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9 Advantages of iPhone Compared to Android, Interesting Features - Quality Camera

9 Advantages of iPhone Compared to Android, Interesting Features - Quality Camera Advantages of iPhone (credit: - There are various reasons why someone wants to use an iPhone compared to Android. One of them is the advantages of the iPhone which is considered to offer many interesting features that cannot be enjoyed on an Android smartphone. Unfortunately, iPhone products are often priced high, which makes some people think twice about using them.

iPhone is developed by Apple Inc from the United States, which is popular with its logo in the form of an incomplete or bitten apple. Various Apple products are indeed very popular in various parts of the world, starting from the iPhone, iPad, iPod, MacBook, and so on. Talking about the iPhone, this smartphone has its own uniqueness compared to Android.

Whether it's the logo, design, or features provided, the iPhone has an attraction that can captivate various groups. For example, if you look at the design, the iPhone tends to be more luxurious and elegant. The same goes for other advantages of the iPhone, both in terms of features and applications, they have their own advantages.

So what are the advantages of the iPhone?

The advantages of the iPhone compared to Android can be seen through the following reviews. Here are the advantages of the iPhone that you need to know if you want to switch to using Apple's products. Find out more about the advantages of the iPhone compiled by from various sources.

1. Luxurious Design

The first advantage of the iPhone compared to Android is its luxurious and elegant design. As you know, Apple Inc has released various types of iPhones with different specifications and continues to innovate and develop. However, what is so distinctive is the iPhone's popular design, which is very luxurious, elegant, and captivating.

Moreover, the Apple logo located on the back casing adds to the uniqueness of the iPhone. It is not surprising that its classy design has its own appeal for everyone. Based on this design, the iPhone has become quite popular in society. However, currently, many Android devices have started to innovate in terms of their developing design.

2. Easier to Use

The advantage of iPhone over Android is its easy and user-friendly usage. According to, iPhone is still the easiest phone to use. Moreover, iPhone uses the iOS interface, which tends to remain unchanged or consistent, making it easy for users to switch to different models without difficulty. This is one of the advantages of iPhone compared to Android, which often undergoes changes.

3. Complete Accessories

Another advantage of iPhone is its extensive range of accessories. Although some Android phones may have similar accessories, unfortunately, there are still some types of Android smartphones that do not come with additional accessories. In general, iPhone offers various accessories such as USB cables, earphones, and chargers produced with Apple's quality.

iPhone also has the Apple Store, which makes it easy for you to purchase various iPhone accessories. At the Apple Store, you can also get your smartphone serviced if any problems occur.

4. Quality Camera

The advantages of iPhone over Android are also found in additional features such as the camera. The iPhone camera is famous for its high quality, which is its own attraction. This advantage also becomes a factor why many people want to switch to using the iPhone because of its high-quality camera. For example, it is clearer, more detailed, and can capture images well. This is suitable for those of you who love photography. Although there are already quite a few Android devices that innovate with the best camera quality, the iPhone still wins the hearts of the people in terms of camera quality.

5. Maximum Security System

Another advantage of the iPhone is that the iPhone's security system is superior to Android. As it is known, one of the negative impacts of using technology is the risk of vulnerability to personal data security. However, interestingly, the iPhone is known to have a maximum security system, even considered very good. Although it is not impossible for security risks to occur, it is known that Apple will address these security issues by releasing updates to all iOS devices directly. According to, this will prevent security problems or viruses after being detected. However, in Android, this cannot be done unless you have a Pixel or Nexus device.

6. Better Performance

The advantage of the iPhone also lies in its better performance compared to Android. Even though the iPhone is used for a long time, it is known to experience fewer declines or disruptions than Android. This is because the iOS used for the iPhone apparently has better performance than Android.

7. Relatively Stable Selling Price

Although known for its high price, the advantage of the iPhone lies in its relatively stable selling price. For example, when you want to resell a used iPhone, it will only experience a low decrease in price, even not much different from the purchase price.

This is the advantage of the iPhone compared to Android, which often experiences a significant drop in selling price. According to, this happens because the iPhone is an exclusive smartphone in each production and is highly demanded by the public.

8. Best TouchID Feature

The advantage of the iPhone also lies in its best TouchID feature. This best TouchID feature can be found in almost all types of iPhones, starting from the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and so on. The TouchID feature is considered the best compared to Android. This makes the iPhone's security system more optimal, such as recognizing facial sensors, touch, or payments. You can use it for payments with Apple Pay.

9. More Updates

Another advantage of the iPhone is its more updated applications compared to Android. In this case, for example, there may be the best applications that are not yet available on Android but can already be enjoyed through the iPhone. The best applications that are available first for the iPhone can be enjoyed through the App Store.

This is what makes the iPhone a luxurious and exclusive smartphone compared to Android. According to, the applications provided in the App Store are the best and tend to be available earlier than Android.

So those are the 9 advantages of the iPhone compared to Android, from attractive features to quality cameras. So you can reconsider using the iPhone or switching to other types of phones.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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