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Not Only Treats Typhoid, Here Are 6 Benefits of Earthworms to Overcome Diseases

Not Only Treats Typhoid, Here Are 6 Benefits of Earthworms to Overcome Diseases Illustration (credit: pixabay) - For some people, worms are considered disgusting animals. Moreover, the slimy and slippery texture of the worms' bodies makes anyone feel uncomfortable to touch them. However, behind all that, it turns out that earthworms have many incredible benefits for human life. Not only do they play an important role in fertilizing the soil, but they also have amazing benefits for health.

However, you don't need to worry about consuming earthworms for your health. You don't need to eat them directly. Because earthworms can be consumed in the form of extract, either in the form of worm water or in the form of pills. It is certainly more hygienic when it enters the body.

Perhaps it is no longer a secret that worms are used to treat typhoid fever. In fact, earthworms are not only beneficial as typhoid medicine. However, there are other benefits that are good for treating diseases. What are they? Let's directly see the complete review below.


1. Overcoming Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a beneficial fat for the body. However, if the level is too high in the body, it will accumulate in the blood vessels and can cause heart attacks and even strokes.

To prevent these diseases, early treatment is necessary to keep the body healthy and fit. One way to overcome bad cholesterol is by consuming earthworm extract, which contains enzymes that can expel cholesterol.

2. Treating Typhoid

Typhoid disease is often suffered by many people due to their habit of eating indiscriminately. Typhoid fever itself is a disease caused by the bacterial infection salmonella typhi. This disease is generally spread through contaminated food or drink with feces or urine of the patient.

Now, for those of you who suffer from typhoid, you are usually advised to consume earthworm extract. This is because earthworms contain antibacterial properties that can suppress the growth of the bacteria that cause typhoid itself.

3. Overcoming Diarrhea

Someone who experiences diarrhea will certainly feel uncomfortable because it causes frequent bowel movements. If not immediately addressed, diarrhea will cause the person to lose a lot of fluids and become weak.

Therefore, you can overcome diarrhea by using earthworm extract that has proven its benefits. Earthworms can fight diarrhea-causing bacteria such as E. Coli bacteria and quickly overcome diarrhea.

4. Anti-Tumor

Tumor disease is one of the diseases that everyone fears because of its harmful nature to the body. To anticipate this disease, you can consume earthworm extract that has anti-tumor properties.

In addition, earthworms also have fibrinolytic enzymes (EFE) that are believed to be able to fight hepatoma cells in the body. These cells can turn into cancer that can endanger someone's life. Therefore, it is important to regularly consume earthworms to keep the body healthy.

5. Boosting the Immune System

Your immune system can weaken at any time. Weakened immune system can be caused by various factors such as unhealthy lifestyle, lack of rest, stress, and so on. However, a weak immune system can become an easy target for viruses and bacteria that cause diseases to enter the body.

Now, one way to boost the immune system is by consuming earthworm extract. This is because the high amino acids in earthworms and their bacterial content can enhance the immune system. Therefore, you can anticipate attacks from viruses and bacteria that enter the body.

6. Treating Constipation

Constipation is a condition of digestive system problem when feces become harder than usual. Constipation can pose a risk of injuries around the anus and trigger the occurrence of hemorrhoids. However, you don't need to worry because this can be overcome by consuming earthworms. This is because earthworms contain nutrients that can improve your digestive system.

Those are the various benefits of earthworms in treating several diseases. If you intend to make your own earthworm extract, make sure to obtain uncontaminated earthworms. Hope this is helpful.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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