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10 Ways to Hack FB If You Forget the Password, Do Not Misuse

10 Ways to Hack FB If You Forget the Password, Do Not Misuse Illustration (Credit: Pixabay) - There are several ways to hack FB that you can do if you forget your password. You can take this step, especially if you have not succeeded with the password recovery method on FB.

Therefore, there is also an explanation about how to hack FB using applications. There are quite a few applications that are quite powerful in helping you hack an FB account.

Even though you already know various ways to hack FB, you should not hack indiscriminately, KLovers. You can take this step to find your own account, not to misuse and hack other people's FB accounts.

1. How to Hack FB

If you are curious about several ways to hack FB, just check out several applications that can be used below.


You can apply the method of hacking FB using Keylogger. Beforehand, of course, you need to install this application first.

It is important for you to know that keylogger is a hacking application that uses a facial recognition system method. That means, with keylogger, you can record and hack someone's account that is sent in the form of logs through email. Based on these logs, you can obtain information about the account to be hacked.


You can also hack FB by utilizing the Spyic application. It is important for you to know that this application is quite popular. Therefore, you can also install it first.

This application has advantages, namely you don't need to root your phone. In addition, this application is also rarely detected by the person you are hacking.


TheTruthSpy is a spy application that you can use to hack Facebook. You can read the target's Facebook messages. To use this application, you must first root or jailbreak the target.

4.Guestspy Facebook Hacking Software

Not much different from before, Guestspy spy software can help you view messages, Facebook inbox of the target. This application also shows all media files exchanged along with the messages. You can also delete options that you no longer want to track in this application.

2. How to Hack FB with Applications

Not only the applications mentioned above, the following list of applications can also be used. Hacking FB with the following applications is also easy.

5. Hoverwatch

You can use the Hoverwatch application to hack FB. Of course, you need to download and install the Hoverwatch application first. The functions of Hoverwatch that you can enjoy include hacking social media accounts, tracking locations, or viewing photos and FB accounts of other users.

6. iSpyoo

This application can be used not only for Facebook but also for monitoring several social media platforms. You can use the application without needing a password. There is assistance offered by this application that you can access through Viber and Telegram.

7. SpyBubble

Next, there is the SpyBubble application that you can use. The SpyBubble application allows you to hack applications like Facebook. Although its features are considered incomplete, this application can be installed on Android or iOS-based phones. You can use it more easily.

8. Spyera

The next application that you can use to hack FB is Spyera. Although it has fewer features than other applications, Spyera can be easily used on Android or computers.

3. How to Hack FB If You Forgot Password

Actually, hacking FB without an application can be done. Facebook offers this method if you forget your password. Well, if you don't know it yet, just follow these steps.

9."Forgot Password" Method

Not only the series of applications above, you can also use the "Forgot Password" method as a way to hack FB. You don't need additional applications, but you have to try to get the recovery code from the target's contact.

For more details, just follow the explanation below.

- Open the Facebook page.

- Next, select "Forgotten Account?" or "Forgot Password?".

- Enter the email or phone number of the FB account.

- After that, click "Search".

- Next, you will receive a recovery code sent to your email or phone.

- Click "continue".

- Enter the recovery code.

- Then, click "continue".

- Please create a new password.

- You can now log into your FB account with the new password.

10.Guess Password

You can try guessing the password as a way to hack FB. Usually, people use passwords related to their personal identity. You can guess the password by guessing it, whether it's a name, date of birth, and so on.

You can try to create a combination of names and numbers, whether it's the date of birth, relatives, or even idols. Now, to avoid hacking attempts like this, you are usually advised to create complex passwords for each account.

KLovers, those are some ways to hack FB with or without applications that you can do yourself.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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