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How to Overcome Vertigo Relapse, the Right Steps for Initial Treatment

How to Overcome Vertigo Relapse, the Right Steps for Initial Treatment Illustration (credit: freepik) - How to overcome vertigo relapse for those of you who have a history or symptoms of vertigo that you should know. Vertigo itself is a condition where a person experiences unbearable headaches.

If you are one of the people who have felt the sensation of a spinning head or a spinning environment, it is likely that you are experiencing vertigo.

Vertigo can be said to be a dangerous disease. Even when it relapses, it often does not show any warning signs. If it relapses and causes extreme dizziness, it can lead to loss of focus or even falling. Therefore, because vertigo often appears suddenly, you must take the right steps for initial treatment. Here are some ways to overcome vertigo relapse:



1. Understanding Vertigo

Vertigo is a sensation where the head spins suddenly, often triggered by moving the head too quickly or certain diseases such as problems in the inner ear and head. Disorders in the inner ear cause you to feel off balance and experience vertigo symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Vertigo sufferers may experience headaches of varying severity. Vertigo can last for a few minutes to several hours..

According to its causes, vertigo has two categories. The first category is peripheral vertigo, which occurs due to problems in the inner ear or vestibular nerve. The vestibular nerve connects the inner ear to the brain. The second category is central vertigo, which occurs due to problems in the brain, particularly the cerebellum. The cerebellum is a part of the hindbrain that controls movement coordination and balance.

2. Symptoms of Vertigo Recurrence

Vertigo can also be caused by several factors, such as: Diabetes, migraines, stroke, Parkinson's disease, and brain tumors. Vertigo is also more likely to occur in individuals who smoke and consume alcoholic beverages.

In addition to the sensation of spinning head, vertigo has the following symptoms:

- Nausea or vomiting

- Abnormal eye movements (nystagmus)

- Sweating

- Loss of hearing

- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

If vertigo symptoms are not immediately addressed, the condition can worsen. Therefore, further treatment is necessary if experiencing symptoms such as: weakness, fever, difficulty speaking, difficulty walking, slow response, abnormal eye movements, and decreased consciousness.


3. How to Overcome Vertigo Recurrence

The following are the first steps to take if you suddenly experience vertigo:

- Stop all activities

Vertigo can strike at any time without warning signs. Therefore, if you feel your head spinning and experiencing extreme pain, immediately stop all activities. Calm your mind first and regulate your breath by inhaling and exhaling slowly. This is to ensure that the blocked blood circulation to the brain can flow smoothly again.

- Find a resting place

Another way to overcome recurring vertigo is by finding a place to rest if your head still feels dizzy. Sit down and regulate your breath again. This is to help you relax more and allow the blood to flow normally.

- Do not move your head

You can alleviate the pain and dizziness caused by a vertigo attack by not moving your head when it occurs. Moving your head will only worsen the dizziness as it may be due to a blockage.

- Drink warm water

One simple way to overcome recurring vertigo is by immediately drinking warm water. This is very good for the body, as it can relax tense muscles due to vertigo attacks. If possible, add ginger to warm water as this spice has the benefit of being able to calm.

- Do the foster movement

You can do the foster movement when the headache starts to subside. The foster movement itself can be done by slowly bending the body into a kneeling position with the face looking at the ceiling for a few seconds.

After that, bend the body with the head between the knees, do this for a few seconds until the pain subsides. In addition, do the movement by positioning the head to one ear, then do it to the other ear. After that, try to stand up slowly. The aim of the foster movement is to reduce the headache.

In addition, for vertigo sufferers, it is advisable to avoid foods such as grains because they can trigger migraines, meat and cheese which are also believed to trigger vertigo relapses, avoid foods that contain sugar, coconut milk-based foods, and fried foods. So, it is a good idea to start paying attention to eating patterns for a healthier life.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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