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Meaning of Crush in Slang Language About Love, Popular Among Young People

Meaning of Crush in Slang Language About Love, Popular Among Young People Meaning of crush (credit: - Have you ever heard the term crush? Yes, the word crush is a popular slang language that is trending on social media. The meaning of crush is actually related to love or romance. This slang term shows the condition when you are falling in love with someone.

There are many trendy slang terms on social media. One of them is the word crush in slang language, which has a different meaning from the actual meaning. The meaning of crush in slang language is taken from English, which means broken, destroyed, or crushing.

However, in slang language, the meaning of crush is slightly different. This is because the meaning of crush has become part of slang language. Slang language itself is also known as cool English. As for the meaning of crush in slang language, it means having a crush on someone or someone you like.

No wonder there are other slang terms to refer to someone you have a crush on, such as My Crush. Well, for those who don't know the meaning of crush, here is an explanation that you need to know. The following is a complete explanation of the meaning of crush in slang language about love, compiled by from various sources.


1. Meaning of Crush in Slang Language

As mentioned in the previous review, every current slang language has its own meaning. One of them is the meaning of crush in slang language, which apparently has a different meaning from the actual word. The meaning of crush in slang language is related to romantic relationships.

Meanwhile, the slang term crush is taken from English. The meaning of crush is a slang language that has a similar meaning to a crush. Yes, the meaning of crush is used to refer to someone you have a crush on. In other words, when you are falling in love with someone, the term crush is used in current slang language that is popular among young people.

The meaning of crush used for the term crush is indeed a trend in social media or conversations nowadays. The term crush is usually followed by My, Mas, or Mbak. So, it's not just using the word crush, but it can be added with My Crush, Mas Crush, or Mbak Crush. That is the meaning of crush in current slang language among young people nowadays.


2. Example of the use of the word Crush

After knowing the meaning of crush in current slang language. There are examples of the use of the word crush that you also need to know. The use of the word crush as slang language is actually not too complicated. Moreover, the word crush can also be used without being bound by any specific time or rules. Where when you have someone who is being admired or loved, you can use the slang word crush to refer to them in conversation.

Generally, the use of the word crush is often heard in conversations among young people or trends on social media. Well, the word crush can be used in English or Indonesian without any rules. For example, an example of the use of the slang word crush is, Lee Min Ho is my Korean actor crush (Lee Min Ho is my Korean actor crush).

Not only in English, you can also use the word crush in Indonesian like This week me and Mas Crush want to watch a movie at the cinema. Yes, basically the word crush in slang language can be used quite flexibly for daily conversations. However, the meaning of crush shows that you are having someone who is admired, loved, admired, idolized like a crush.


3. Contemporary Slang in Love

Not only the term crush is used for those of you who are currently infatuated with someone. There are also several contemporary slang terms to describe love issues. After knowing the meaning of crush, which is the same as having a crush, you also need to know some popular slang terms used in love issues. Here are some contemporary slang terms about love besides the word crush.

1. Bucin: Meaning in slang language is Slave of Love.

2. BAE: Meaning in slang language is Before Anyone Else.

3. PHP: Meaning in slang language is False Hope Giver.

4. Galau: Meaning in slang language is the condition of being sad, heartbroken, or broken-hearted.

5. ILY: Meaning in slang language is I Love You.

6. XOXO: Meaning in slang language is Hugs and Kisses.

7. TTM: Meaning in slang language is Friends But Intimate.

8. MU: Meaning in slang language is Miss You.

9. Wakuncar: Meaning in slang language is Time Visiting a Girlfriend/Boyfriend.

10. LUV: Meaning in slang language is Love.

11. Halu: The meaning in slang language is Hallucination.

12.PETRUS: The meaning in slang language is Keep Going.

13.TC: The meaning in slang language is Take Care.

14.Caper: The meaning in slang language is Seeking Attention.

15.Ghosting: The meaning in slang language is Disappearing without notice.

16.BF/GF: The meaning in slang language is Girlfriend or Boyfriend.

17.BB: The meaning in slang language is Baby or darling.

18. Babe: The meaning in slang language is the same as Baby, which is darling.

So that's the meaning of crush in slang language about love that is popular among young people. Besides the meaning of crush, some contemporary slang language meanings above can also be a reference for you to understand the meaning of contemporary slang terms nowadays.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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