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Understanding the Meaning of Hiatus and Its Differences from Vacancy

Understanding the Meaning of Hiatus and Its Differences from Vacancy Illustration (credit: unsplash) - The word hiatus may not be unfamiliar anymore. This is because nowadays the word hiatus is often used in daily conversations as well as on social media statuses. What is the meaning of hiatus is often associated with the lives of artists, public figures, writers, creators, influencers, and other creative industry workers. So, what is hiatus?

Actually, hiatus is not a new word or term that just appeared recently. The word hiatus has been around for a long time. However, recently this word has become increasingly popular through social media. On social media, the meaning of hiatus often appears in discussions about the latest news of an artist. In general, the word hiatus is used to inform that an artist has decided to take a break from their career.

To know more about the meaning of hiatus, let's directly refer to the following reviews that have been summarized by from various sources.

1. What Does Hiatus Mean

According to the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI), what does hiatus mean in the linguistic or language domain. The meaning of hiatus is the transition between two adjacent monophthongs, which form two consecutive syllables without a pause or consonant. However, it seems that the popular meaning of hiatus used today is different from the meaning in the dictionary.

As mentioned earlier, the meaning of hiatus refers more to a break or rest taken by an artist, public figure, writer, creator, and so on. During a hiatus, someone who is usually active will tend to disappear for a certain period of time and return when the time is right.

Based on the two explanations of the meaning of hiatus above, we can understand that it actually contains two interpretations. Hiatus can be interpreted from a linguistic or language perspective. In addition, the meaning of hiatus can also be understood as a time for rest. It is this second meaning that is then more popular and often used in social media.

2. The History of the Origin of the Word Hiatus

The explanation of the meaning of hiatus can also be seen from the origin of the word. The word hiatus comes from "hiare" which means 'to gape' or 'to yawn'. The term hiatus first appeared in English in the mid-16th century. In 16th century English, the meaning of hiatus refers to a gap or opening, such as in a cave on a cliff.

Then in the 18th century, a novelist named Laurence Sterne used the word hiatus as a pause. From here, the meaning of hiatus shifted. The meaning of hiatus became a pause or interruption or a period in which an activity is temporarily stopped.

3. The Difference Between Hiatus and Vakum

At first glance, the meaning of hiatus seems to be similar to the word vakum. However, it is important to note that there is a difference in meaning between the two words. If hiatus refers to an empty time gap between now and the future, with a predetermined end. It means that the duration of the hiatus has been determined beforehand.

Meanwhile, the meaning of vakum refers more to an empty time gap between the present and the future, and tends to be unplanned in terms of how long the time gap will last.

Those are some explanations of the meaning of hiatus and its difference from vakum. Hopefully, it is useful and can broaden your knowledge.

4. Hiatus from Social Media

Whether realized or not, the meaning of hiatus has also experienced a slight shift. Hiatus is not only interpreted as a break for artists or creators. More broadly, hiatus can also be applied to anyone who takes a temporary break from their routines. Therefore, the term 'hiatus from social media' has emerged. This term is used to refer to someone who is reducing their social media activities.

Similar to artists, taking a hiatus from social media can also be a positive thing. There are several benefits that can be gained by taking a social media hiatus. Here are some of them.

1. It makes a person more focused and productive in their work.

2. Social media can be a source of stress, so taking a hiatus from it can be a way to reduce social pressure.

3. Hiatus from social media can also make a person more focused and creative in producing works or finding solutions to a problem.

4. Hiatus from social media can also restore a healthier and more organized lifestyle.

5. Hiatus from social media will also improve social relationships with others in real life.

Those are some explanations about the meaning of hiatus and the benefits of taking a hiatus from social media. Hopefully, it is useful and can broaden your knowledge.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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