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Know the Causes, Here are 7 Natural Ways to Overcome Bitter Mouth

Know the Causes, Here are 7 Natural Ways to Overcome Bitter Mouth Ways to overcome a bitter mouth (credit: freepik) - The problem of a bitter mouth often causes discomfort. If the bitter taste occurs when you are sick, of course, this is normal. But it's different if the bitter taste in the mouth comes continuously, such as when waking up and you will feel a bitter mouth every day, of course, this is very disturbing. Although there are various causes of a bitter taste in the mouth, basically the cause of a bitter taste in the mouth is due to increased stomach acid or the side effects of medication.

In addition, this condition can also occur due to poor dental and oral hygiene. A bitter mouth indeed gives an uncomfortable effect and can decrease appetite. Another cause of a bitter mouth can also be caused by dry mouth, dental problems, pregnancy, fungal infections, stress, and nerve damage. However, you don't need to worry because there are several effective ways you can do to overcome the bitter taste in your mouth. What are they? Let's directly read the complete review below.




1. Consuming Lemon

Eating lemons or other fruits like oranges can help eliminate the bitter sensation in your mouth. Besides being easy, for most people, this method is considered effective if the unpleasant taste in your mouth is caused by taking certain medications or being pregnant. This happens because the sharp acidic taste of lemons can help stimulate your taste buds.

2. Rinsing with Baking Soda

Another way to overcome a bitter mouth is by brushing your teeth using a mixture of baking soda and salt. The method is to dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Then, rinse your mouth with the solution and rinse with clean water afterwards.

3. Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is also an effective way to get rid of the bitter taste in your mouth. The sweet taste in gum can eliminate the bitter taste in your mouth. However, it is advisable to chew sugar-free gum to avoid damaging your dental health.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

In addition to being easy to do, drinking plenty of water will help you overcome the bitter taste in your mouth. This is because water can increase saliva production. Not only that, it turns out that water can thin mucus in the nose. Water can also help the process of eliminating toxins from the body and reduce stomach acid levels. So, do not be lazy to drink plenty of water because you will get various good benefits.

5. Brush Your Teeth

You can overcome a bitter mouth by brushing your teeth directly. Brushing your teeth twice a day can protect your mouth from the bitter taste. For those of you who suffer from stomach acid, this method can also help neutralize the acid so that the bitter taste on the tongue can disappear. In addition, you can choose toothpaste with mint content.

6. Brushing Tongue

In addition to brushing your teeth, you can overcome a bitter mouth by brushing your tongue. The method is very easy, you just need to brush your tongue with a tongue brush or the back of a toothbrush with bristles. This method also helps clean the tongue which is white and the cause of bacterial nests that cause bad breath.

7. Maintain Oral Hygiene

The factors that cause a bitter mouth can be caused by poor oral and dental hygiene. Therefore, it is important for you to maintain oral and dental hygiene, namely by brushing your teeth twice a day regularly. In addition, clean the gaps between your teeth so that there is no leftover food stuck.

Those are a series of natural ways to overcome bitterness in the mouth. In addition to the above methods, you can limit the consumption of fatty, oily, acidic, and spicy foods that can trigger acid reflux. Hope this is helpful.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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