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How to Add a New Google Account on Android - iPhone Easily and Practically

How to Add a New Google Account on Android - iPhone Easily and Practically Illustration (credit: Pexels) - Every mobile device nowadays is definitely connected to a Google account. So it's important for us to know how to create a Google account. In fact, you can also have more than one Google account. You can find out how to add a Google account for both Android and iPhone users. There are many benefits of having a Google account, with a Google account or Gmail, users can enjoy various services and features.

For example, features such as connecting to Google Playstore, social media accounts, Google Drive, Gmaps, and so on. Not only that, having a Google account on your phone can also help you track your phone when it's lost. That's why various smartphones now require a Google account to enjoy advanced services and features. Even many people who have multiple Google accounts on their mobile phones, both for applications and for business and school matters.

Well, for those of you who want to know how to add a new Google account on both Android phones and iPhones, here are several steps or ways to add a new Google account that you can understand. Let's check it out KLovers.

1. Benefits of Google Accounts

Before you learn how to add a new Google account on your phone. In fact, you need to know the benefits that you can get by having a Google account. There are many benefits that you can get by having a Google account, even a well-managed account can make it easier for you in various ways. Here are some benefits that you can get by having a Google account:

1. The first benefit is the ability to filter spam. Google tries to filter out spam, viruses, and phishing attempts, but filtering is not 100 percent effective. So it is safer for you to have an application and so on.

2. The second benefit is getting offline access. What does that mean? You will get offline access to Google on your computer even when not connected to the internet. The method is quite easy, you just need to install the Google offline chrome extension on your web browser.

3. And the last benefit of having a Google account is the ability to merge with Google Hangouts. On the Gmail desktop, Hangouts contacts will be displayed on the left side of the screen, so you can see who are the email contacts using Hangouts.

2. How to Add a Google Account on Android Phones

The first way to add a new Google account is by using an Android phone. You can do this anytime, as long as you have a phone. And here are several steps and ways to add a Google account on your Android phone:

1. First, you can find the settings menu on your phone.

2. Next, you can find the account menu.

3. Choose add account. Then, find the Google icon.

4. After that, there will be options to sign in and create a new account.

5. Next, you can choose create a new account.

6. Fill in your first name and last name, then click next.

7. Then fill in your date of birth and gender correctly, and click next.

8. Choose a name as your username and click next.

9. If there is a message saying "That username is taken. Try another", it means someone else has already used the username you chose. So you can overcome it by adding numbers.

10. Next is choosing a password. Minimum 8 characters, can use lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and unique characters. Don't forget. Match the input in the top and bottom columns.

11. The next step is not mandatory. If you want to fill it in, then click next. If not, you can click skip.

12. After that, the Privacy and Terms box will appear and click I Agree.

13. Then there will be a confirmation of the username and password.

14. Then there will be payment options. You can skip it by selecting No Thanks, then click Next. The application will process.

15. After that, you will receive a notification stating that you have a new Google account.

3. How to Add a Google Account on iPhone

And the last way to add a new Google account is by creating it on an iPhone. This method is almost similar to when you create it on an Android phone. Here are some steps to add a new Google account on iPhone:

1. First, open your Google app on your iPhone, then click Google. Or you can also access it through the search web

2. Next, a new page will appear, click More Option.

3. Then click Create Account, fill in your first name and last name, then press Next.

4. Enter your date of birth and gender, then click Next.

5.Enter the password you created.

6.If a message saying 'That username is taken. Try another' appears, it means that email address is already being used. Try adding a number or one of your name initials.

7.Next, enter your phone number in the Add Phone number menu.

8.After that, it will appear on the Terms page, click Agree.

9. Done, your new Google account is ready. Once done, you can enter the email address and password you created earlier, then click Next.

10.To sync your Gmail with an iPhone, go to Settings and click on the Passwords & Accounts menu with the key symbol.

11.Then click Add Account, and select Google.

12.Enter your email address and password, then click Next.

13.Wait until there is a verification in your Gmail inbox or inbox. And your Google account can be used immediately.

Those are some ways to add a Google account that you can do, whether using an Android phone or an iPhone. In addition to how to add a Google account, you can also find out the benefits of having a Google account. Good luck trying, KLovers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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