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Vision Pictures Brings Real-Life Story of SPG Turned Esports Athlete to 'ANGEL' Series

Vision Pictures Brings Real-Life Story of SPG Turned Esports Athlete to 'ANGEL' Series ANGEL Film (Credit Photo: © Eka Permana) - Indonesian series are very diverse and interesting to watch. This time, Vision+ has released its latest original series titled ANGEL. The series, produced by Vision Pictures, is directed by Hadrah Daeng Ratu.

According to Lukman Sardi, Head of Content Original Production at Vision Pictures, the series is based on the true story of Anastasia Angelica, who used to work as a Sales Promotion Girl (SPG) and successfully became an esports athlete.

Lukman also said that the ANGEL series is very inspirational in motivating young people who have aspirations and careers in the esports world. This series must be watched, don't just enjoy series about love, KLovers.

"She had a dream, and this is really inspiring for young people. That's what Angel did. Esports is already very interesting, right?" said Lukman Sardi during a press conference in South Jakarta, Friday (6/3/2022).

1. Playing Yourself

Anastasia Angelica, who will play herself in this series, recalled her time as a sales promotion girl (SPG) during the filming process.

"During filming, I was asked to be an SPG, so everything had to be real time and not fake. I immediately flashbacked to 4-5 years ago when I was an SPG. People told the staff, 'I remember when I was like this.' I remembered that I used to be like that," she said.

2. Inspirational Story

Meanwhile, Managing Director of Vision+, Clarissa Tanoesoedibjo, said that they would focus on more inspirational stories that build the mental strength of young people in achieving their dreams.

"Together with EVOS, we work to bring an inspirational story that is full of the values of hard work. However, it is also light and relatable so that it can be enjoyed by all Indonesians," said Clarissa Tanoesoedibjo.

3. Don't Miss It

The series ANGEL stars Anastasia Angelica as Angel, Brigitta Cynthia as Monic, Olga Lydia as Angel's mother, Verdi Solaiman as Angel's father, Dixie Wang as Bayu, Alief Joerg as Johan, and many more.

ANGEL has 7 episodes that are released every week at 4:00 PM. Episodes 1 and 2 can be enjoyed for free, and the following episodes can be watched with Vision+ premium.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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