Kapanlagi.com - Before the existence of telephones, SMS, and the internet like today, letter writing was a common practice. But the advancement of communication technology has made letters increasingly abandoned. As one of the communication media, the meaning of letters can actually be very deep for the sender and the recipient.
Not only that, letters can also be an effective means of conveying messages. Because in a letter, we can pour out our thoughts and feelings without any limits on the number of words or characters. We can send multiple pages of letters if there is something to be conveyed. Unfortunately, the meaning of letters is now seen as outdated.
Currently, many people are abandoning letter writing. Even children nowadays may no longer know how to write and send letters. However, it is important to understand the meaning of letters and their types. Because at some point, we may need to write and send letters for a particular purpose.
Well, to understand the meaning of letters and their types, let's directly read the following review that has been summarized from various sources.
1. General Meaning of Letter

(credit: unsplash)
In the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of a letter is paper and so on that contains writing with a specific content and purpose. That is why, a letter becomes one of the ways or media to convey a message. Because, in a letter, someone can express various intentions or ideas addressed to someone.
In general, the meaning of a letter is often understood as one of the media for conveying a message. Correspondence can be done by involving at least two people, one as the sender and the other as the recipient. Through the letter sent, the sender will convey their intentions and purposes. For example, to convey news, make requests, rejections, and so on.
2. Function of Letter

(credit: unsplash)
As mentioned in the explanation of the meaning of the letter above, letter writing generally has its own purpose and objective. Furthermore, the purpose and objective in writing the letter are closely related to the general function of the letter. Here are some functions of the letter.
1. To Convey News or Announcements
Generally, someone writes a letter to convey news or inform others (such as family, relatives, friends, etc.) about something that has happened or will happen.
2. To Make Requests
Through a letter, someone can also make requests to others. For example, asking for help, inviting someone to come, and so on.
3. To Convey Ideas or Concepts
As mentioned earlier, in a letter written by someone, they can convey their ideas or concepts in written form. Therefore, the recipient of the letter can understand the sender's ideas, concepts, or intentions without meeting them directly.
4. To Warn or Reprimand
In certain situations, a letter can also be a medium for someone to give warnings or reprimands. This function of the letter is often used for business purposes.
5. To Serve as a Guide
Letters are not only sent by the sender to the recipient. In the working world, letters can also be written to serve as a guide in carrying out a job.
6. To Serve as Documentation and Evidence
Letters can also serve as documentation of an event or incident. Because in a letter, we can document an event in the form of a story. If needed, a letter documentation can also be used as evidence.
3. Meaning of Formal Letter

(credit: unsplash)
After knowing the meaning and function of a letter, what is equally important is to know its types. Yes, it turns out that there are several types of letters. Broadly speaking, types of letters are divided into two categories, namely personal letters and official or business letters.
A personal letter is one type of letter that is written and sent for personal purposes. Because it is written for personal purposes, there are actually no definite rules or regulations in writing a personal letter. Thus, the creation of a personal letter can be very flexible. For example, in terms of language usage, the writer is free to choose the language style according to the intended recipient of the letter.
Characteristics of a personal letter:
- Does not have a letterhead.
- Does not require a letter number.
- Uses casual or non-standard language (adjusted to the intended recipient of the letter).
- Uses greetings that are more personal, especially in the opening and closing parts.
- There is no specific format or, in other words, the writing depends on the reader's reference.
4. Meaning of Official Letters
In addition to personal letters, there are also official letters. It is also important to know the meaning of official letters, in order to distinguish them from personal letters. As the name suggests, official or business letters are written on behalf of an institution and are usually for institutional or work purposes. Therefore, there are a number of rules and requirements that must be met in their creation, including the use of formal or standard language.
The creation of official or business letters is adjusted to their function and purpose. In more detail, official letters are also divided into several types depending on their purpose. The characteristics of official letters are as follows.
- Using a letterhead that contains the name and identity of the institution or organization.
- Including the letter number, attachments, and subject.
- Using formal opening and closing greetings.
- Using formal or standard language.
- Including the official seal or stamp of the institution.
- Following the established standard format.
Those are the meanings of personal and official letters, along with the general functions of letters. Hopefully, it is useful and can broaden your knowledge.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.