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How to Top Up Prepaid Electricity Credits Along with Terms and Benefits

How to Top Up Prepaid Electricity Credits Along with Terms and Benefits How to Top Up Prepaid Electricity (credit: Pexels) - Electricity is one of the basic needs of humans. This is because all human activities are connected to electricity. In Indonesia, there are two types of electricity used, namely prepaid electricity and postpaid electricity. For those of you who use prepaid electricity, here's how to top up prepaid electricity.

Even for those of you who want to switch to prepaid electricity, there are provisions and advantages when using prepaid electricity. Even now, electricity payment has been made easier with technological advancements. So you don't need to bother to top up prepaid electricity, also known as electricity tokens.

Now, for KLovers who are curious about how to top up prepaid electricity easily and practically. Here are the steps and how to top up prepaid electricity along with the provisions and advantages. Let's check it out, KLovers.


1. Terms of Using Prepaid Electricity

Before knowing how to top up prepaid electricity, you need to know what terms you need to do when using prepaid electricity. And here are some terms that you need to know and understand in using prepaid electricity:

1. In the smart electricity system, customers first buy credit (voucher/token) for rechargeable electricity through ATM outlets of several banks or through online electricity bill payment counters.

2. The electricity token or credit, consisting of 20 digits, is inserted or inputted into a special kWh meter called Prepaid Meter (MPB).

3. The MPB screen will present several important information that can be directly known and read by customers regarding their electricity usage, such as the amount of electricity energy (kWh) used so far, the amount of electricity energy currently being used, and the amount of electricity energy remaining.

4. The supply of kWh can be added as much as needed and whenever desired by customers.

5. If the electricity energy stored in the MPB is almost depleted, the MPB will give an early signal to immediately recharge.

6. Customers can also optimize electricity consumption by setting their own schedule and amount of electricity purchases.


2. Benefits of Using Prepaid Electricity

Not only knowing the provisions in using prepaid electricity, you can also know the benefits of using prepaid electricity. Yes, there are many advantages in using prepaid electricity, KLovers. And here are some advantages that you can get when using prepaid electricity:

1. Customers can easily control electricity usage

Through prepaid electronic meters, customers can monitor daily and real-time electricity usage. The meter displays the remaining kWh usage. If it is considered wasteful, customers can reduce their electricity usage.

2. More privacy

For customers who want more convenience, Smart Electricity will not make customers wait and open the door for meter reading officers, because prepaid meters automatically record customer's electricity usage.

3. Easy in paying electricity bills

Currently, purchasing electricity tokens or credit (vouchers) can be obtained at more than 30,000 ATMs throughout Indonesia. It can also be obtained at online electricity payment counters.

4. Will not incur late fees

No more additional fees for electricity payment due to late payment caused by forgetting to pay the electricity bill.

5. Electricity usage can be adjusted to budget

With varying values of electricity credit (vouchers) ranging from Rp 20,000 to Rp 1,000,000, it provides flexibility for customers to buy electricity according to their ability and needs.


3. How to Top Up Prepaid Electricity

Now, if you already know the terms and benefits of using prepaid electricity. Here are the steps to top up prepaid electricity that you can do. Usually, after you have paid to get the token code, you can follow these steps. Here are some ways to top up prepaid electricity:

1. The first way is, after you get a receipt containing a 20-digit electricity token code. Then you can enter the 20-digit electricity token code on the electricity meter.

2. You can directly type the 20-digit electricity token code and press the "enter" button.

3. If you mistype the token code, simply delete it by pressing the "backspace" button.

4. After entering the 20 digits and pressing "enter", the words "Correct" or "Accept" will appear. If so, the code you entered is correct and then it will be displayed on the MPB screen, the amount of kWh value and power that you purchased.

5. If after entering the 20-digit electricity token code and the words "Wrong" or "Reject" appear, there is a possibility that you entered the 20-digit token code incorrectly. Try entering it again.


4. How to Top Up Prepaid Electricity with MBanking

How can I get a prepaid electricity token code? Yes, there are several ways you can do it, one of them is by using m-Banking. Here are some ways to top up prepaid electricity using m-Banking:

1. How to Top Up Electricity Credit with Mandiri m-Banking

- First, open the Mandiri Online application. Login with your Username and Password. If you don't have the Mandiri Online application yet, you can download it for free.

- Go to the Buy menu.

- Tap on the Create New Purchase menu, then select Prepaid PLN.

- Choose the "Source Account" you will use, then tap on the "Service Provider" field.

- In the "Service Provider" option, select Prepaid PLN.

- Enter your IDPEL/Meter Number, determine the Token Amount, and select Next.

- The transaction is complete after you Confirm and enter your MPIN.

2. How to Top Up Electricity Credit with BNI m-Banking

- Open the application. If the main menu appears, select "Purchase".

- Next, select the option "Electricity Token".

- Then select "Buy Prepaid PLN Token".

- You must enter the Customer ID Number / Meter Number. Also select the nominal electricity token you want to buy.

- Click process, minimum purchase amount of Rp20,000.

- Later, a confirmation question will appear asking whether to send the electricity token to the meter number. Select "Yes" if you are sure.

- Then you will receive an SMS from 3346 asking you to enter the nominal electricity token followed by two random BNI SMS Banking pin numbers.

- The transaction is considered successful if you have received the electricity token voucher code that can be entered into the electricity meter.

3. How to Top Up Electricity Credit with BRI m-Banking

- Open the BRI Mobile Banking application. The menu list will appear, select "Top Up".

- Next, select "PLN".

- Select the transaction type "Prepaid PLN".

- Then enter the customer ID number / prepaid meter number.

- Select the nominal electricity token to be purchased starting from Rp20,000 up to Rp1 million. After that, click "OK".

- Enter the PIN and press "Send". The application will confirm whether you want to perform a transaction using SMS. Just click "Ok".

- After a successful transaction, check the SMS inbox on your mobile phone.

- There will be an SMS from BRI accompanied by the identity of the prepaid PLN account and a 20-digit electricity token voucher code.

- This voucher code can be used to add electricity tokens at home so that the electricity will continue to be on.

4. How to Top Up Electricity Credit with BCA m-Banking

- Select m-Commerce in the BCA Mobile main menu.

- Choose Prepaid PLN,

- Enter the meter number/IDPEL.

- Select the token credit amount.

- Confirm the purchase and click "Ok".

Those are some ways to top up prepaid electricity credit that you can use easily and practically. Not only how to top up prepaid electricity credit, but you can also learn about the terms and benefits of using prepaid electricity. Good luck, KLovers.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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