Kapanlagi.com - Every country adopts an ideology system that serves as the foundation and guide in social life. One of them is Indonesia, which is known to adopt Pancasila ideology as the basis of the state's philosophy. So, do you know the true meaning of ideology?
Discussing the true meaning of ideology can be found in the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language. Where the meaning of ideology is about an idea, concept, aspirations, or beliefs that function as a guide and rules in social life.
Meanwhile, countries around the world also adopt their own ideology systems that are divided into several kinds of ideologies. That is why to better understand the meaning of ideology, you can see the explanation below.
Here, kapanlagi.com has summarized information from various sources about the meaning of ideology. Not only the meaning of ideology, but also the types and history of ideologies.
1. Meaning of Ideology in KBBI and According to Experts

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Understanding the meaning of ideology is certainly important. Because ideology becomes one of the guidelines and foundations in living in society. Where there is the meaning of ideology and its function as self-identity or determining the direction and purpose of life based on applicable norms. Then do you already know the actual meaning of ideology? To understand the actual meaning of ideology, you can find it in the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI).
Where the meaning of ideology according to the online version of KBBI is explained in three points. First, the meaning of ideology in KBBI is a collection of systemic concepts that are used as the basis of opinion (events) that provide direction and purpose for survival. Second, the meaning of ideology is the way of thinking of an individual or a group. Third, the meaning of ideology is a belief, theory, and goal that is a social and political program.
That is the meaning of ideology if referring to KBBI. Meanwhile, ideologically, ideology comes from the Greek language, namely the word idein which means ideas, and logos which means logia and science. Yes, if summarized, the meaning of ideology is ideas or thoughts that influence someone's way of thinking and acting. That is the meaning of ideology in KBBI that needs to be known. There is also the meaning of ideology according to experts that you need to understand. Here are the definitions of ideology according to experts.
- The meaning of ideology according to Thomas Hobbes is mentioned that ideology is the whole way used to protect the power of the government to survive and govern its people.
- The meaning of ideology according to Descartes, a philosopher from France, states that ideology is the essence of all human thoughts.
- The meaning of ideology according to Francis Bacon is also mentioned as a combination of fundamental thoughts of a concept.
- The meaning of ideology according to Karl Marx is a tool to achieve equality and collective welfare in a society.
Those are the meanings of ideology according to several experts. Where actually there are still a number of experts who also propose the meaning of ideology.
2. Meaning of Ideology and Its History

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However, everything that exists today and is applied in society certainly has a history. One of them is ideology, which also has a long history and is known and used in society. Yes, after knowing the meaning of ideology in KBBI and according to experts, also learn about the history of ideology. Here is the history of ideology as quoted from Gramedia.com.
The term ideology is known to have been first coined by Antoine Destutt de Tracy, a French philosopher. The term ideology began to emerge in the late 18th century. At that time, Antoine Destutt de Tracy and his colleagues designed a national education system based on their beliefs with the aim of transforming France into a rational and scientific society.
They brought teachings that also became a doctrine of the French Republic. However, this ideology sparked resistance from Napoleon. Napoleon associated the military defeat of France in 1812 with the influence of ideology. This caused the meaning of ideology to have both positive and negative connotations. Various controversies regarding the meaning of ideology are actually the result of disagreements about its meaning and understanding among several philosophers. Various thoughts about ideology eventually became more popular in the 19th century according to historians. That is the history of the meaning of ideology that needs to be known.
3. Meaning of Ideology and Its Types

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After knowing the meaning of ideology, there are several kinds of ideologies. These various ideologies also become systems adopted by several countries. The explanation of the meaning of ideology and its various types can be seen as follows.
- Socialism ideology is an ideology that means that all ownership is shared and does not recognize individual or personal ownership.
- Capitalism ideology is an ideology with an economic system based on private ownership to obtain large profits. So, the owners of capital will determine investments and make decisions.
- Fascism ideology is an ideology whose power is held by someone considered to have more power in governing a country. Thus, it is famous for its strict system to be obeyed.
- Nationalism ideology is an ideology with a system of national sovereignty. This ideology emphasizes loving the country and being willing to sacrifice for the country. This is done for the independence of the country by strengthening the love and nationalism towards the country.
- Communism ideology is an ideology whose goal is to form a communist society, which means there is no private ownership. So the socio-economic system is based on collective ownership of the means of production, there are no social classes, money, or state.
- Liberalism ideology is an ideology that emphasizes freedom.
- Feminism ideology is an ideology that focuses on gender equality, especially for women. Its goal is to fight for women's independence and rights.
Those are some explanations about the meaning of ideology that need to be known. So it makes it easier for you to understand the meaning of ideology in KBBI and according to experts.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.