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Kimberly Ryder Officially Divorced, Edward Akbar Required to Provide Support of Rp6 Million Per Month for the Children

Kimberly Ryder Officially Divorced, Edward Akbar Required to Provide Support of Rp6 Million Per Month for the Children Kimberly Ryder © Alfi Rosyadi - The divorce of actress Kimberly Ryder from Edward Akbar has been decided by the Religious Court. In the hearing scheduled for today’s ruling, the judges declared that Kimberly and Edward are no longer husband and wife in the eyes of the law and religion.

In the ruling numbered 916/Pdt.G/2024, the judges not only decided on the marital bond between Kimberly and Edward. They also ruled that Edward is required to provide support for their two children amounting to Rp6 million per month, with a 10% increase each year.

1. Kimberly Allows Edward to Meet with the Children

In its ruling, the Religious Court also stated that Kimberly has custody of her two children, Rayden and Aisyah. However, Kimberly granted permission to Edward to meet with both of his children.

Meanwhile, the claims for Iddah maintenance, Mutah, Madhiyah, Kiswah, and Maskan were not granted. Likewise, the counterclaim filed by Edward was also not accepted.

2. Kimberly and Edward Have Not Spoken Out Yet

The decision from the Religious Court was received by from Kimberly's legal team, Machi Ahmad, via text message. This Religious Court ruling was released via E-court through the official website of the court.

Meanwhile, Kimberly and Edward have both not yet spoken out regarding this decision. As of this news being published, is still trying to obtain further information from both parties. Stay tuned for updates only on, if not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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