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Youtube Content 'Bunda Dona' Owned by Gilang Dirga, Dorce Gamalama: Pity for Seeking Money Like That

Youtube Content 'Bunda Dona' Owned by Gilang Dirga, Dorce Gamalama: Pity for Seeking Money Like That Youtube Gilang Dirga criticized by Dorce Gamalama © - Besides being famous as a presenter, Gilang Dirga apparently also has a Youtube channel that he manages with his wife, Adiezty Fersa. Like most artists, Gilang has a talkshow content that invites famous celebrities. However, the difference is that during the interview with the artist, he acts as Bunda Dona.

Although many people find his behavior funny, it's not the case for Dorce Gamalama. The senior artist, often known as Bunda Dorce, openly criticized the content through his Instagram social media.

"Gilang, you are extraordinary, your blessings are unmatched. What other blessings from God are you denying? But this time you made content with the title Bunda Dona. Personally, I don't envy or feel hurt at all. The only thing I'm concerned about is, by choosing the theme 'Bunda Dona,' didn't you think about it? Does a mother with the name Bunda have to look like a devil, with incorrect lipstick, messy hair?" said Dorce Gamalama, as quoted from his Instagram account, a few hours ago.

1. Dorce Asks Gilang to Change the Title

Dorce emphasizes that she is not offended if her name is parodied in a content. She objects because the 'mother' figure portrayed by Gilang on his YouTube channel is like a devil.

"Oh God, Gilang, please change the title to find a better one. If you want to create good, funny content, don't use 'mother' that belongs to all women in Indonesia," said Dorce.

2. Sympathy for Gilang Dirga

Not stopping there, seeing Gilang Dirga's appearance on his YouTube channel, Dorce feels sorry. Because it can be seen by the general public, especially children.

"I feel sorry for Gilang Dirga, going to such lengths for money. Maybe he thinks it's funny, but what about the consequences? There are children watching it. What is the role of the KPI?" said Dorce.

3. Message for Gilang Dirga

Furthermore, Dorce also gave a message for Gilang Dirga, one of which is about creating content. According to her, even without having to be eccentric, Gilang is already very funny and silly.

"So provide entertainment that is silly but doesn't have to be like that, there are still many more humane ways, which can respect our parents, especially women. I have been an artist for 45 years, and I have never wanted to go crazy. Hopefully, this will be a lesson for Gilang and all artists," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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