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4 Easy Ways to Top Up Your Simpati Card, Making Phone Calls More Comfortable and Convenient

4 Easy Ways to Top Up Your Simpati Card, Making Phone Calls More Comfortable and Convenient Illustration (credit: unsplash) - Simpati card is one of the most widely used provider cards. To satisfy and maintain the loyalty of its users, Simpati provides many quality services. One of the superior services offered by Simpati is Talk Mania, or commonly abbreviated as TM. Therefore, it is important to know how to top up your Simpati card, especially for loyal customers.

As the name suggests, Talk Mania or TM is a telephone package service for users. With TM, Simpati card users can have satisfying conversations with family, partners, or friends without worrying about running out of credit. Unfortunately, many Simpati users still do not know how to register for TM. However, topping up your Simpati card can actually be done easily and quickly.

Talk Mania or TM is a service that can be accessed by every Simpati card user. To access this service, customers will be charged a credit deduction. Therefore, before registering, make sure you have enough credit.

Summarized from various sources, let's take a look at the steps and ways to top up your Simpati card below.

1. How to Activate Talk Mania Service via USSD Code

There are several ways to activate the Talk Mania service. One of the most common ways for Simpati card users is by contacting the USSD code. For Talk Mania or Simpati TM service, the USSD code is *888#. For more details, you can follow the steps below.

- Open the phone's call feature.

- Once opened, you can directly type the USSD code *888#, then press the call button.

- After that, a list of service menus will appear. To continue with the Simpati TM method, you can reply by entering the number 4, which is the "Check Balance and Quota" menu.

- Next, another list of service menus will appear. You can reply by entering the number 3, which is the "call" menu.

- Then, another list of service menus will appear. This time, you can reply by entering the number 6, which is the "Others" menu.

- Once done, a list of Talk Mania packages that can be activated will appear. You can choose one that suits your needs.

- After selecting, you just need to follow the next instructions for confirmation. Once done, you just need to wait for the notification that the TM package purchase has been successful.

2. How to Activate TM Simpati via SMS

The second way to activate TM Simpati is through SMS. It is easy and practical, customers only need to send an SMS according to the specified format to the number 8999. For more details, follow the steps below.

- Open the messaging or SMS application on your phone.

- After that, type an SMS with the format "TM (space) ON"

- Send the SMS to the number 8999.

- Done, you just need to wait for a reply SMS notification that the TM package purchase has been successful.

3. How to TM Simpati Card via MyTelkomsel

Just like other providers, Simpati also has a special application to facilitate its users. That application is MyTelkomsel. Through this application, Telkomsel card users, especially Simpati, can perform various transactions more easily and practically. To do TM Simpati card via MyTelkomsel, you can follow the following steps.

- If you don't have the MyTelkomsel application yet, first you can download and install it.

- If the MyTelkomsel application is already installed, login using your Simpati number.

- If you already have the MyTelkomsel application, directly open the MyTelkomsel application.

- Then, click the "Buy Package" button.

- Next, select the "Phone Package" menu.

- A list of phone package menus will appear, you can choose the type of Talk Mania package you need. Available monthly, weekly, daily, or SLI packages. You can choose one according to your needs.

- If it's done, just follow every instruction that appears until the purchase confirmation process is done.

- Wait for a moment until a notification appears that the TM package purchase has been successful.

4. How to Top Up Simpati Card via Website

Not many people know, besides the three ways to top up Simpati card mentioned above, there is actually one more way that can still be done. Simpati customers can register for TM packages through the official telkomsel website. The steps are just as easy, you only need to visit the official Telkomsel website, which is Then follow these steps:

- Login or register.

- In the website display, there will be a list of various service packages available, you can choose the phone package you need. The display also includes price and duration details. So, you can freely choose according to your needs.

- Follow every instruction that appears to complete the payment and confirmation process.

- After finishing, you just need to wait until you receive an SMS message that the TM package purchase has been successful.

Those are among the 4 easy and practical ways to top up Simpati card. Hopefully, it is useful and good luck!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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