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8 Signs of Brain Inflammation that are Often Overlooked, One of them is Stiffness in the Neck

8 Signs of Brain Inflammation that are Often Overlooked, One of them is Stiffness in the Neck Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - Brain inflammation is a serious matter that we need to address. Sometimes, there are still many people out there who ignore or are unaware that it is a symptom of brain inflammation.

This disease can be caused by several factors, ranging from bacterial or viral infections, medications, or the effects of other diseases. Symptoms of brain inflammation are often overlooked because they are similar to symptoms of mild illnesses.

Brain inflammation can affect a person's focus, vision, and psychological condition. Knowing the early signs and symptoms of brain inflammation can help you determine the appropriate treatment. According to various sources, here are some signs of brain inflammation that you need to know.

1. Often Feeling Tired

The first symptom of brain inflammation is often feeling excessive fatigue. Fatigue is a constant feeling of tiredness, weakness, slowness, or heaviness in performing activities.

Fatigue can also change your sleep patterns, which can then worsen stress. In this case, you can change your eating patterns with healthy food.

Consuming foods that contain vitamin B is very good for brain cells, such as red meat, fish, and nuts. You can also consume omega 3 fatty acids that are good for brain growth. Then reduce the consumption of sweet and caffeine-rich foods, as they can affect your sleep performance.

2. Decreased Appetite

If you often feel tired and have already slept, your appetite will also decrease. And if this happens frequently, you should stimulate your appetite by making warm and healthy vegetable soup.

You can also drink ginger water to increase your appetite. In addition, ginger water is also good for the body and warms the empty stomach.

3. Stiff Neck

A stiff neck can also be a sign of inflammation in the brain, KLovers. This one sign can be a symptom of encephalitis and meningitis.

Encephalitis and meningitis are diseases that can cause inflammation around the brain and spinal cord, usually caused by bacteria or viruses.

A stiff neck is caused by inflammation of the brain accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches or fever. A stiff neck also often occurs when one muscle becomes tense.

4. Frequent Stress

If you often feel stressed, be careful as it may be a symptom of brain inflammation. Sometimes stress also affects our sleep patterns, worsening symptoms of brain inflammation. In addition, chronic stress can cause diseases associated with brain inflammation.

Stress can disrupt synaptic regulation, resulting in loss of socialization skills and avoidance of interactions with people around them. The danger of stress is that it can kill brain cells and even reduce brain size.

Chronic stress also has a shrinking effect on the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning.

5. Headache

Headaches are usually experienced by many people, and usually they are just a minor illness that is ignored. But don't be mistaken, headaches can also be one of the symptoms of brain inflammation, KLovers.

Headaches are usually caused directly by excessive activity in the sensitive structures in the head. This includes blood vessels, muscles, and nerves in the head and neck. But to know more whether this is a symptom of brain inflammation or other types of headaches, it is advised to consult a doctor if this is felt too often.

6. Nausea and Vomiting

Another symptom of brain inflammation is nausea and vomiting. Usually, nausea is often accompanied by vomiting, which makes the stomach feel uncomfortable.

Although nausea is a symptom of several other diseases related to the stomach. But brain inflammation can also cause a person to feel nausea and vomiting caused by the brain itself.

In addition to nausea and vomiting, other symptoms can be accompanied by a stiff neck, feeling drowsy, and general fatigue.

7. Changes in Vision

Changes in vision are one of the diseases experienced by the eyes, such as blurred vision, foggy vision, double vision, seeing spots in vision, or loss of vision. And this can occur in one or both eyes.

Changes in vision can be associated with various diseases such as diabetes and eye problems. However, changes in vision can also be associated with brain disorders. Because the brain and eyes are interconnected. If there is a disturbance in the brain, it is possible that the eyes are also included in one of its symptoms.

8. Brain Fog

The last symptom is brain fog, which is the inability to have memory or lack of sharp focus. Stress is the main cause of brain fog. If someone experiences stress more often, it is possible that it will trigger high blood pressure, even leading to depression.

Just like when feeling tired and exhausted from daily activities, we will lose focus and find it difficult to absorb new information. Brain fog can make a person feel as if the process of thinking, understanding, and remembering is not functioning properly.

And this is one of the symptoms that occur in brain inflammation. This is because brain inflammation inhibits energy production in neurons, making it harder for our brain to understand and communicate with each other.

Those are the 8 symptoms that occur when we experience brain inflammation. Not all of the above symptoms can be interpreted as brain symptoms. To know for sure whether you are experiencing brain inflammation or not, you can consult with a specialist.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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