Kapanlagi.com - Tonsillitis is a health disorder that can be experienced by anyone. Although it mostly occurs in children, many adults also experience tonsillitis. In mild cases, there are several natural ways to treat tonsillitis at home that are easy to practice.
Tonsillitis can be caused by several factors, including viral and bacterial infections. These conditions cause the tonsils in the throat to swell, resulting in pain. When someone has tonsillitis, they may experience pain when swallowing food or drink, fever, cough, headache, and so on.
The function of the tonsils in the body is known to be related to the immune system. This is because the tonsils, in their normal condition, can absorb and prevent infections in the body. Acting as antibodies, it is important to keep the tonsils in a healthy condition in order to be protected from various diseases.
In mild cases, tonsillitis can be treated without surgery. Because the way to treat tonsils can be done naturally by changing a healthy lifestyle, as well as utilizing natural ingredients that are very affordable.
So how to treat tonsils naturally?
The ways to treat tonsils naturally are summarized in several points below. No need for expensive costs, tonsil treatment can be overcome with a number of affordable ingredients. Here are 8 ways to treat tonsils naturally sourced from healthline.com and medicalnewstoday.com.
1. Gargle with Salt Water

How to Treat Tonsillitis (credit: freepik.com)
One way to treat tonsillitis naturally is by using a mixture of salt water for gargling. It is known that salt water can provide relief for the pain and itching in the throat caused by tonsillitis.
Making salt water for natural tonsillitis treatment is quite easy, just mix half a teaspoon of salt into warm water and use it for gargling. However, before spitting out the gargling solution, it is recommended to leave it for a few moments to obtain its benefits. Do this regularly without swallowing until the condition of tonsillitis improves.
2. Avoid Hard Foods

How to Treat Tonsillitis (credit: freepik.com)
The natural way to treat tonsils to return to normal is by avoiding consuming hard foods. Because when tonsils become inflamed, the throat will feel painful, especially when consuming hard foods such as chips.
In addition, consuming hard foods can also potentially injure the throat and worsen the condition of tonsillitis. Therefore, consuming soft foods such as porridge or soup becomes an alternative choice when experiencing tonsillitis.
3. Drink Lime Juice

How to Treat Tonsillitis (credit: freepik.com)
Another natural way to treat tonsillitis is by using lime juice as the right choice to overcome tonsillitis. Because lime juice contains a number of healthy nutrients for the body, including being able to treat tonsillitis.
In addition, it is known that lime juice has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that can treat tonsillitis. No need to worry, because simply mixing lime juice and honey in warm water solution can be done for natural treatment to relieve symptoms of tonsillitis.
4. Meet Water Intake

How to Treat Tonsillitis (credit: freepik.com)
Preventing dehydration is the easiest natural way to treat tonsillitis. To overcome the inflammation of the tonsils, the body's fluid needs should be maximally fulfilled. Especially warm water consumption, which can help relieve symptoms of tonsillitis. Warm tea with honey can also be tried to alleviate symptoms of tonsillitis, which is easy to do.
5. Consume Cold Foods

Another natural way to treat tonsillitis is by consuming cold foods. However, it is important to note that the cold foods should be soft and consumed in moderation. Some cold foods such as frozen yogurt or ice cream can be tried to alleviate symptoms of tonsillitis.
This is because cold foods can temporarily relieve symptoms of tonsillitis such as pain. It doesn't have to be cold, apparently candies that contain mint or menthol also offer a similar effect to provide a cool sensation in the throat.
6. Consumption of Figs

How to Treat Tonsils (credit: freepik.com)
Treating tonsillitis naturally can be done by taking advantage of the benefits of figs. As it is known, figs apparently have high antioxidant properties that can fight viral and bacterial infections. It also contains a mucus called mucilage that can reduce throat pain caused by tonsillitis. To obtain its benefits, consume mashed figs by mixing them with honey can be done to alleviate tonsillitis symptoms.
7. Get Enough Rest

How to Treat Tonsils (credit: freepik.com)
When the body is in an unhealthy condition, the easiest way to overcome the problem is by getting enough rest. This includes when tonsillitis occurs, it is advisable to get enough rest to restore the immune system. Taking a few days off until the body is fit again can be the right choice.
8. Maintain Air Moisture

How to Treat Tonsillitis (credit: freepik.com)
Treating tonsillitis naturally should also pay attention to the air moisture in the room. Dry air apparently can worsen the symptoms of tonsillitis. So, maintaining moist air by utilizing a humidifier can be the right choice to alleviate tonsillitis.
Well, those are 8 ways to treat tonsillitis naturally, easy to practice at home and very affordable. Further consultation and examination are needed if tonsillitis occurs for a long period of time and causes other health problems.
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