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8 Most Beautiful Rose Varieties, Inspiring Ornamental Plants

8 Most Beautiful Rose Varieties, Inspiring Ornamental Plants (credit: pixabay) - Roses are one of the symbols of love that are widely admired. Various types of roses certainly mesmerize the eyes with their beauty. Not to mention the beautiful combination of rose colors that make many people fall in love with this flower. It's no wonder that many people choose to decorate their gardens by planting roses. Not without reason, the presence of rose plants can certainly beautify the house, making it more pleasant to look at and giving a more lively impression.

The beauty of this flower is unquestionable. You can also choose beautiful rose colors such as red, blue, yellow, and white according to your taste. In addition, roses also have a refreshing and mood-lifting fragrance.

So, are you interested in decorating your home with beautiful and fragrant roses? Before choosing to plant roses, it's good for you to know the types of roses to add to your reference about ornamental plants that you can cultivate at home. Don't worry, because this article will discuss the types of roses to inspire you to plant them. Curious? Read the complete review below.

1. Cabbage Rose

The first type of rose is the cabbage rose. The physical characteristic of this rose is that it has a layered and stacked appearance, resembling cabbage. The plant with the scientific name Rosa Centifolia usually blooms in spring or summer. This plant has a strong and distinctive aroma. Therefore, if you decide to cultivate cabbage roses, make sure to always take care of them diligently.



2. Alba Rose

The Alba Rose is one of the most popular types of roses. This rose is often known as the white rose. Alba belongs to the garden rose type and is the oldest type of rose. Alba only blooms once a year. That is why Alba or the white rose is closely associated with the symbol of true love. Because of its beauty, this flower is often used as a decorative flower in homes. Are you interested in cultivating the Alba Rose?



3. Sunsprite Rose

The Sunsprite Rose is a type of rose that is yellow in color. So, if you really like the color yellow, this rose is suitable as a decoration for your home. In addition, the advantage of the Sunsprite rose is its resistance to pests and diseases. In fact, this type of rose grows very well at a height of 40-75 cm. Not only does it have a beautiful physical form, but the aroma emitted from the Sunsprite rose is very strong and calming.



4. Bourbon Rose

The Bourbon Rose has beautiful flowers that bloom in various colors, such as pink, white, and red, and has a strong fragrance. Bourbon Roses usually have very few thorns or even none at all. This type of rose can be trained to grow vertically and can bloom repeatedly.



5. Blue Rose

Furthermore, another equally beautiful type of rose is the blue rose. This rose is considered the rarest type of rose. Blue roses are created through genetic engineering of rose plants by scientists. This engineering produces the blue color pigment. Although it is blue, this type of rose tends to lean towards light purple.



6. Mega White Rose

The white mega rose has a distinctive characteristic of a curly crown on its edges. This flower can bloom up to 9-12 cm and has 104-130 petals in its crown. Although the crown of the flower is relatively large, the scent it emits is not too strong. Mega White Rose is mostly cultivated as a cut flower because its freshness can last up to 9 days after being picked.



7. Princess Rose

Princess Rose is a type of rose that is very easy to find in Indonesia. This cut rose with a distinctive dark red color is classified as a double flower because it has male (stamen) and female (pistil) reproductive organs.

The aroma of this flower is more fragrant than other roses and is highly sought after. Interestingly, the freshness of this flower can last up to 9 days after being picked. It is no wonder that you can find this flower a lot in flower shops. This flower is also known to be easy to care for, making it suitable for planting at home.



8. Tea Rose

The next beautiful type of rose is the tea rose. It is known that this type of rose is a result of crossing various types of roses. The advantage of this rose is that it can bloom multiple times in one season. Not only that, as the name suggests, tea rose can be used to make nutritious tea for centuries. One of its many benefits include helping to treat chest pain, stomach pain, digestive problems, and menstrual bleeding.

Those are some types of roses that are suitable for planting. Which type of rose is your favorite?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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