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7 Most Commonly Used Roof Tile Types, Know Their Advantages and Disadvantages!

7 Most Commonly Used Roof Tile Types, Know Their Advantages and Disadvantages! (Credit: pixabay) - Roof tiles are one of the most important elements of a house. Therefore, choosing roof tiles cannot be done carelessly and must consider the disadvantages and advantages of the types of roof tiles. By doing so, choosing the right type of roof tile according to your needs must be carefully considered. Because, there are various types of roof tiles that offer strong durability. Not only that, there are also various types of roof tiles that have attractive appearance advantages that make you interested in buying them.

However, don't rush to choose. You also need to know exactly what kind of roof tiles are really needed for your dwelling. This is to minimize roof leaks due to the quality of the roof tiles themselves. If roof leaks continue to occur during the rainy season, this can be very troublesome. This is why you need to carefully plan before choosing the type of roof tile. Well, in this article we will discuss the types of roof tiles according to their functions that you need to know. Curious? Let's directly see the following reviews.

1. Concrete Tiles

Concrete tiles are an alternative if you want to have strong and durable roofing that can withstand the weather. Concrete tiles are made from cement, sand, and coal ash. In fact, this type of tile can last up to 50 years and is fire-resistant and not easily leaky. In addition, concrete tiles do not require special maintenance.

There are various types of concrete tiles available that are suitable for minimalist house concepts. However, concrete tiles also have some disadvantages, such as being very heavy and burdening the structure of the house.

2. Asbestos Tiles

Asbestos tiles have several advantages and disadvantages that you may need to know. The advantages of asbestos tiles are that they are relatively cheap, easy to install, and do not require a lot of wooden frames. However, there are also disadvantages to this type of tile. This is because there are small asbestos fibers that can be released and inhaled by humans, causing lung diseases.

3. Clay Tiles

Next, the type of roofing that can be your reference for housing is clay tiles. This type of roofing is one of the most commonly used. Now, there are many variations of clay tiles that give a modern impression. Moreover, if you are looking for affordable roofing, clay tiles are very suitable.

Although considered cheap, clay tiles have the advantage of lasting for years. The disadvantage of clay tiles is that their color easily fades and if not properly installed, they are prone to leaks.

4. Ceramic Tiles

Ceramic tiles are reliable roofing for a leak-resistant home. Actually, ceramic tiles are similar to clay tiles, as they are made from clay. However, ceramic tiles undergo further processes and are coated with glaze, giving them a shiny appearance.

The shiny appearance of ceramic tiles makes them look more luxurious and is one of their advantages. This type of ceramic tiles also has a lightweight. However, the price of these tiles is quite expensive and the installation process must be done with a minimum slope of 30 degrees to function optimally.

5. Asphalt Roofing

Furthermore, the type of roofing that can beautify your residence is asphalt roofing. This roofing is made of fiberglass and asphalt coated with minerals. Generally, you will come across two models of roofing, namely the basic model and the wavy model. The advantage of this type of roofing is that it can make the house cool because asphalt roofing can absorb sunlight.

In addition, asphalt roofing is also very practical in installation, lightweight, wind resistant, and fire resistant. That is what makes this type of roofing very expensive.

6. Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is a type of roofing made of metal material that has previously formed the structure of roofing in general. Metal roofing is much thicker than asphalt roofing, but it has a lighter weight and simplifies the structure of the house, making it suitable for minimalist house design.

In addition, metal roofing is durable and has less chance of leaking. However, the material easily absorbs heat and is quite noisy when exposed to raindrops.

7. Metal Sand Roof Tile

Unlike metal roof tiles, this metal sand roof tile is made of inc alume which is coated on the bottom with back coat zinc allimunium coating, primary epoxy, and many more. The advantages of this type of roof tile are that it can reduce the heat of the sun and dampen the sound of rain.

Those are some types of roof tiles that you can use as references for your home. Hope it's useful.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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