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How to Perform Obligatory Bath After Menstruation, According to Islamic Teachings

How to Perform Obligatory Bath After Menstruation, According to Islamic Teachings Illustration (credit: freepik) - How to perform obligatory bath after menstruation for Muslim women does have several rules that must be followed. Muslim women are required to perform a major bath after menstruation. However, many women do not know that there are steps that must be taken after menstruation. This is certainly not just about bathing and washing hair.

In Islamic teachings, if a woman does not perform the obligatory bath after menstruation, then they are not able to perform worship such as prayer, fasting, and others. This is because women are considered impure during menstruation as they release impure blood from their bodies.

The obligatory bath is basically performed by Muslim women to cleanse themselves from major impurities. Major impurities themselves are caused by several things such as menstruation, postpartum bleeding, and sexual intercourse. Considering the importance of performing the obligatory bath after menstruation, Muslim women must know the intention of the major bath and the procedure to be performed based on Islamic teachings. The following is a guide on how to perform obligatory bath after menstruation, according to Islamic teachings that you must know:

1. Prohibitions for Women During Menstruation

In Islam, there are several prohibitions that should not be done during menstruation. Here are some of the prohibitions:

- Prayer, a woman who is menstruating will release impure blood, so it is not allowed to perform prayers before being in a state of purity. In this case, a woman who leaves prayer during menstruation does not need to make up for the missed prayers.

- Fasting, the prohibition of fasting is in accordance with the narration of Abi Said Al-Khudhri ra. who said that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, 'Isn't it that when a woman is menstruating, she is not allowed to pray and fast?' (Narrated by Muttafaq 'alaihi)

- Entering the Mosque, the Prophet Muhammad has prohibited menstruating women from entering the mosque in accordance with the hadith: Aisha RA said, the Messenger of Allah SAW said, 'I do not permit the mosque for those who are in a state of major impurity (junub) or menstruation.'

- Reciting the Quran, another prohibition for menstruating women is not allowed to recite the holy book of the Quran. This has been mentioned in Surah Al-Waqi'ah: 79. 'None touch it except the purified ones.' (Surah Al-Waqi'ah: 79).
- Tawaf, from Aisha ra. It is narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, 'When you have your period, perform all the rituals of Hajj except for circumambulating the Kaaba until you are purified.' (HR Mutafaqq 'Alaih)

-Regarding Husband and Wife Relationship, there is a hadith that prohibits having sexual intercourse with a woman during her period or having anal intercourse with a woman. Whoever does so has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad, may peace be upon him.' (HR.Tirmidzi and Ibn Majah).


2. Intention for Ritual Bath After Menstruation

Before starting the ritual bath after menstruation, recite the following intention prayer for the ritual bath after menstruation.

Nawaitul ghusla liraf'i hadatsil haidil lillahi Ta'aala

Meaning: I intend to perform the obligatory bath to purify from major impurity of menstruation for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.

3. How to Perform Obligatory Bath After Menstruation

In Islam, it is obligatory to perform a ritual bath (Ghusl) after menstruation. This is commanded to purify the body for performing worship. The following are the steps of performing the ritual bath according to Islamic teachings to ensure the body is completely clean.

- Intention for the Ritual Bath

The obligatory ritual bath after menstruation should be accompanied by an intention. The intention can be made verbally or in the heart.

- Using Fragrance

After making the intention, prepare a cotton ball soaked in fragrance without alcohol. This is used to clean the genital area according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. At that time, a woman from the Ansar asked the Prophet, 'How should I perform the ritual bath after menstruation?' He replied, 'Take a piece of cotton soaked in fragrant oil and clean with it.' Clean both palms by pouring or washing the left hand with the right hand and vice versa, repeating it three times.

- Performing Wudu

After cleaning the genital area using the cotton ball and fragrance, the next step of the ritual bath after menstruation is to perform wudu. Performing wudu is one of the recommended practices during the ritual bath after menstruation.

- Rubbing the Hair and bathing with clean water

Rubbing the hair, similar to shampooing, aims to cleanse the body from impurities. Taking a bath after menstruation is done as usual.

- Rinsing and Cleaning the Whole Body

After shampooing, make sure the whole body is rinsed with water and cleaned in hidden parts or folds of the body. Start rinsing from the right side of the body, then continue with the left side of the body.



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