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Several Box Office Films Will Premiere on CATCHPLAY+

Several Box Office Films Will Premiere on CATCHPLAY+ CATCPLAY + © Purwanto - Since getting new films directly from cinemas and premiering box office films on OTT, CATCHPLAY+ as one of the leading premium OTT service providers in the region has brought excitement to Indonesian film lovers who have to stay at home due to the pandemic.

Since the launch of Bioskop Premier in mid-October, CATCHPLAY+ has recorded an increase in the number of views by more than 80%. Several other new films will also be screened on this platform, after previously CATCHPLAY+ successfully premiered 8 films, some of which were exclusively shown.

The Covid outbreak has forced cinemas in Indonesia to close since early 2020, causing many box office films to postpone their premieres this year. With the aim of still bringing new films to film lovers, CATCHPLAY+ has made deals with content owners and local distributors, including PT Prima Cinema Multimedia, an affiliate distribution of Cinema XXI Group, and CGV Cinemas network as an affiliate of CJ Entertainment Group.


1. Aiming to Broadcast Premier Shows

The collaboration aims to open and broadcast the premier shows of five box office films exclusively on the CATCHPLAY+ OTT platform, as well as other films simultaneously with the reopening of cinemas.

Some films exclusively available on CATCHPLAY+ during October 2020 are Official Secrets starring Keira Knightley, The Professor featuring Johnny Depp, Endings Beginnings starring Shailene Woodley, and Teen Spirit starring Elle Fanning.

In addition, CATCHPLAY+ also collaborates with tvN Movies to broadcast the premier shows of Korean blockbusters such as Steel Rain 2: Summit, The Closet, and Deliver Us from Evil. These films will premiere on the platform (PVOD) simultaneously with the reopening of some cinemas.


2. Coming Soon to CATCHPLAY+

Meanwhile, the sequel to Train to Busan, Peninsula, is scheduled to premiere on CATCHPLAY+ on November 13, coinciding with the reopening of cinemas. The horror mystery film Host, which will soon be released in several neighboring countries, will also have its exclusive premiere in Indonesia through CATCHPLAY+. To enliven the mystery festival during November, there is also The Cleansing Hour, a horror film about two entrepreneurs pretending to exorcise demons, until one of their lovers is possessed by an evil spirit.

"We are delighted that customers are enjoying the new films we present. We will continue to add new content for film lovers who have missed going to the cinema during this unusual time," said CEO of CATCHPLAY Group, Daphne Yang.


3. Video Price

To avoid burdening box office films that have already been affected by the pandemic, the video-on-demand price for the film Peninsula (the biggest Korean blockbuster in the world during 2020) in this premium screening is Rp38,000 (Rp41,800 after tax) as a benchmark for cinema ticket prices. Meanwhile, the prices for other cinema films on CATCHPLAY+ are only Rp22,000 per film.

Customers in Indonesia can access CATCHPLAY+ services through the web, downloaded applications via Android PlayStore, APPSTore, or through leading operators such as Indihome, First Media, XL Home, and Transvision. In addition, through smart TV platforms such as MiTV and LG Smart TV, as well as various well-known e-commerce sites such as Tokopedia, Shopee, Blibli, and JD.ID.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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