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Tyas Mirasih and Gisella Anastasia Summoned to East Java Police and Interrogated for About 5 Hours

Tyas Mirasih and Gisella Anastasia Summoned to East Java Police and Interrogated for About 5 Hours Tyas Mirasih and Gisella Anastasia © KapanLagi - The beautiful duo artists, Gisella Anastasia and Tyas Mirasih, are currently involved in an unpleasant case. Today, Friday (6/3), both of them were seen attending the East Java Police to fulfill the summons from the police as witnesses to a carding or credit card fraud case committed by one of the fake travel agents.

Gisel and Tyas were interrogated for hours accompanied by their legal team, Toddy Lagabuana. Basically, they were asked to provide testimony and tell the chronology of the carding case.

"About 5 hours (interrogated). They arrived at 11 AM, delayed for Friday prayer, then continued at 1 PM. Around 30 questions. The questions were about whether they knew about the @tiketkekinian account and so on," Toddy Lagabuana (Sandy Arifin's legal team) said when contacted by the media, Friday (6/3).

1. Chronology of Carding Cases Experienced by Gisel and Tyas

The story is, Gisel and Tyas received an endorsement from the travel agent in question. They were offered airplane tickets abroad with the condition of exposure, meaning they had to post on their respective IG feeds. Now, Tyas and Gisel themselves did not know that the business was actually illegal.

"It started with endorsements. Gisel was endorsed with those tickets. Not only Gisel, but many artists. Tyas saw many artists being endorsed, so she wanted to be a witness. Tyas was the last artist to be endorsed, but they didn't get any money from the endorsement," Toddy continued.

2. Tyas Mirasih and Gisella Anastasia Lose Time

Tyas and Gisel did not suffer any material losses in this case. However, they both had to sacrifice their time to attend calls from the police.

"It's disturbing, but they just lose time. They are domiciled in Jakarta. Especially Gisel, she had to leave her child and fly to Surabaya. Tyas also had to leave her husband. But as good citizens, they definitely came to East Java Police cooperatively when summoned by the investigator," he explained.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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