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Easy to Practice, 6 Ways to Whiten Yellowed White Clothes

Easy to Practice, 6 Ways to Whiten Yellowed White Clothes Illustration (credit: flickr) - White is one of the favorite colors for many people, including for clothes. Many people like to wear white clothes because it is a basic color that is easy to match with other colors. In addition, white is often worn for school uniforms, and even work uniforms for some professions. Unfortunately, white clothes easily turn yellow. But there is no need to worry, because there are several ways to whiten clothes again.

Yellowed white clothes will certainly affect your appearance. It's understandable if some people don't feel confident wearing them. Often, people don't want to bother and just throw away yellowed clothes. However, with several methods, the white color on clothes can be restored to its original state.

Here are several ways to whiten yellowed clothes, summarized from various sources.



1. Drying under the Sun

One of the easiest ways to restore the whiteness of clothes is by drying them under the sun. As reported by, the ultraviolet rays from the sun are believed to counteract the chemical effects on clothes, causing the color to fade. The advantage of whitening clothes with the sun is that it does not produce a smell like when using chemical bleach.

So, to address and prevent white clothes from turning yellow, after washing, avoid using a dryer. Instead, dry the clothes by exposing them to the sun's rays.

2. White Vinegar

Another way to whiten yellowing clothes is by using white vinegar. Vinegar is believed to effectively whiten clothes and remove stubborn stains. Moreover, vinegar is also believed to be effective in eliminating odors.

To whiten yellowing clothes, you can mix 1/4 cup lemon juice with 1/2 cup of white vinegar. Then, you can use the mixture as you would use bleach normally. Meanwhile, to eliminate odors from clothes, you can directly add 1 cup of white vinegar to the water used for the final rinse.

3. Baking Soda

In addition to white vinegar, baking soda is also effective in restoring yellowed white clothes. Until now, besides being a cooking ingredient, baking soda is often used to clean household furniture. Baking soda has a content that is not much different from the soda commonly found in detergents. This is what makes this ingredient suitable for washing clothes.

Baking soda not only functions to brighten yellowed white clothes, but it is also believed to be a natural deodorizer. In addition, baking soda also has antiseptic properties, which means it can kill bacteria to the maximum. Therefore, baking soda is one of the most recommended ways to whiten yellowed clothes.

4. Lemon Juice or Lime Juice

One of the natural ingredients that can be used to whiten clothes is citrus fruits. Various types of citrus fruits can be used, ranging from lemons to limes. The method of whitening clothes with citrus fruits is also very easy. First, you simply prepare lemon juice or lime juice. Then, mix the juice with approximately 5-10 liters of water.

After that, you just need to soak the clothes that will be whitened in the water. You can soak them for a few hours or overnight. The contents of lime or lemon juice are believed to restore the white color of the clothes.

After soaking, you can wash the clothes as usual. For maximum results, during the last rinse, you can use a mixture of lime or lemon juice again.

5. Use Blue Dye

One unique way to restore white color to clothes is by using blue dye. According to, blue dye that meets yellowish color will result in white color.

However, you need to be careful in using this method. If not done correctly, it can actually damage the clothes. Especially when pouring dye liquid, make sure not to pour too much. You only need to add 1/4 teaspoon to 1/8 teaspoon of dye liquid to one bucket of water.

6. Borax

Borax is a chemical substance that is often used to preserve food. It turns out that borax can also be used to restore white color to clothes. The method of whitening clothes with borax is also very easy, simply mix a little borax with detergent and water. After that, rub or scrub the clothes with the water, then rinse until clean.

Borax contains hydroxide and borate acid. These two contents are believed to be effective in restoring white color and removing stains on clothes.

Those are some of the ways to whiten yellowed clothes. You can try them at home!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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