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9 Special Virtues of Tahiyatul Masjid Prayer, Can Reflect Piety and Faith

9 Special Virtues of Tahiyatul Masjid Prayer, Can Reflect Piety and Faith Illustration (credit: - Performing the five daily prayers, also known as the obligatory prayers or fardhu, is a mandatory act of worship for Muslims. These prayers can be performed at home or preferably in the mosque because there is a greater reward. One of them is performing tahiyatul masjid prayer which has many special virtues.

Tahiyatul masjid prayer is a sunnah prayer performed after entering the mosque. This prayer is recommended to be performed as a form of respect for the house of worship of Allah SWT. Therefore, in a hadith, it has been explained about tahiyatul masjid prayer which can be performed when entering the mosque, consisting of two raka'ats before sitting.

This prayer is considered sunnah, meaning that there is a reward for performing it. However, if not performed, there is no sin incurred. But it is important to note that there are various special virtues of tahiyatul masjid prayer.

One of the virtues of tahiyatul masjid prayer is that it reflects the piety and faith of a servant towards Allah SWT. Not only that, there are still several virtues of tahiyatul masjid prayer that you need to understand as explained below. Here are the virtues of tahiyatul masjid prayer that have been summarized by from various sources.


1. Reflecting Piety and Devotion

The first virtue of tahiyatul masjid prayer is that it can reflect the piety and devotion of a servant. As is known, faith and piety should be possessed by Muslims towards Allah SWT.

In this case, one form of piety that can be shown is by carrying out the commands of Allah SWT and avoiding His prohibitions. For example, performing obligatory or sunnah prayers, which have many extraordinary virtues.

One of the sunnah prayers that reflect piety is tahiyatul masjid prayer. By performing this sunnah prayer, it can prove one's sincerity in carrying out the commands of Allah SWT and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW with the intention of getting closer to Him. Therefore, it is not wrong to perform tahiyatul masjid prayer before performing obligatory prayers in the house of worship of Allah SWT.


2. How to Honor the Mosque

The mosque is a place of worship for Muslims that is important to always be enlivened and honored. One way to do this is by choosing to perform obligatory prayers in the mosque, first by performing the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, namely the tahiyatul masjid prayer.

The tahiyatul masjid prayer is one way to honor the house of worship of Allah SWT. This is similar to showing respect to Allah SWT as the only God worshipped.

According to, Imam Nawawi rahimahullaah said,

"Some of them (scholars) express it as Tahiyyah Rabbil Masjid (honoring the Lord -God worshipped in- the mosque), because the purpose of the prayer is to seek closeness to Allah, not to the mosque, just as a person who enters the king's house respects the king, not the house." (Hasyiyah Ibnu Qasim: 2/252)


3. Practice to Perfect Obligatory Prayer

The virtue of tahiyatul masjid prayer is that it is a practice to perfect the obligatory prayer. Because it is possible that during the obligatory prayer, there may be imperfections that can reduce the perfection of its rewards.

Therefore, Muslims can cover up the imperfections of the rewards of the obligatory prayer by performing a number of voluntary acts of worship. One of them is by performing the tahiyatul masjid prayer. This is in accordance with the saying of Allah in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 184, which means,

"Whoever does righteousness, it is for his [own] soul; and whoever does evil [does so] against it. And your Lord is not ever unjust to [His] servants." (Quran 41:46)

Similarly, in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) explaining the practice to perfect the prayer as quoted from, it is stated,

"Indeed, the first thing that will be judged among a person's actions on the Day of Resurrection is the prayer. Allah, the Exalted, will say to His angels - though He is more knowing about them - 'Look at My servant's prayer. Is it complete or lacking?' If it is complete, it will be recorded as complete. But if it is lacking, Allah will say, 'See if My servant has voluntary prayers.' If he has voluntary prayers, Allah will say, 'Complete the obligatory prayers of My servant from his voluntary prayers.' Then the rest of his actions will be judged likewise." (Narrated by Abu Daud, Ibn Majah, Ahmad)


4. Sin Eraser

One of the special virtues of the tahiyatul masjid prayer is that it can be a sunnah act that erases sins. In this regard, when performing the tahiyatul masjid prayer, it can be said to be equivalent to increasing prayers or prostrations to Allah SWT. Therefore, by increasing prostrations, it can become one of the acts that erases sins.

"You should increase prostrations (increase prayers) to Allah. Because when you increase prostrations for Allah's sake, Allah will elevate your status and erase your sins." Then Ma'dan said, "I also met Abu Darda and asked the same question. Then Abu Darda's companion answered as Tsauban answered me." (HR. Muslim no. 488)


5. Becoming More Grateful Individuals

Being grateful for what you have in life is important for you to obtain a peaceful and tranquil life. It turns out that one of the virtues of the tahiyatul masjid prayer can help you become a more grateful individual. This has been explained in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad as follows, as reported by,

"During the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, he always performed voluntary prayers every night until his feet became swollen. In a hadith, it is narrated that when his wife Aisha saw him, she asked: Hasn't Allah SWT forgiven all your past and future sins? Then the Prophet answered and said, Shouldn't I be a servant who is grateful to Allah?" (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


6. Kept Away from Life Problems

The next virtue of the sunnah prayer tahiyatul masjid is being kept away from life problems. Because tahiyatul masjid prayer is a sunnah prayer that can help a servant feel calm and far from restlessness. This is in accordance with the hadith which states as follows as quoted from,

In a hadith Qudsi, Allah has commanded humans to perform sunnah prayers with the intention solely for Allah, starting from the beginning of the day with a minimum of four rak'ahs, then Allah will provide sufficiency for them. (Sunan Ad-Darimi; Musnad Ahmad)


7. Prayer Becomes the Most Important Practice

As mentioned earlier, prayer is the first practice that will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment. So, maintaining obligatory or even voluntary prayers can be done so that you will not be a loser. One of the virtues of Tahiyatul Masjid prayer is that it is a good practice that can be performed.

Tsauban said that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,

"Be steadfast and know that you cannot be completely steadfast. Know that your most important practice is prayer. No one maintains ablution except that he is a believer." (HR. Ibn Majah no. 277 and Ahmad 5: 276. Sheikh Al Albani said that this hadith is authentic)


8. Recommendation to be Done

The next virtue of tahiyatul masjid prayer is that it is part of following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Even in a hadith, it is mentioned that tahiyatul masjid prayer is recommended to be performed after entering the mosque. The wording of the hadith is as follows:

The Prophet Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Indeed, among the signs of the approaching of the Day of Judgment is someone passing through (entering) a mosque, but not performing two rak'ahs of prayer inside it." (HR. Ibn Khuzaimah in his Sahih)


9. Becoming a Believer

The next virtue of tahiyatul masjid prayer is becoming a believer. Because by performing prayer, one becomes a person who is increasingly loved by Allah SWT and is even mentioned to become a guardian of Allah SWT. Referring to, the explanation of this virtue is as follows:

"Remember, indeed the friends of Allah, there is no fear concerning them, nor do they grieve. (That is) those who believe and are always mindful of Allah." (QS. Yunus: 62-63)

So those are the 9 special virtues of tahiyatul masjid prayer. One of them is that it can reflect piety and faith.




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