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How to Perform Wudhu (Ablution) and the Prayer's Supplication, Practicing According to the Sunnah

How to Perform Wudhu (Ablution) and the Prayer's Supplication, Practicing According to the Sunnah Illustration (credit: pixabay) - Wudu is a requirement for Muslims before performing obligatory prayers and voluntary prayers. Because without performing wudu, the prayer will not be valid. That is why it is important for Muslims to know the correct way to perform wudu.

Wudu is a way for Muslims to purify themselves from minor impurities. Wudu is performed by washing certain parts of the body with water. Wudu is important because it is one of the essential pillars of prayer.

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The command to perform wudu before prayer is directly from Allah SWT. The command for wudu is mentioned in Surah Al-Maidah, verse 6, which means as follows:

"O you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles."

That's how important wudu is for Muslims, so every Muslim should master the proper way to perform wudu. Here are the things and steps of wudu that every Muslim should know, summarized from various sources.




1. The Pillars and Sunnah of Wudhu

Although wudhu is part of the pillars of the prayer, it also has its own pillars. This means that wudhu must be performed according to these pillars. Nothing should be missed. Because if something is missed, it can invalidate the wudhu. The pillars of wudhu are as follows.

- Intention,

- Washing the face,

- Washing the hands,

- Wiping part of the head,

- Washing the feet,

- Orderliness.

In addition to the pillars, wudhu also has recommended acts (sunnah) that can be performed to increase rewards. Here are some recommended acts of wudhu according to the guidance of the Prophet.

- Washing both palms.

- Brushing the teeth with a siwak (toothstick) and rinsing the mouth.

- Sniffing water into the nose.

- Wiping water over the entire head.

- Washing both earlobes.

- Starting with the right side of the body.

- Rubbing between the fingers, toes, and beard (if one has a long beard).

- Performing each step three times.

- Following the steps in sequence without any pause.

2. Wudhu Requirements

In addition to the pillars of wudhu, there are also requirements that must be fulfilled in order for wudhu to be perfect and valid. Here are some wudhu requirements.

- Being a Muslim.

- Being of sound mind and able to differentiate between good and bad.

- Being in a state of purity, not menstruating or postpartum.

- Not wearing facial makeup or any other substances that can affect the purity of water.

- No objects or substances that can prevent water from touching the skin.

- Knowing the difference between sunnah and obligatory acts.

- Using clean and pure water.

3. Wudhu Procedure

As mentioned earlier, ablution consists of various stages that must be done in sequence. Here is the series of ablution procedures.

1. Reading the Intention: Nawaitul wudhuu-a liraf'll hadatsil ashghari fardhal lilaahi ta'aalaa (Meaning: I intend to perform ablution to remove minor impurities as an obligation for Allah).

2. Reading Bismillah while washing both palms, the back of the hands, and between the fingers. Repeat this three times.

3. Gargling three times (until there are no food residues between the teeth).

4. Inserting water into the nose by inhaling water and then exhaling it. Repeat this three times.

5. Washing the face three times. Do this by evenly washing the entire face.

6. Washing both hands up to the elbows, alternately between the right and left hands. Repeat this three times.

7. Wiping the head with water three times.

8. Cleaning both ears, alternately between the right and left. each as much as 3 times.

9.The last way to perform ablution is by washing each foot alternately, starting with the right foot 3 times, then the left foot 3 times. Wash the entire foot including the ankles.

10.After finishing, recite the ablution prayer:

Asyhadu Alla Ila Haillallaah Wahdahu Laa Syariika Lahu Wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasuuluhu, Alloohummaj'alni Minattawwaabiina' Waj'alni Minal Mu Tathahhiriina Waj'alni Min Ibadi Kash Shaalihiina

Meaning: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger. O Allah, make me among those who repent, and make me among those who are pure and make me among the righteous people.

4. Things that Invalidate Wudhu

Learning the procedure of wudhu would not be complete without knowing the things that can invalidate wudhu. This is important because it can make our prayers invalid. Here are the things that can invalidate wudhu.

- Losing consciousness, sleeping, falling asleep, being intoxicated, fainting, or even going insane.

- Passing gas, urinating, or defecating (except for semen, which requires obligatory bathing).

- Physically touching a non-mahram of the opposite sex.

- Touching the genitals (vagina or anus) with the palm of the hand or fingers without a barrier.

That is the procedure of wudhu along with the common things related to wudhu that should be known by all Muslims. Hopefully, it is beneficial and can help perfect your wudhu.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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