Kapanlagi.com - Antonym is one of the materials in Indonesian language learning. Perhaps, the meaning of antonym is not unfamiliar to you because it is commonly taught since elementary school.
However, in linguistics, the discussion about antonyms is quite extensive. This is related to the opposite meaning relationship between one word and another. The meaning of antonym is not only limited to opposite words, but also phrases or sentences that are considered to be opposite to other expressions.
Now, for those of you who are curious about antonym discussion further, it doesn't hurt to read the following information. This contains explanations of the meaning of antonym, types, and examples, this information will be useful to broaden your knowledge.
1. Meaning of Antonym

Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
The meaning of antonym is opposite word. In the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBB), antonym is explained as a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. In addition, the meaning of antonym is a lexeme that pairs antonymically.
In linguistics, antonyms can be understood as the opposition of meaning in lexical pairs that can be graded. It can be said that antonym is a semantic relationship between two or more words that have contrasting, opposing, or contrasting meanings.
If traced etymologically, antonym comes from ancient Greek, namely "onoma" which means name and "anti" which means against. Thus, antonym can be interpreted as "another name for another object as well".
2. Meaning of Antonym According to Experts

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In addition to the general meaning of antonym that has been explained above, it seems that you also need to know other definitions according to experts. Here are some opinions that you can use to broaden your knowledge about linguistics, especially the material about antonym.
- Rahardi (2010: 33)
A specific linguistic form can be said to be antonymous if that form has a meaning that is different from other meanings. In linguistics, it is explained that antonym shows that linguistic forms have logical relations that are different or contradictory between each other.
- Vehaar in Chaer (2009: 89)
Antonym is an expression (can be a word, phrase, or sentence) that is considered the opposite of the meaning of another expression.
- Saeed (2000)
Traditional terminology explains that antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.
3. Types of Antonyms

Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
Not only the meaning of antonyms, but you also need to understand their types. This is because there are factors that may affect the meaning of each word. Well, here is an explanation of the types of antonyms that you can learn.
1. Twin antonyms are opposite words that involve a contradiction between two words. For example, life and death.
2. Gradual antonyms are opposite words that involve several levels. For example, "The house is simple". The opposite of simple can include meanings like not luxurious and very simple.
3. Compound antonyms are opposite words that involve a contradiction between many words. For example, "The uniform is not red". In that sentence, the antonym of the word "red" can include the shirt being white, the shirt being brown, and so on.
4. Relational antonyms are opposite words that have a related presence. For example, sibling, husband-wife, and so on.
5. Hierarchical antonyms are opposite words whose meanings are in a hierarchical position. For example, January, February, March, April, and so on.
4. Examples of Antonyms

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
After understanding the meaning of antonyms and their types in the discussion above, now you can see various examples. The following list of words may enhance your understanding of antonyms.
1. Asli x Palsu
2. Amatir x Ahli
3. Antonim x Sinonim
4. Baru x Lama
5. Banyak x Sedikit
6. Bahagia x Sedih
7. Belum x Sudah
8. Benar x Salah
9. Berat x Ringan
10. Berhasil x Gagal
11. Bersih x Kotor
12. Boros x Hemat
13. Cantik x Jelek
14. Cepat x Lambat
15. Curam x Landai
16. Dalam x Dangkal
17. Datang x Pergi
18. Depan x Belakang
19. Diam x Bergerak
20. Duka x Suka
21. Ekspor x Impor
22. Elastis x Kaku
23. Fakta x Fiksi
24. Gampang x Susah
25. Genap x Ganjil
26. Hemat x Boros
27. Life x Death
28.High x Low
29.Far x Near
30.Old x Young
31.Win x Lose
32.Forward x Backward
33.Right x Left
34. Forget x Remember
35.Strong x Weak
36.Even x Odd
37.Hot x Cold
38.Oldest x Youngest
39.Good x Bad
40.Sharp x Dull
41. Ask x Give
42.First x Last
43.Up x Down
44.Neutral x Biased
45.Authoritarian x Democracy
46.Crowded x Empty
47.Same x Different
48. Cause x Effect
49.Healthy x Sick
50.Fertile x Barren
Now, KLovers, that is an explanation about the meaning of antonyms along with their types and various examples that you can learn.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.