commands the Muslim ummah to stay away from riba. Allah also mentions that avoiding riba will bring someone closer to good fortune, as stated in the following verse.

"O you who believe, do not consume riba doubled and fear Allah, that you may be successful" (Surah Ali Imran, verse 130).

2. Avoiding Riba is a Sign of a Believer

In another verse, Allah SWT mentions that avoiding riba is one of the signs that a person can be considered a believer. Therefore, Allah SWT emphasizes the command to avoid usury for the group of believers and the pious. As contained in the following verse.

"O you who believe, fear Allah SWT and give up what remains of usury, if you are believers" (Al-Baqarah verse 278).

3. The Law of Usury is Haram

Usury often appears in buying and selling transactions. However, in fact, it can be avoided. Because, clearly, Allah SWT has separated usury and buying and selling. In one of His verses, Allah SWT mentions that buying and selling is halal, while usury is haram. This means that taking usury can get sins, even Allah SWT mentions that it will enter hell. Here is a verse that explains this matter.

"The example of those who eat usury is that they are like a standing thing that is then hit by Satan with a blow (an item possessed by Satan). That is because they say that buying and selling is similar to usury. Whereas Allah has permitted buying and selling and prohibited usury. So whoever has received advice (warning) from his Lord and then stops taking usury, then for him is what he borrowed before, and they surrender to Allah. And whoever repeats taking usury, then they are entitled to hell. They will abide therein" (QS Al-Baqarah: 275).

Those are some explanations about various types of usury. Hopefully, it is beneficial and can increase knowledge.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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