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Procedures for Witir Prayer along with its Intention and Ruling

Procedures for Witir Prayer along with its Intention and Ruling credit: Pixabay - Witr prayer is a voluntary prayer performed at night between Isha and Fajr prayer times. The procedure for performing Witr prayer is done with an odd number of raka'at.

Witr prayer can also be performed after Tarawih prayer and Tahajud prayer. Witr prayer is intended to complement the even-numbered prayers, hence it is performed at night as the conclusion of the night prayer.

READ ALSO: How to Perform Tarawih Prayer at Home with Complete Prayer Readings

As for the procedure for performing Witr prayer, it is as follows:







1. Ruling and Virtue of Witir Prayer

The procedure for witir prayer has a confirmed recommended ruling, which means that although it is recommended, it is very important to perform it, so it is highly recommended not to neglect it.

As for the provisions in witir prayer, based on the hadith of Kharijah bin Hudzafah Al-Adwi. He narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once came out to meet us. Then he said,

Indeed, Allah the Almighty has added to you one prayer, which is better for you than a red camel, that is the witir prayer. Its time starts from after Isha until dawn.

Then there is a hadith from Ali bin Abi Thalib (may Allah be pleased with him) narrating that,

The Prophet once performed witir prayer, then he said: O people of the Quran, perform the witir prayer, for Allah is odd (witr) and He loves what is odd.

This proves that, although it is recommended, it is good and also important to perform.





2. Intention for Witr Prayer

The requirements for the number of units in Witr prayer are that it can be performed with one, three, five units or any other odd number with one final salutation. And here are some intentions for Witr prayer that you can recite.

Intention for 1 unit prayer

If you want to perform Witr prayer with one unit, you can recite the following intention:

Ushallii sunnatal witri rok 'ataini (facing the qiblah) lillaahi ta'alaa.

I intend to perform one unit of Witr prayer (facing the qiblah) for the sake of Allah ta'alaa.

Intention for 3 units prayer with 1 salutation

And if you want to perform Witr prayer with three units and one salutation, you can recite the following intention:

Ushallii sunnatal witri tsalaasa roka'aatain (facing the qiblah) lillaahi ta'alaa.

I intend to perform three units of Witr prayer (facing the qiblah) for the sake of Allah ta'alaa.





3. Procedure for Witir Prayer

After making the intention, in performing the procedure for witir prayer, you can directly perform the prayer.

You can perform the witir prayer with 3 rak'ahs, with two rak'ahs followed by one rak'ah, with each rak'ah having one tashahhud and one salutation. It is also permissible to perform all 3 rak'ahs at once with one salutation. The procedure for witir prayer is as follows:

- Intention

- Takbiratul ihram

- Recite the Opening Supplication (Doa Iftitah)

- Recite Surah Al-Fatihah and short surahs from the Qur'an.

- Perform Rukuk and recite the supplication for rukuk.

- Then perform i'tidal and recite the supplication for i'tidal.

- Then prostrate and recite the prostration supplication three times.

- Sit between the two prostrations and recite the supplication.

- Prostrate again for the second time and recite the prostration supplication three times again.

- Then perform the final tashahhud and give the salutation to conclude the prayer.





4. Dzikir Sholat Witir

After performing the prayer, the next procedure for the witir prayer is to recite the dhikr three times with the following recitation:

Subhaanal malikil quddus.

Glory be to Allah, the Most Holy.

Subbuuhun qudduusur robbunaa wa robbul-malaa-'ikati warruuh.

Glory be to Allah, the Most Holy, our Lord, the Lord of the Angels and the Spirit.

Subhaanallaahi wal-hamdu lillaahi wa laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu Akbar.

Glory be to Allah, all praise is due to Allah, there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest.

Wa laa haula wa laa quwwata illaa billaahil-'aliyyil-'aziim.

There is no power or strength except with Allah, the Exalted, the Great.

That is the procedure for the witir prayer that you can practice, may it be beneficial. And may you have a blessed performance of the witir prayer.






Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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