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The Meaning of Yaumul Hisab is the Day of Reckoning, Also Know the Explanation of Yaumul Bats and Yaumul Jaza

The Meaning of Yaumul Hisab is the Day of Reckoning, Also Know the Explanation of Yaumul Bats and Yaumul Jaza Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - As Muslims, you must be familiar with the term Yaumul Hisab. Yes, this term is used to describe one of the journeys that humans must go through after their life and face the end of days. So, what is the meaning of Yaumul Hisab actually?

The meaning of Yaumul Hisab is the day of reckoning. There will be a counting of the good deeds of humans during their lifetime in the presence of Allah SWT. Of course, humans must be accountable for all their actions in the world and then receive appropriate rewards.

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But actually, it's not just the meaning of Yaumul Hisab that you need to know. There are still other processes, such as Yaumul Bats and Yaumul Jaza, which are part of the human journey on the last day. Therefore, it is important for you to listen to the explanation that contains information about the end of days below.




1. Meaning of Yaumul Hisab

The meaning of Yaumul Hisab is the day of reckoning after the last day. If we look at the term, "hisab" itself means counting. This term is commonly used in discussions about the last day.

Usually, there are people who are too afraid when discussing this matter, especially those who have never done righteous deeds. This is because, after the last day or the Day of Judgment arrives, there will be a weighing of human deeds during their lifetime.

This is a form of human accountability for all their actions to Allah SWT. You can see this explanation in the words of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Ghashiyah as follows.

Meaning: "Indeed, to Us they will return. Then indeed, upon Us is their account." QS. Al-Ghashiyah 25 and 26.

This calculation of good deeds will determine the eligibility of a person to receive the pleasure of Allah SWT to enter paradise or otherwise.



2. Meaning of Yaumul Bats and Yaumul Jaza

In addition to the meaning of Yaumul Hisab, you also need to know the meaning of Yaumul Bats and Yaumul Jaza. All three are related to the weighing of human deeds during their lifetime.

The meaning of Yaumul Bats is the day when all humans are resurrected from their graves. Meanwhile, Yaumul Jaza is the day of retribution that humans will receive from Allah SWT. The retribution will be adjusted according to the deeds during their lifetime.

The journey of humans after experiencing death is indeed very long. Knowledge about this should be a motivation for humans to always obey the commands of Allah SWT. By doing so, you will become a person who is far from the fire of Hell when the day of judgment arrives.

3. Description of Yaumul Hisab

After knowing the meaning of Yaumul Hisab, maybe you are also curious about the description of the event. This is mentioned in the Quran, one of which is in Surah Al-Anbiya as follows.

"wa nada'ul-mawazinal-qis?a li yaumil-qiyamati fa la tuzlamu nafsun syai'a, wa ing kaana misqaala habbatim min khardalian atainaa bihaa, wa kafaa binaa haasibiin." (Al-Anbiya verse 47).

Meaning: "And We will set up the scales of justice on the Day of Resurrection, so no soul will be treated unjustly at all. And if there is [even] the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it forth. And sufficient are We as accountant."

Yaumul Hisab will be conducted by Allah SWT directly. Allah acts with utmost justice and humans cannot lie because the angels have complete records. In addition, it is not the mouth of humans that will speak, but other body parts that will testify.

This is explained in Surah Yasin verse 65 as follows:

"Al-yauma nakhtimu aalaa afwaahihim wa tukallimunaa aidiihim wa tasy-hadu arjuluhum bimaa kaanu yaksibun."

Meaning: "Today, We will seal over their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn." Surah Yasin verse 65.

Regarding the duration, it will be adjusted to the deeds of each person. If a person lives their life obeying Allah SWT, the process will go smoothly. On the other hand.

In addition, the process of receiving charitable notes varies for each person. Some receive from the right, left, or back. You can find out this information from the word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Insyuqaq verses 7-12 below:

Meaning: "As for the person who is given his book from his right, then he will be examined with an easy examination, and he will return to his people (who are also believers) with joy. As for the person who is given his book from behind, then he will cry out 'Woe to me!' And he will enter a blazing fire."

KLovers, that is an explanation of the meaning of Yaumul Hisab, Yaumul Bats, and Yaumul Jaza. There is also a description of the Yaumul Hisab process that has been explained in the Quran. Knowledge like this should serve as a reminder for you to strive to live your life as best as possible according to His command.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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