Kapanlagi.com - In Islam, every activity is always started and ended with a prayer. This also applies when we visit the sick. Yes, giving encouragement and hope to the sick through prayer is a source of reward for us. Like the meaning of Syafakillah, which is one of the prayers for those who are experiencing illness.
In Islam, there are many prayers so that every activity is blessed by Allah SWT. Surely you have often heard of Syafakillah, but do you know the meaning of Syafakillah? As Muslims, it is important to know the meaning of Syafakillah so that we can give the response.
In addition, you will also learn how to visit the sick according to the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, as well as the virtues that we can obtain when visiting and praying for the sick. Therefore, here is the meaning of Syafakillah along with the response and etiquette when visiting the sick. Let's check it out.
1. Meaning of Syafakillah

Meaning of Syafakillah (credit: Pexels)
As explained earlier, the meaning of Syafakillah is a prayer for the sick. Actually, it is not only Syafakillah, there are 4 other terms that are the same and aim to pray for those who are sick. Syafakillah itself is used as a prayer when the sick person is a woman. And here is a prayer specifically for visiting a sick sister:
"Syafakillah syifaan ajilan, syifaan la yughadiru ba'dahu saqaman"
Meaning: May Allah heal you soon, with a healing that leaves no illness afterwards.
In addition to giving this prayer, those who receive it must also give a response so that the prayer can be answered. And the response you can give when someone gives the Syafakillah prayer is:
Meaning: grant it (O Allah).
In addition to "Aamin", you can also express gratitude or respond with other answers. And here are the responses you can give:
"Jazaakumullah Khairan"
Meaning: may Allah reward you with goodness.
2. Differences between Syafakillah, Syafakallah, Syafahallah, Syafahullah

Differences between Syafakillah, Syafakallah, Syafahallah, Syafahullah (credit: Pexels)
Actually, there are 4 terms that you can know besides Syafakillah. And these 4 terms are used according to the position when you want to give that expression. There are differences in expressions, whether for men or women. And here are the differences in terms that you can understand:
1. Syafakallah: may Allah heal you (for men).
2. Syafakillah: may Allah heal you (for women).
3. Syafahullah: may Allah heal him/her (for a third person, you can recite the same prayer by replacing the beginning part of the prayer with Syafahallah for men).
4. Syafahallah: may Allah heal him/her (for a third person, you can recite the same prayer by replacing the beginning part of the prayer with Syafahallah for women).
3. Other Prayers When Visiting the Sick

Prayer for visiting the sick (credit: Pexels)
In addition to the above prayer, you can also give other prayers for those who are experiencing illness. Of course, the meaning of these prayers is the same as the meaning of Syafakillah. And here are some prayers that you can give when someone is experiencing illness:
1. "As alulloohal 'adziima robbal 'arsyil 'adziimi ayyu'aafiika wa yusyfiyaka"
Meaning: I ask Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the Great Throne, to grant you well-being and to heal you (the sick person).
2. "Allahumma robban naasi adzhibil ba'sa asyfi antasy syaafii laa syifaa-a illaa syifaa-an laa yughoodiru saqoman"
Meaning: O Allah, the Lord of all mankind, remove his/her illness, heal him/her. Only You can heal him/her, there is no healing except the healing that comes from You, a healing that will not relapse.
3. "As alulloohal 'adziima robbal 'arsyil 'adziimi an tisfitika"
Meaning: I ask Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the Great Throne, to heal you.
4. "Laa yaksa thohuurun in syaa Allah"
Meaning: It's okay, may your illness erase your sins. Insha Allah
4. Etiquette for Visiting the Sick

Adan visited the sick (credit: Pexels)
After understanding the meaning of Syafakillah, you can also learn the etiquette for visiting the sick. Yes, the Prophet Muhammad taught us the etiquette when visiting the sick. And here are some etiquette for visiting the sick that are recommended by the Prophet Muhammad:
1. Greet with salam when meeting fellow Muslims.
2. If he invites you, fulfill his invitation.
3. If he asks for advice, give him advice.
4. If he sneezes and says, "Alhamdulillah", then say a prayer for him with "Yarhamukallah".
5. If he is sick, visit him.
6. If he passes away, accompany his funeral.
7. Ask about his condition.
8. Do not linger in his presence, while saying, "Get well soon with the permission of Allah."
9. Show sympathy and pray for his speedy recovery.
10. Lower your gaze towards his private parts or the condition of his residence.
11. Do not talk excessively or joke around.
12. Pay attention to the visiting time.
13. Perform ablution.
5. The Virtue of Visiting the Sick

The virtue of visiting the sick (credit: Pexels)
Not only knowing the meaning of Syafakillah and the etiquette of visiting the sick, but you will also receive a virtue when visiting the sick. And here are the virtues that you can get:
1. Obtaining good prayers from the angels
In a hadith narration, it is explained that: "Whoever visits the sick, then (the Angels) from the heavens call, "blessed are you and truly good is your step and you occupy a house in heaven," (HR.Ibnu Maja)
2. A person who is visiting the sick is like being in a fruit garden in heaven.
Imam Muslim has narrated in his Sahih, that Tsauban, the slave of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "A person who visits the sick is in a fruit garden in heaven until he returns".
3. There is in the mercy of Allah SWT
This is in accordance with what was said by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, that: "Whoever visits the sick, then he will enter into the mercy of Allah, so that if he sits, he will be in that mercy."
4. Obtaining many rewards from Allah
There is a hadith qudsi that explains that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Indeed, Alla azza wa jalla said on the Day of Judgment: "O son of Adam, I was sick but you did not visit Me."
He said: "O Lord, how can I visit You, while You are the Lord of the universe?"
Allah said: "Do you not know that My servant is sick, but you did not visit him, do you not know that if you visit him, you will find Me by his side?'"
5. Getting a place in heaven
And the last virtue is explained in another hadith narrated by Tirmidhi from Abu Hurairah radliyallahu 'anhu that: "Whoever visits the sick or visits his brother for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, then the angels will call out: 'You are a good person, your steps are good steps, and you have obtained a position in heaven.'"
That is the meaning of Syafakillah that you can know and understand. Not only knowing the meaning of Syafakillah, but you can also know the answer to Syafakillah and the etiquette and virtues when visiting the sick as recommended by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
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