Kapanlagi.com - The meaning of impulsivity is often associated with actions that have negative impacts. This is because impulsive behavior is an uncontrolled action without considering the consequences in the future.
The meaning of impulsivity actually describes a person's behavior that comes from their emotional response to something. The meaning of impulsivity is a human urge to act beyond reasonable limits.
As a result, impulsive behavior can have a negative impact on a person's mental health and even their life. Acting impulsively is not always beneficial. Because a person will be driven to act according to their own desires, without considering the consequences in the future. Pleasure may be obtained temporarily, where there are unforeseen consequences.
To learn more about the meaning of impulsivity, let's take a look at the discussion below. Here are the meanings of impulsivity that have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Meaning of Impulsive in KBBI

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In the world of psychology, there are several terms to explain human behavior and actions. One of them is the term impulsive, which is a behavior that can be found in some people. So what is the real meaning of impulsive?
Referring to the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of impulsive is to act quickly and suddenly according to one's heart's desire. In other words, the meaning of impulsive is a spontaneous action that someone does with strong and high desires. The meaning of impulsive can also be interpreted as behavior that is done without thinking about the consequences that will arise in the future.
Unconsciously, impulsive behavior may have been experienced by some people. However, impulsive behavior tends to be more easily found in children who have labile emotions, are aggressive, uncontrollable, or unpredictable in their actions. Although quite a lot of impulsive actions are also found in adults.
Impulsive behavior is still considered normal if it can be controlled and occurs only occasionally. It is different if impulsive behavior becomes more uncontrollable and continues to occur until it has an impact on someone's psychological condition and life. That is why several negative impacts may even arise due to uncontrolled impulsive behavior.
2. Meaning of Impulsive According to Experts

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If you already know the meaning of impulsive according to KBBI, there are also a number of experts who define the meaning of impulsive. The explanation of impulsive meaning can be seen below.
1. The meaning of impulsive according to Campbell and Werry (1986) explains that impulsive behavior tends to be destructive and uncontrollable due to actions taken without thinking about the consequences first. Past events can be one of the influences in the form of emotional responses. A person will realize their actions but still cannot control them, leading to repeated incidents.
2. The meaning of impulsive according to Rook (1987) is a buying behavior that occurs when there is a sudden, strong urge and desire to buy something immediately.
That is the explanation of the meaning of impulsive according to experts that you need to know. This makes it easier for you to understand the meaning of impulsive from several experts' opinions.
3. Characteristics of Impulsive Behavior

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Not only do you need to know the meaning of impulsive, but there are also several characteristics that indicate someone has impulsive behavior. The explanation of the characteristics of impulsive behavior can be seen below, as reported from various sources.
- Tends to do something excessively, whether it's shopping, eating, or other things just to indulge themselves.
- When angry, they damage things, whether it's their own or someone else's.
- Acts forcefully even when not asked or waiting.
- Talks spontaneously without thinking about whether it's good or bad.
- Tends to hurt themselves when emotions are uncontrollable, whether angry or sad.
- Expresses emotions by shouting when stressed.
- Tends to exaggerate problems and make them seem more important than they actually are. As a result, a minor problem becomes more urgent and needs to be solved immediately.
- Does not want to accept criticism.
- Acts suddenly, such as quitting a job or changing a plan.
4. Causes of Impulsive Behavior

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In addition, there are several causes of impulsive behavior that occur in someone. The causes of impulsive behavior are known to be one of the factors considered to have a great influence on why someone acts impulsively.
1. Medical Causes of Impulsivity:
- Experiencing bipolar disorder.
- Experiencing ADHD disorder which is a mental disorder that causes someone to act impulsively and hyperactive.
- Parkinson's disease.
- Experiencing mental health disorders such as kleptomania or Borderline personality disorder.
2. Causes of Impulsivity in Children:
- Experiencing stress and frustration, for example due to lack of rest, causing children to act impulsively.
- Problems in children's growth and development that could be a driving force for impulsive behavior because they cannot express their feelings.
- Hyperactive children.
- The influence of the surrounding environment.
- Genetic history, especially in families who may have had problems with mental health.
5. How to Control Impulsive Behavior

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If you already know the meaning of impulsivity and some of its characteristics, then there are ways to control impulsive behavior. Controlling impulsive behavior can be a reference to controlling impulsive actions.
- Giving simple tasks to children to reduce impulsive actions, such as rushing to do something, making it difficult to focus. So, with this simple task, it can be a way to help them complete a task more optimally.
- Providing examples of correct and appropriate behavior.
- Advising children that impulsive behavior is not right or wrong.
- Provide support for children in everything.
- Undergoing psychotherapy to control impulsive behavior. One of them is cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).
- Getting medical help from a doctor with certain medications, especially if the cause of impulsivity is due to bipolar disorder and ADHD.
That is a review of the meaning of impulsivity that you need to know. So, it makes it easier for you to distinguish impulsive behavior from others.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.