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5 Ways to Educate Children Islamically, According to the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW and Its Benefits

5 Ways to Educate Children Islamically, According to the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW and Its Benefits Illustration (credit: - Children are a gift from Allah to parents. Therefore, children are a trust that must be well cared for by those who are given the opportunity to have a child. One important thing to implement is the way to educate children Islamically according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The way to educate children Islamically according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is very important to be applied as a provision for their future lives. In this case, the role of parents is crucial in shaping a child's personality. Yes, the importance of religious education for children is to have a more blessed and blessed life in the eyes of Allah.

A child will usually grow according to what their parents teach or do. If parents provide good education, then the child will grow up well. However, being good alone is not enough, religion is also needed as a complement to their lives.

Therefore, the way to educate children Islamically according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) needs to be implemented from an early age. Because, at this stage a child has a strong memory and will be easily directed. Educating a child in an Islamic manner according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will be beneficial for parents' future lives, as narrated by Abi Dawud, "When a person dies, his deeds will not be continued except for three things, charity, beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who prays for him." This is the importance of educating children to become righteous children who are honest and responsible. So, how to educate children in an Islamic manner according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? Educating children in an Islamic manner according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is very easy. Parents only need patience and perseverance in providing religious education for their children. Here are 5 ways to educate children in an Islamic manner according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as quoted from



1. Telling the Stories of the Prophet's Companions

Telling the stories of the Prophet's companions is one of the ways to educate children Islamically according to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW. These stories contain good wisdom to inspire them.

To prevent children from getting bored, it is better to use interesting illustrated books. The stories of the Prophet's companions can also broaden children's knowledge about the Islamic world. In this first method, parents are required to have creative storytelling skills when telling the stories of the Prophet's companions.

2. Inviting Children to Do Good

When parents do good deeds like praying in congregation at the mosque, it is advisable to involve their children as much as possible. Another good deed that can involve children is giving charity together.

Teach children to give charity to those in need. This way, it will build a generous personality in children and make them happy to share with others. Including other good deeds according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Another good deed that can be taught to children is being dutiful to parents and the importance of manners. Additionally, try to introduce the importance of covering one's body, especially for girls. Parents can set an example by buying hijabs or clothes that cover the body.

Aside from being an act of worship, it will certainly bring goodness for the future. So, do not forget to involve children when parents do good deeds, so that they can emulate them.

3. Teaching Prayer

Prayer is a mandatory commandment that must be performed by Muslims. This includes parents who are obligated to teach their children how to pray. Even the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) commanded to teach children how to pray and about religion.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"Command your children to pray at the age of seven, and discipline them for it at the age of ten. Also, separate their beds." (Sunan Abi Dawud no.495)

Teaching prayer to children in an Islamic way can be done when parents are worshiping in front of them. So that children can see, imitate, and emulate their parents while performing prayer. When children start showing interest in the worship that their parents are doing, invite them and start teaching them about the proper way to pray.

4. Invite to Play with Religious Themes

Playing is a normal activity for a child. However, it is better to accompany them with religious themes while playing. Among the games according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad are horseback riding, swimming, and archery.

But if it is not possible to play in the manner of the Prophet's tradition, parents can invite them to play simple games that still have religious themes. One of them is guessing the names of angels, obligatory attributes of Allah, Arabic letters, and so on.

5. Guide Your Child When Making Mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable for humans, including children. If a child makes a mistake, they should be guided with gentleness. Parents can praise them first before criticizing their actions. This way, their words will be heard by the child.

6. Benefits of Educating Children Islamically

- Shaping a pious and righteous personality in children.

- Controlling children's emotions such as anger, fear, and jealousy.

- Enhancing language development quickly.

- Developing skills such as writing and public speaking.

- Enriching religious knowledge in children.

- Making children independent.

Those are the 5 ways to educate children Islamically according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and their benefits for children's lives. Parents can implement them to educate their children Islamically so that they have beneficial religious knowledge for their future.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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