Kapanlagi.com - Defecating or more commonly known as bowel movements is indeed a natural occurrence that happens to living creatures, including humans. Of course, the negative effects of holding in bowel movements can be dangerous for our body's health.
Defecating itself is a necessary activity for living creatures. Because waste and useless food in the body will be expelled through bowel movements.
Therefore, holding in bowel movements can have negative effects on our body's health. What are the negative effects of holding in bowel movements for our body's health? According to various sources, here are 5 negative effects of holding in bowel movements for our body's health. Let's check them out.
1. Constipation

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The first negative effect of holding in bowel movements is that it can cause constipation. This is because if we keep holding in the bowel movements, the waste will become hardened.
And when it becomes hardened, it will be difficult to pass the waste. And it can lead to hemorrhoids. So, don't hold in your bowel movements, KLovers, because it is not good to do so.
2. Colon Cancer

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The negative effect of holding in bowel movements is that it can lead to colon cancer. Yup! It turns out that if you often hold in your bowel movements, it can become a serious problem, like this colon cancer, KLovers.
This happens because feces that are held in the intestines for a long time will have prolonged contact with the surface cells of the colon. If there are toxic or carcinogenic substances in the feces, then the risk of colon cancer is quite high.
So, not only can it cause constipation and hemorrhoids, it turns out that holding in bowel movements can also cause us to get colon cancer. Therefore, it is advisable to eat fibrous foods if you have difficulty with bowel movements.
3. Bacterial Infection

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Another negative effect of holding in bowel movements is that it can lead to bacterial infection. Yup! Feces are bacteria that can be harmful if not immediately expelled. This is because it can cause bacterial infection in the body.
In this phase, bacterial infection is an occurrence where the accumulation of feces makes digestion unable to eliminate toxins. And this accumulation of feces also poses a risk of infecting the intestines, due to the accumulated toxins in the digestion. And because of this, we can experience inflammation in the body.
4. Impacted Stool

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It turns out that the bad effect of holding in bowel movements can also lead to impacted stool, KLovers. This occurs when the condition of the intestines is severe, where hard and dry stool gets stuck in the large intestine or rectum. And this immobile stool will hinder digestion and cause accumulation.
If it has reached this point, it must be promptly handled by a doctor. This is because impacted stool can cause severe damage, so it needs to be quickly addressed by medical professionals.
5. Risk of Death

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And the last bad effect of holding in bowel movements is the risk of death. Yup! It turns out that holding in bowel movements too often can lead to death, KLovers. This occurs because of the bacteria present in the waste that should be eliminated.
In a study, it was stated that the accumulation of stool in the intestines increases the number of bacteria and causes long-term inflammation in the inner layer of the large intestine. This can lead to the development of cancer, and if it reaches this point, it can cause death to the body.
Those are the 5 bad effects of holding in bowel movements that can endanger the body's health. It may seem trivial, but it can cause many dangerous diseases and even death. So, don't hold in your bowel movements, KLovers. You should also consume high-fiber foods to maintain smooth digestion.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.