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7 Easy Ways to Get Free Telkomsel Credit and Other Providers

7 Easy Ways to Get Free Telkomsel Credit and Other Providers How to get free credit (Credit: Pixabay) - Credit can be considered as one of the most needed things by people nowadays. In fact, credit is often used as a valuable gift that you can get for free. So, how can you get free Telkomsel credit?

Getting free Telkomsel credit and other providers can be done in several ways. Some of them may be unfamiliar to you.

However, there are also ways to get free Telkomsel credit that you may have heard before. These ways have been around for a long time, such as exchanging points or promotions from the operator. So, what are the other ways? Just read the following information.


1. How to Get Free Telkomsel Credit Through

The first way to get free Telkomsel credit is through a website. You just need to access it and fill in the available fields. To know the details, please read the following explanation.

- Access the website

- Customer ID: enter the data according to the name or number that you can easily remember.

- Password: create your password.

- Repeat Password: re-enter the password.

- Phone Number: enter your mobile number.

- Double-check the data you entered, if it's correct, click REGISTER

- Make sure to remember the code, click OK.

- Excite Point will send a confirmation code to your mobile number.

- Enter the code in the confirmation field, and click OK.

- When registering, you will receive 3000 points.

- Now, you can exchange those points for free credit.


2. How to Get Free Telkomsel Credit by Exchanging Points

Points are bonuses from telecommunications providers (including Telkomsel) to users. Now, after collecting these points, you can exchange them for free Telkomsel credit using the following methods.

Exchange Telkomsel Points via UMB Code

- Open the call menu on your phone.

- Dial the UMB code *700#.

- After that, you will see a display that contains various offers.

- Choose the appropriate offer and exchange Telkomsel POINTS.

Exchange Telkomsel Points via MyTelkomsel App

- Login to the MyTelkomsel App.

- Select Exchange in the Telkomsel POINTS menu.

- Next, various offers that you can exchange will appear on the screen.


3. Free Credit Promo from Operator

The next way to get free Telkomsel credit is to pay attention to incoming messages from the operator. Sometimes there are offers of free credit or other promos that you can take advantage of.

Perhaps, until now you haven't paid attention to it because you're overwhelmed by the stack of spam messages. In fact, this method will be quite useful and help you save a little. Remember, this promo has its own rules for each provider card you use.


4. How to Get Free Telkomsel Credit by Participating in Giveaways

Getting free Telkomsel credit through giveaways is a fairly easy trick. Many people do giveaways with credit prizes because it is considered simpler to distribute to winners. Beforehand, you need to find information about giveaways on social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and so on.

Make sure you participate in giveaways held by credible accounts to avoid unwanted things, such as scams that can lead to extortion. After that, you can follow the terms and conditions they ask for.

Usually, you are asked to follow certain accounts, write comments, and mention several people. If you have done that, you just have to rely on luck to get free credit.


5. How to Get Free Telkomsel Credit from E-Commerce

The credit voucher provided by E-Commerce can be used as a way to get free Telkomsel credit, KLovers! The voucher can be one of the helpers when your wallet is thin by doing tasks from the E-Commerce application.

Before getting the voucher, usually you need to play games to collect points until they are enough to be exchanged for free credit vouchers.


6. How to Get Free Telkomsel Credit from Applications

There are various applications that can be used as a medium for you to get free credit. Free credit is usually offered by the application as a reward for tasks that you have completed. Usually, the tasks are quizzes, filling out surveys, reading news, watching videos, and so on.

Some popular applications as a way to get free Telkomsel credit include Cashpop, Money Locker, Cashtree, Mcent, and Coin Monster. You can install these applications, follow the requirements and instructions, and then complete the given tasks to get free credit as a reward.


7. How to Get Free Telkomsel Credit from Poin Web

In addition to the methods explained above, there is still a way to get free Telkomsel credit that you need to know, namely Poin Web. To understand the steps, please follow the instructions below.

- Access the Poin Web site using a mobile phone or computer. You can directly click on the provided link.

- Then, you need to register, you can also use your Facebook account.

- Fill in the identity form correctly, such as name, date of birth, address, contact, and so on.

- Then, you will be asked to verify by clicking on the link sent by Poin Web.

- After that, do what Poin Web asks you to do in order to get free credit.

- If you have completed all the tasks requested by Poin Web, the credit will be automatically added to the registered phone number.

Well, KLovers, those are some ways to get free Telkomsel credit that you can choose.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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