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7 Weaknesses and Advantages of Xiaomi, Understand Before Buying

7 Weaknesses and Advantages of Xiaomi, Understand Before Buying Xiaomi Weaknesses (credit: - Xiaomi has become a popular smartphone brand in the country. Besides offering various interesting features, Xiaomi is an affordable smartphone with decent specifications. However, there are several weaknesses of Xiaomi that need to be considered before switching to using it.

Among the various Chinese smartphone brands, Xiaomi is one of the most popular. According to a survey on internet penetration conducted by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), it was revealed that around 17.7 percent of Indonesians use Xiaomi to browse the internet.

This number shows that this smartphone brand is superior compared to other Chinese brands. However, like any other smartphone brand, this smart technology also has its weaknesses. There are various weaknesses of Xiaomi that smartphone users need to know before switching to using this advanced phone.

However, each smartphone has its own weaknesses and strengths. You can find out the weaknesses and strengths of Xiaomi through the review below. The following weaknesses and strengths of Xiaomi have been summarized by from various sources.

1. Many Distributors

The first weakness of Xiaomi is due to the many distributors which may cause customers to reconsider using it. It is known that several Xiaomi smartphone brands in Indonesia do not have official warranty. Usually, the absence of official warranty from Xiaomi Indonesia occurs because some of these smartphones enter through illegal or unofficial channels.

Quoting from, the absence of official Xiaomi warranty means that you will only get distributor warranty. So, when your smartphone has a problem, you cannot get it repaired through official warranty. Therefore, to prevent such impact, make sure before buying that your smartphone truly has an official and reliable warranty.

2. Relative Price Drop

Another weakness of Xiaomi is the relatively low selling price. Although price changes are often found in other smartphone brands, Xiaomi smartphones often experience a relatively low selling price. This is the weakness of Xiaomi, because the buying price is not balanced with the selling price and can even drop drastically.

One of the reasons for the drop in selling price is because Xiaomi often releases new models, which ultimately affect the prices of the previous models. According to, the drop in selling price for used smartphones with official warranty is usually around 30 percent. Moreover, with distributor warranty, it certainly triggers a very drastic drop in selling price.

3. Overheating

Xiaomi also has a weakness in terms of overheating. Any technological device, including Xiaomi smartphones, generates heat. This condition can be caused by battery usage, RAM, or processor that triggers the smartphone to overheat.

This weakness of Xiaomi is often experienced by users who complain that their smartphones quickly overheat. However, it is known that Xiaomi continues to try to overcome this deficiency, as reported by

4. Hardware and Software Issues

Another weakness of Xiaomi is in its hardware and software. This issue is often associated with smartphones that quickly heat up. According to, problems with hardware and software, for example, can be found in the Xiaomi Redmi 2 model, which experiences rapid heating issues. The same goes for the Xiaomi Mi A1, which uses stock Android. This condition causes this smart phone to experience bugs when updated with Android Oreo.

5. Build Quality Issues

Build quality is also known to be one of Xiaomi's weaknesses. In this regard, Xiaomi's weakness is related to its low build quality. Build quality itself is one of the important factors to consider when using a smartphone. However, it is known that Xiaomi continues to innovate and improve in relation to its build quality, which is its shortcoming.

6. Not Equipped with Headset

Some types of smartphones are known to not be equipped with a headset or earphone, including Xiaomi. This is the disadvantage of Xiaomi regarding the absence of a headset or earphone when buying a new product. For some users, this may be a drawback. However, you can buy a separate headset or earphone product through official stores.

7. Beware of Low-Quality ROM

Another weakness of Xiaomi is the low-quality Read Only Memory or ROM. This drawback tends to be risky if you buy Xiaomi smartphones through distributors. Where the ROM tends to be low-quality or fake, which triggers problems in the future. This condition occurs because there is quite a lot of public interest in using Xiaomi smartphones, but limited availability of Xiaomi smartphones in Indonesia. As a result, distributors use fake ROMs. So make sure that you buy Xiaomi smartphones through official and trusted stores, KLovers.

8. Advantages of Xiaomi Smartphones

After knowing some of Xiaomi's weaknesses, it is also important to understand the advantages of Xiaomi that make this smartphone so popular and in demand. The advantages of Xiaomi smartphones are as follows:

1. Relatively cheap price: The first advantage of Xiaomi is its affordable price. Xiaomi offers various types or products at a reasonable price that caters to various segments. Xiaomi tends to target the middle to lower market segments. Despite its relatively cheap price, its quality is considered worthy by users.

2. Attractive design: In every new Xiaomi smartphone product released, it is designed to be very attractive and elegant. This is why many people are interested in using this smartphone because the design is quite elegant and luxurious considering its affordable price.

3. Innovative company: Xiaomi's advantage also lies in its recognized innovative company. It is a relatively new company but can compete with popular predecessor brands, which has made Xiaomi increasingly famous. It is even said that Xiaomi products such as smartphones have high quality value.

4. MIUI: Xiaomi's advantage also lies in MIUI, which gives this Android a visually appealing interface. This is what makes Xiaomi able to attract users with the MIUI interface.

Those are the 7 weaknesses and advantages of Xiaomi that smartphone users need to understand. You can consider or decide to use it according to your needs.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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